I've had this same issue on two printcores now, one BB and today, one AA.
Both first gave the occassional connection error, until eventually, i guess they wouldn't heat up correctly and somehow manage to wedge the filament into the printcore to the point of having to be surgically removed from the printer.
Both times, I notice the error when I wanted to heat up the core to get the filament out again.
I had already cleaned all contacts and reseated the cable, but did it again after getting it free today, the core would remain stuck at 4 degrees though.
What causes this? Is this a defect of the hardware? There's the tiniest chip on the printcores, could something corrupt on that? Does the printer blacklist cores it deems broken? Or is there a fuse?
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Dim3nsioneer 558
Apart from cleaning the connector pins on the printcore pcb there is not much you can do about the printcore. And of course make sure the printcore is fully inserted into the slot but I assume you did that.
What I find a bit strange is that you don't get a heater error when you try to manually heat the core - how long did you wait?
You may also try to re-install the same firmware again to overwrite some potential typos from the active-leveling-disabling-procedure.
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