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Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released


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Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

The following is an initial summary of the main problems associated with version 5.6 (and 5.5), according to the updated discussion.


CURA 5.6 Trending Issues


1 - Slice Failed due to Print Thin Walls


For some geometries, activation of the Print Thin Walls option generates an error that stops the G-Code generation process..


2 - Slice Failed on Windows 11



#17461 ??

Recurring cases of slicing issues on Windows 11 which, when tested on Windows 10 workstations, generate no error.


3 - Slice Failed due to Tree Support

With Cura versions 5.5 and 5.6, if the settings do not allow tree-shaped supports to reach the supported area (branch angle, trunk diameter, space to create the support), the software generates an error and does not continue the slicing operation. Expecting result : No support if they cannot be generated but a model sliced.


4 - Slicing success can be Part position dependant

Sometimes changing the position or rotation of a part can give a successfull result or not.


5- First Layer Wallspeed too fast


If we have just some Wall on sliced geometry, initial speed are not printed at initial layer speed


Last problem for versions 5.5 & 5.6 the slicing time in some cases exploded. I didn't see many report on the github but some exchanges on the forum : https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/44443-slicing-stalls-in-cura-55/#comment-327364



Edited by Cuq
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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released
    On 12/9/2023 at 7:23 AM, notanotheraccount said:

    Hello, can you tell me if the Neptune 4 printers will be in the next version of Cura?

    Hi! Neptune 4 and Neptune 4Pro are set to be available with next release of Cura after 5.6. I believe they are not mentioned in the changelog of 5.6 as well?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released
    On 12/12/2023 at 2:49 PM, gr5 said:

    Are you really printing ABS on a kobra max?  I don't know if it's possible: https://www.reddit.com/r/FixMyPrint/comments/1328dvt/anycubic_kobra_max_issue_with_abs/


    I have had good results printing in ABS. The success in getting good prints is putting the 3D Printer into a box and heating up the box around 100 Deg F while printing.





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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released
    On 12/12/2023 at 3:26 PM, GregValiant said:

    @rgray47 posted a bug report on Github with the two project files.  The gcodes I generated were fine.

    Since you sent me the gcode, which gave me a good print, I have uninstalled the Cura 5.6.0 and reloaded the program from the location you gave me.  I am now printing just fine.


    Thank you for your help.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    I have found the reason why the layers are sometimes printed somewhat irregularly in some print objects and therefore affect the visual quality. 
    Despite the setting of the order for the walls "From the inside to the outside", there are still some layers in some objects where this setting is not applied and the outer wall is printed first. 


    Screenshot 2023-12-16 192902.png

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    The appimage seems to take a longish time to load on Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria - 15 seconds before the splash screen appears and a further 20 seconds before the main slicer screen is shown.Once up it is pretty nimble. 

    Our of interest when the appimage running from a shell I note the following:

    PyInstaller/loader/pyimod02_importers.py:352: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12; see the module's documentation for alternative uses
    Gtk-Message: 11:02:30.222: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"
    Cyclic dependency detected between "file:///tmp/.mount_UltiMamdDEvm/share/cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml" and "file:///tmp/.mount_UltiMamdDEvm/share/cura/resources/qml/Actions.qml"

    Nothing particularly untowards but that last message seems a bit weird - since the two file names are the same.

    Anyway it is working well - thank you for adding Ender 3 V3 SE support - I am a complete noob to the 3D printer world.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Default settings, importing STL gives unusable print in 6.5 as the inside needs to be clan from 'threads' (printing with elastic PLA) v5.5 does it right. (I can not find any setting for this.)
    MacOS 12/M2



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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    @RunTime - have you adjusted to "Combing Mode"?  That model might respond better to "All".

    After setting the Z-seam location, look at the XY numbers in the boxes.  Go to the "Travel" settings and set the "Layer Start X" and "Layer Start Y" to the same numbers.  Having the "layer start" near the Z-seam can cut down on travel moves.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Play with "combing mode".  As greg says.  It can eliminate all that stringing.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Thanks for the advice! But I already tried all thinkable settings with Combing Mode and got no better result. I will have another look even though all is workin perfect with 5.5.


    (its is quite cumbersome to exeperiment with different settings as I, for meny versions back, have trouble that the Sttings men y and icon gets unresponive after fistr run and force me to restart Cura.)


    But that aside, I find the difference between 5.5 and 5.6 default behaviour's puzzling.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Set up your slice and then use the "File | Save Project" command.  Post the 3mf file here and someone will take a look.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Is it just me, or is the problem only that in version 5.6 the Travels option has been inadvertently checked ? 

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    This is a similar model (in 5.6.0).  Combing is set to "All" and "Travels" are turned on.  The only cross-print travels are right on the bottom and involve the skins.


    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Combing Mode All (or any)

    Layer Start X, Layer Start Y, to Z-seam locations (or default)

    No luck, bad travel. Strange.

    3mf uploaded



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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    When will the MakerBot Z18 be supported by Cura? This is now an UltiMaker product and was an extremely expensive premium MakerBot product which should be easy to support now that the software engineering for the Method series has been done. I hope this is soon so that MakerBot CloudPrint, MakerBot Print and MakerBot Desktop can all be discontinued.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    @RunTime It looks like there are a couple of things going on here.  First, the model has errors.  I used MS 3D Builder to repair it.

    Using the repaired model, I cannot get your printer (or an S5) to acknowledge the combing mode.

    On layer 121 the nozzle travels on the walls which is what you need on every layer.  You can see that on the lower layers the nozzle travels through the print.



    Switching to my Ender, the problem doesn't occur.  All travel moves are along the walls.



    So what's going on appears to be related to the UM printer definition files.  

    Maybe @gr5 has a take on this??

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    I'm still on Cura 5.4, sorry.  Why you guys constantly upgrading, lol.  I feel like I've upgraded Cura 100 times since it was working great and had all the features I wanted.  Although I've probably upgraded only 20 times.  If it works, don't fix it.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    I tried to export a new STL in a latest version of Shapr3D, even merged to a solid object. Exporting a STEP to FormZ and the export a STL, all gives the same error. Importing in Simplify3D renders the same travel error and some more, se screen-dump


    I will have to figure out how and why there is an error in the STL (I found no indication of this in any program that I have)


    What is 'Switching to my Ender'?



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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    An Ender is a type of printer.  When he uses an ender profile it slices fine.  There is probably some settings change.  It could be as obscure as line width.  Or "print thin lines" or a dozen other things.


    You could load some other printers such as an S5 (which has better debugged profiles) or an Ender 3 printer and see if your issue goes away.  If so you can then compare all the settings differences.  Or you could as @GregValiant to post *his* 3mf file for a successful slicing and then you can load is profile which will contain his ender machine profile along with his slicing profile and you can compare those settings to your settings.  There are about 500 settings in cura so it may take some time.  But many of them such as temperature and speed, accel, are extremely unlikely to make a difference.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Well, it looks like I have to let the printer though the firewall and upgrade firmware (it would complicate stuff as I changed some settings in the code) to get a new profile for my S3 (or some alternative).

    As all works great (for years) I will just stay with 5.5 (If it aint broke...), or even go back to 5.4 where preference setting is working 100%.

    Though, I am still curious why my Shapr3D generates a faulty STL (and even an updated Simplify3D 5.12 with a fresh S3 profil is at error). I have downloaded the MS 3D Builder to have a look. And experiment with some new created similar objects.

    Thank you all for your efforts looking in to this.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Do I tried MS 3D but got no error indication (or I missed how to check for errors). What would be the best way to do a test (preferably local and MacOS)? I really would like to be able to check my STL files as it obviously can sneak in undetected errors.

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Computers are dumb, but they are superbly accurate.

    "Merge" operations in CAD are also called "boolean" operations and there are three:  Union, Subtract, and Intersect.  When you perform a Union and there is a gap between the parts that are being "glued" together, or the Boolean is incomplete, the software can tell the gap is there OR the model is comprised of multiple meshes.

    Either way - when you open a file like that in Cura you don't have one part, but two or more in extremely close proximity.  Since both parts are "watertight" Cura won't give a warning but the slice can be odd.

    Although the gap is miniscule, and the extrusion is not, often the gap will disappear as the adjacent extrusions push together.  The slice looks fine so the user doesn't notice.


    I used Cura's Mesh Tools to "Split" the part.  Instead of refusing, it did indeed split the part into 3 meshes.



    That indicates that the boolean operation wasn't complete as Cura could tell that the "Mesh was comprised of 3 sub-meshes".

    The model on the left is your original model.  Note the edges of the 3 separate pieces.

    The model on the right has been "Merged" in MS 3D Builder.  It is now a single mesh.



    As @gr5 noted, a lot of settings can come into play.  This is with the line width at 0.38 and with "Avoid printed parts" turned off and a model that has been properly merged.  The combing is being enforced and all travel moves are along the walls.  In this case, the "Horizontal Expansion" was also coming into play.  What may have been happening is that the wall width adjustment of Horizontal Expansion was keeping the combing moves from being enforced.  Cura was also jumping between three separate meshes.  Here it is not.



    This project is further proof that:  There is no "Easy" button, and Everything affects Everything.


     @RunTime See what you make of this.



    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    A bit unsure of the exact interpretation of

    >or the Boolean is incomplete, the software can tell the gap is there OR the model is comprised of multiple meshes.


    All parts is overlapping with good margin, three watertight object.


    >That indicates that the boolean operation wasn't complete


    The uploaded file (UM3_capV2.3) is NOT merged, though I tried that earlier, same bad result.


    Merged and simplified (middle out-cut), imported STL to fomrZ it looks OK:




    But still gets threaded...


    I then created three new from scratch, unmerged, merged and one single extrusion from profile:




    All looks quite good, no big diff.


    A complete new solid from new identical profile, and back to GO.




    Obviously it is something in just this shape that makes it go wrong...



    Comes out perfect!


    So I then opened the original NOT merged with your settings and that also came out fine! This settings is a keeper :-)

    Now I have to figure out exactly what setting(s) did what I could not achieve.


    Thanks! /BK



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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    Unzip this script and place it into your Configuration Folder "scripts" sub-folder.  It will be available in "Extensions | Modify Gcode" and then select "Add Cura Settings" from the list.

    It will add a lot of the Cura settings to the end of a gcode file when you save a file.  You can open the files in a text editor and compare them side by side and see what settings are different.



    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 5.6 stable released

    How can I make the object sliced with Cura appear on the printer screen?

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