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Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released


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Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
Hey everyone, thank you for your patience. I'm pleased to inform you that we have released a new firmware version for the Ultimaker S5. Firmware 5.6.8 will solve a number of issues you may have encountered recently. You can read more about it in this post.
You can download it directly from your machine if it is network connected, or fetch the .swu file that goes on a USB from here.
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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    Not yet, not in this version. This firmware mainly optimizes the processes within the machine.

    Edited by Szahari
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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    7 minutes ago, Szahari said:

    Not yet, not in this version. This firmware mainly optimizes the processes within the machine.

    Okey. At this moment the first print with the new firmware hast been started :D

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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    I have installed 5.6.8 and now the filament does not fully prime the print core.  Even when I ask for blob or skirt there is no actual extrusion until after a few lines have been missed on the lowest level.  Is there a fix for this?

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released


    I printed one job without any Problems.. 🙂

    (Now also with the correct time at the display while printing :D)


    Some things i dont understand:....


    The socond print job failed:


    First the material "crashed"  into the print core and leave an big filament "sausage" at the place the print core is parking while waiting.


    The extruder first extrudet the material ant after few centimeters the extrusion was less end less.. then the print failed with er65.


    After i pulled out th filametn i saw the filament was rubbed off in the extruder.

    I think this happend because of the crash bevore.


    The behaviour when you print an other print with the same print core is strange and (i think) not working great.
    (I used aa0,8) 

    And why are you cooling down the print core while probing the bed?!

    Heating up, cooling down, heating up...... why not just keep the temperature these 30 second?!



    Is there any update relating to the PVA unkompability?

    The s5 pro bundle is not able to use PVA with the old firmware. There are etrusion problems after a while every print i tried.

    By the way I use roriginal ultimaker materials.


    Something changed at this?




    Edited by Jonas98
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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    2 issues noted so far with new firmware:


    First: I’ve run a couple 1 hour prints since update.  Every other attempt at a print, the carriage runs across the X axis and back and “finishes” in “1 minute” without having done the print.  Does *not* ask me to confirm that I’ve cleared the print bed on the unprinted jobs. 


    Second: I started a 16.5 hour print an hour ago, while low on material in Slot A. Same material loaded in Slot C.  Instead of swapping to the next roll like it did in previous firmware, it has sucked up the remnant of the first roll and is making an intermittent click/grind From the material station. while continuing to print. (Guessing the extruder in the material station is trying to drive air while the extruder on the back of the S5 continues to feed.


    Now, an hour into the print, it has thrown “There appears to be an extension problem for extruder 1. Please go to Ultimaker.com/ER65.”








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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    21 hours ago, molliske said:

    I have installed 5.6.8 and now the filament does not fully prime the print core.  Even when I ask for blob or skirt there is no actual extrusion until after a few lines have been missed on the lowest level.  Is there a fix for this?

    Certainly not what I expect. I see that there's an ongoing support request for you, thank you for raising it that way! It really helps with tracing and troubleshooting all support requests.


    @Jonas98 Very pleased you got your first print successful.  Do you maybe have images or a short video of this crashing into printcore and this sausage that you refer to? If there was a a blockage, impeding flow than the printer correctly produced the ER65.


    And without divulging too much, I can certainly say we are aware and working towards more solutions for the PVA printing. This firmware doesn't change to much on the PVA printability in itself, but we felt it still had a lot of value to get out there.

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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    1 hour ago, Szahari said:

    Certainly not what I expect. I see that there's an ongoing support request for you, thank you for raising it that way! It really helps with tracing and troubleshooting all support requests.


    @Jonas98 Very pleased you got your first print successful.  Do you maybe have images or a short video of this crashing into printcore and this sausage that you refer to? If there was a a blockage, impeding flow than the printer correctly produced the ER65.


    And without divulging too much, I can certainly say we are aware and working towards more solutions for the PVA printing. This firmware doesn't change to much on the PVA printability in itself, but we felt it still had a lot of value to get out there.


    The material ist "crashing" into the core with the speed when the material is loading.

    I trie to to an video next time.


    yes there was a blockage. But as i have said i think the blockade was because of the "crash" because the gear slips in this moment.



    Because PVA was one of the main reasons to buy the S5 bundle. An yes.... Enought of that.

    If the problem is taken serious and the solution is in progress everthing is good :D


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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    @molliske, @Szahari - I had that not-properly-primed effect various times in the past on multiple Ultimaker models after a firmware upgrade. Meanwhile I found a good work-around. I unload all materials before firmware upgrade, then upgrade it from the printer menu or task list. After the upgrade I restart the printer with the main switch leaving it off for something like half a minute.


    Edited by Dim3nsioneer
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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    @Dim3nsioneer Many thanks for this advice. I will reinstall as you suggest. 
    @Szahari the issue seems to be settling down to some extent. Now when I do a complete material change, both bay and material type a complete purge cycle occurs. If I maintain the material type then the prime cycle does not completely fill the core until after printing has started. I have some prints running at the moment but will report back on Dim3nsioneer’s advice. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    46 minutes ago, molliske said:

    I will reinstall as you suggest.


    Reinstallation is probably not necessary. Simply re-loading the materials and a power cycle should be enough. Or even a print as you already found out.

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    22 hours ago, Szahari said:


    @Jonas98 Very pleased you got your first print successful.  Do you maybe have images or a short video of this crashing into printcore and this sausage that you refer to? If there was a a blockage, impeding flow than the printer correctly produced the ER65.



    The interesting thing is that the behaviour of the print not happen again .. 😄
    The next two prints succeeded 👍

    And I would say the priming time is a little bit less than before.


    But I have to say the last prints were printed with one Material and one Nozzle.


    Edited by Jonas98
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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    @Dim3nsioneer @Szahari Thank you for your advice.  Interestingly I noticed that subsequent print core fills where the same material is used  and purges on material changes seemed to gradually change - almost as if there was some kind of bedding in or "learning" going on.  In any case after about 8 prints the execution of the print preparation cycle has returned and now the volume of "lost" priming and de-priming material Id say has reduced.  Once more - thank you for your support. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released



    after I updated our Ultimaker S5 to the latest Firmware 5.6.8. I had several problems I never had before...


    After I started the first print the error message ER998 showed up, so I had to finish the print without using the touchscreen... it wasn't a bigger problem but as i removed the print this morning and restarted the printer i tried to start the next print. After the restart of the printer I confirmed that I removed the print and the touchscreen of the S5 looks as usual but Cura don't get this information... Unfortunatly Cura shows that the last print is aborted and i am not able to start a new print because there is no option to tell Cura that i removed the finished print...


    Thanks for any help


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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    hi @WeberUlti,

    Sorry to hear that, the ER998 is a problem with the display code (it should be gone after a reboot), and are with the introduction of 5.6.8 using a tool called sentry to find issues like this that may happen more rarely on our printers.

    I think the not being able to start a new print is a Ultimaker connect issue. please try a Ultimaker connect reset from the settings menu.

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    On 6/9/2020 at 8:41 AM, WeberUlti said:



    after I updated our Ultimaker S5 to the latest Firmware 5.6.8. I had several problems I never had before...


    After I started the first print the error message ER998 showed up, so I had to finish the print without using the touchscreen... it wasn't a bigger problem but as i removed the print this morning and restarted the printer i tried to start the next print. After the restart of the printer I confirmed that I removed the print and the touchscreen of the S5 looks as usual but Cura don't get this information... Unfortunatly Cura shows that the last print is aborted and i am not able to start a new print because there is no option to tell Cura that i removed the finished print...


    Thanks for any help



    Had the same Problem few weeks ago.

    Power fail while printung (my false), restart the printer.
    Cura connect say that "printer status unkown" or soemthing like this.
    Cant start a new print. In the end i had to reset Cura connect.....:/
    by the way.. The Cura Conncet Analyse is also not working. After the reset in printed about 1 spool.
    The metarial use is still 20g.....


    Edited by Jonas98
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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released



    With the new firmware 5.6.8 I have a lot of problems with the connection. I can't connect to the printer (show progress in CURA, Connect or Cloud). But if I connect with the Cloud, I get a number on the display of the printer. I can insert this number on the browser in the field (6 numbers) and it is accepted. But the page (and also the "Connect" and the CURA) tells me, the printer is not reachable.


    After a printer restart and a reset of the Connect, all will running.




    FYI: I use only LAN, no WLAN. It's an internal network with a good connectivity and also outgoing with 1Gb/s.



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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    Sorry to hear about these network problems. We have firmware coming up that may be able to tackle some of these networking issues. The upcoming firmware will mostly focus on updated cloud features, and with it some network improvements for connect.


    ETA this week.

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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    11 hours ago, Roli4711 said:



    With the new firmware 5.6.8 I have a lot of problems with the connection. I can't connect to the printer (show progress in CURA, Connect or Cloud). But if I connect with the Cloud, I get a number on the display of the printer. I can insert this number on the browser in the field (6 numbers) and it is accepted. But the page (and also the "Connect" and the CURA) tells me, the printer is not reachable.


    After a printer restart and a reset of the Connect, all will running.




    FYI: I use only LAN, no WLAN. It's an internal network with a good connectivity and also outgoing with 1Gb/s.




    Same here.

    Printer connected via LAN.


    Someimes the "/print_jobs" is not available.

    -> empty Page


    The "/default.html" is available

    The temperature Grap etc is also available


    The App is also displaying nothing

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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released

    Jonas & Roli,


    Could you please give me as detailed a possible on your printer and network setup?


    • Are you using a home, or company (more stringent) network access?
    • Are you using a S5, pro bundle, and are there more printers in the group?
    • Roli, is the printer not re-establishing connection itself? A cura connect reset is needed?

    The more information the better. You can also PM me if things are confidential



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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    Just now, Szahari said:
    • Are you using a home, or company (more stringent) network access?
    • Are you using a S5, pro bundle, and are there more printers in the group?
    • Roli, is the printer not re-establishing connection itself? A cura connect reset is needed?

    1: Company, 1 Gb/s internal (RJ45) and external (up/down, glass fiber).  Full speed, very good connections (tested)

    2: 1 S5 Pro Bundle (All buyed after the other: S5 in Sept 2019, Air Manager in Nov 2019 and MS in Mai 2020).

    3: After 2.5h a re-establishing was made automatically. Until then, no connections (through all possibilities).

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released


    On 6/16/2020 at 12:24 PM, Szahari said:

    Jonas & Roli,


    Could you please give me as detailed a possible on your printer and network setup?


    • Are you using a home, or company (more stringent) network access?
    • Are you using a S5, pro bundle, and are there more printers in the group?
    • Roli, is the printer not re-establishing connection itself? A cura connect reset is needed?

    The more information the better. You can also PM me if things are confidential



    -Home Network

    -Printer connected via Lan Cable

    -S5 pro bundle -> The only printer from Ultimaker

    -The Connection itself is Ok but as  the cura connect is not working reliable. One time OK, next Time not working. (often using the app to watch how far the print is)

    There is just an white screen in the app-> nothing else, also not error message or something


    On 6/15/2020 at 1:34 PM, Jonas98 said:


    Sometimes the "/print_jobs" is not available.

    -> empty Page


    The "/default.html" is available

    The temperature Grap etc is also available


    The App is also displaying nothing


    Sometimes this happen for about 30sek/1minute

    But after that time the stream is working again. so ist not a realy big deal.




    Edited by Jonas98
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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released
    On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2020 at 12:05 PM, robinmdh said:

    hi @WeberUlti,

    Sorry to hear that, the ER998 is a problem with the display code (it should be gone after a reboot), and are with the introduction of 5.6.8 using a tool called sentry to find issues like this that may happen more rarely on our printers.

    I think the not being able to start a new print is a Ultimaker connect issue. please try a Ultimaker connect reset from the settings menu.


    Thank you. After the reboot of the printer and the Ultimaker Connect reset everything worked porperly again 🙂


    I recognized that the firmware update brought a stabilized cennection of the printer and its camera. I appreciate that a lot 

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    Posted · Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle firmware: 5.6.8 released



    Also with the new Firmware 5.7 there are the same problems with the connectivity. After about 1-2 minutes, the printer was connected.



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