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Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing


I have now been printing for a while on my UM2 and I just cannot get it to print with the same quality as my "old" UM1.

I am getting dots in the prints and other artifacts as well. The surfaces are not as smooth when printed on the UM2 vs UM1. I have done some comparison prints using the same PLA-roll, same ambient temperature, slicing latest Cura etc.

Here are some examples:

Left: UM2 and right: UM1. Clear artifacts in the back. Much smoother on the UM1 print.

Treefrog, left: UM2 right: UM1


Dots clearly visible.

Dots in my heart :)


More dots.



Any ideas on how to get rid of the dots?


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    are all your prints sliced with the same Cura version?

    I noticed that the Cura 13.11 behaves different than the versions before concerning the z movement.

    The head moves outside the surface.

    Z scar


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    This is, what I just wrote while PeggyB's comment was not yet posted:

    This might be a silly question, but have you done the parts on your UM1 with the current Cura? Or were the prints from UM1 made with an older Cura version?

    I ask that question because I see some similar dots and artefacts right now on prints made with my UM1 and Cura 13.11.2. But my issues may have a different origin... just to rule Cura out as a cause...

    So, after all, the question seems not to be that silly... :smile:


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    I can confirm that this is a Cura problem as I get the same "STD bumps" on both UM1 and UM2. I wonder, in which version they started to appear because they were not there 1-2 months ago.

    Robert, do you have a profile I can try for KISSlicer?


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    I would, if I could... I just closed the program down to copy the ini-files and now my changes are gone!? Fuuuu... I'll get back to you...


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Crisis averted, I'm a moron. I had forgotten that I created a completely different install for the UM2 so I wouldn't accidentally screw my UM1 settings.

    Aaanyways, here's what I'm using at the moment, not tweaked all that much but it should get you started. Please note that you'll have to pre-heat your bed if you want to use it. I haven't bothered figuring out why the firmware doesn't wait for the bed to reach temp (it waits for the bed to cool down from a higher temp though strangely enough): http://theintarweb.net/ultimaker/KISSlicer%201.1.0.zip

    Consider the settings experimental.


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Thank you for the settings!! Is it too much to ask for your UM1 settings as well?


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Regarding bumps and Cura, I have now tested 13.11, 13.10 and 13.6.5 and I get bumps with all of them on my UM1. Hmmm


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Regarding the bumps. I had some bumps and got rid of them by changing speed. This is on UM1 (post #12):



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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    The bumps in your picture are not the same kind as what we're talking about here. It's clearest on the red print, you can see it only happens once per layer. In your picture it's all over the place.

    If you remember the pics I was posting in that long PM convo between the mods those looked the same way.


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Aaanyways, here's what I'm using at the moment, not tweaked all that much but it should get you started. Please note that you'll have to pre-heat your bed if you want to use it. I haven't bothered figuring out why the firmware doesn't wait for the bed to reach temp (it waits for the bed to cool down from a higher temp though strangely enough)


    Bug in the firmware, I made a mistake and this swapped the "wait for heating" to "wait for cooldown" on the bed M190 command. I've fixed it for the next version. I've been running into the same problem with my Doodle3D experiments.


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Ok, good to know it wasn't due to my own ignorance for once hehe. Looking forward to the updated firmware.


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    But that doesn't sound like it will change the anything about the bumps. Apparently they do not appear with Kisslicer so it must be a slicing issue. Anything that can be fixed in Cura to resolve this?


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    I'm not sure where the bumbs come from, and if it's a setting (large infill overlap value?)

    I'm not seeing them in my own prints here, but that does not mean they do not happen. Got an exact model and settings for me?


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Thanks! On this one they are quite dominant: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:198110%C2%A0

    Printed with latest cura on Mac with default settings, 0.2layer height, 0% infill, 50mm/s, 0.6mm top and bottom, 0.8mm wall thickness, 220 degrees, 115% flow (I need 115% on all or else I do not get layered fully filled). Tried Ultimaker red, white and transparent PLA.

    Also tested on UM1 and got the exact same result. Same settings as for UM2 but with 100% at 2.85 PLA width with Ultimaker White PLA.

    I think this has to do with the layer change.


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    Posted · UM1 vs UM2 printing

    Another example is this one: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:194505

    Same settings but here I get a clear line in the side where it does layer change.


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