i really miss a "pause print" option and "change filament" during the print,also an option to turn off the led lights(during print), and manual feed material just before print in custom options (after press print)and cud feed material just a little before the print starts cud be amazing... :-P
dont really necesary but home head after bed leveling cud be good too.
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illuminarti 18
From my experience with the rod failing, in particular, I had a couple of thoughts about the streamlined user interface on the UM2 - it would be very helpful if the following maintenance features were available:
1) Abort print should pull the head up off the print, and maybe even home it in X and Y, or perhaps move it to front center for maintenance - and release the steppers.
2) I couldn't seem to find a 'release steppers' command, so after the abort, the head just sat on the print, and I couldn't easily move the head off it.
3) There needs to be finer control over bed height than just 'raise' and 'lower'.
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