I looked through the printer front panel menu and I did not see anything that allowed just a manual extruder flow.
On my 'other' printer (Prusa I3) when you change filaments it purges for a while and asks 'Is this the correct color?' and if you answer NO it will repeat as many times as needed. It also has a manual Extrude Filament option as well.
On the S5, it purges for a while after a filament change and runs for quite a while, asking for you to confirm, but it eventually stops and in my case, before all of the black had been purged out.
I have to do another black PETg print today, and when I change filament after that, if it's a light color, I have a calibration cube on a memory stick and I'll probably just start that printing and abort after the new filament looks OK.
I'm wondering if maybe there's a quickie gcode to do such a purge?
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UlrichC-DE 115
I rarely print transparent. I also noticed this between yellow ABS and transparent CPE+.
A yellowed part really doesn't look nice.
I had to print about one to two hours until the effect was gone. Therefore I let the printer print this time since then.
Alternatively, of course, a print head cleaning with Ultimaker Cleaning Filament would work.
However, I prefer the printer to work instead of me.
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