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Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

well after threats about my ultimaker 1 going through the window / its power connected or "it would be a shame if the power breakers were to go when you were printing" i am tempted to get rid of my relatively new Ultimaker origonal, and go for a V2

however, i actually DON'T like the idea of SD card printing. i like to be able to very quickly very easily change things on the fly, but very specific things.

I like the way Cura 14.01 makes it easy to control temperature, jog, extrude and different speeds very easily

I especially like the way you can easily change speeds for different parts of the model, e.g an extremely wide round base can run at 160% for infil, but still only 100% for outer wall, but when it gets to a complicated bit where there will need to be some bridging, slow it all the way down.

but what i have seen from the ulticontroller and the Ultimaker 2 built in controller, it looks like you can only change everything as an overall %, not change the 4 different fields (like you would printing via USB)

but everywhere i look it either says printing via USB (having to use reprap code) is unreliable or it just rarely mentions it

so to all you with a version 2, i can see the benefits, but i don't want to get stung hard.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Yes, you can only change the overall feedrate once it starts printing. In cura you can now set infill a different speed while slicing, but once you start printing from SD card you can change all kinds of things but speed is only overall %.

    If you want a nice print but are frustrated - just set it slow for the whole print and it comes out nice (say 30mm/sec) and go away. Far away. Where you can relax.

    I recommend you get the ulticontroller instead of the UM2. If the UM Original drives you crazy I don't think the UM2 will be any less stressful.

    And officially the UM2 does not support USB at all. In practice it works a little worse than the UM Original but not too bad.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    And officially the UM2 does not support USB at all. In practice it works a little worse than the UM Original but not too bad.


    Officially it's unstable. And we cannot guarantee that it works. If it does not work, it's not covered in warantee or support.

    Other then that, USB printing on the UM2 can be done in the same way as the UM-Original.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Oh no no no! I absolutely adore my ultimaker, I wouldnt want to change it for the world, I have just been threatened that I either get rid of it or get a quieter 3D printer, or it will go out the window. But what better 3d printer to get than a better ultimaker, and one of the quietest on the market!

    its just my current UM1 I am very reliant on USB printing (i have toyed with getting an ulti controller), but for the money, and lack of space to even fit a controller to the front, and the "noise" complaints (they should come and spend an hour with the cubex we have at work!) I think its the only way.

    but I was just asking the UM2 experts :) instead of making assumptions

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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Decoupling the feeder from the rest of the machine will make a huge impact on noise if that's the main cause for changing printers. Try it out, start printing something and then unhook the feeder and listen to the change.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Decoupling the feeder from the rest of the machine will make a huge impact on noise if that's the main cause for changing printers. Try it out, start printing something and then unhook the feeder and listen to the change.


    have already done that, used a noise reduction mount, with a sorbathane mount to stop even more noise, use sound dampening feet, added small rubber o rings to all the stepper motor mounts to reduce noise. i personally think it runs quiet as a mouse compared to what it did before, but it apparently has to go.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Are you sure the UM2 will be quiet enough... While it's more quiet than the original, it does still make noise.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Are you sure the UM2 will be quiet enough... While it's more quiet than the original, it does still make noise.


    true. i feel as though i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place :/

    I have tried explaining that stuff makes noise. i wish there was just a shop i could walk into and hear one in action for myself for a comparison.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Okay - I guess I need to make a video with both printers going at the same time in different rooms and I walk up to each one. This will be fun - hopefully I'll remember to do this tonight!

    The UM2 is quite a bit more quiet. But the Z screw is loud! Most of the time it only moves .1mm at a time but when the print is done or when the print starts I can hear it from quite far away (1 floor up, 40 feet over, door closed).


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    So this is a spouse we are talking about? A room-mate? Is the dishwasher going out the window next? I love the sound of a dishwasher. And I like the sound of a 3d printer also. Makes for happy dreams either way. The UM Original I think is about similar volume to a dishwasher.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    So this is a spouse we are talking about? A room-mate? Is the dishwasher going out the window next? I love the sound of a dishwasher. And I like the sound of a 3d printer also. Makes for happy dreams either way. The UM Original I think is about similar volume to a dishwasher.


    A grumpy step parent who has hinted for the past year that i should move out. its funny as my actual parent LOVES the sound it makes, almost thinks it sounds like music! the difference is the dishwasher, and the fridge, and the vacuum cleaner etc are not things that I have brought, so they are fine :( the second it is a nice thing that i have its unacceptable.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    You need to print something really really nice for this step parent. I mean they need to burst into tears when they see it. Maybe it will involve painting and sanding. You need to think hard about what they really truly love.

    The printer could be quieter than a car a mile away and it will still be too loud.

    So you inspired me to make this video about the comparative volume of the two printers. :)



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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    Sorry to hear about your situation there 0235, sounds like a tricky spot to be in :/

    @gr5: That z-axis sounds worse than mine. Almost sounds like a bit of rattling in there that I don't have on my printer. Or maybe a lack of lube on the lead screw? It sounds like that sound you can get if you very quickly spin a nut on a long screw where the nut starts to vibrate.


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    cracking video GR5, finally a video that shows a less bias view on how they sound, and my the 2 is DEFINITELY much quieter!

    however i must have a bad stepper motor, as i have recently found out when moving on just one of the axis (either x or y) its much much quieter :p


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    A grumpy step parent who has hinted for the past year that i should move out. its funny as my actual parent LOVES the sound it makes, almost thinks it sounds like music! the difference is the dishwasher, and the fridge, and the vacuum cleaner etc are not things that I have brought, so they are fine :( the second it is a nice thing that i have its unacceptable.


    Sounds like a new machine won't be the true solution for you.

    The UM2 still makes noise. And with some work you can get the UM-Ori to almost the same level. But the true problem does not sound like the noise but the fact that your step parents do not really want you in the home. And only accept the fact that you are there if you do not make noise, as then they are not reminded by your company...


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    Posted · ultimaker 2 USB printing options

    too true, but then again, that's why the house/ apartment i am looking for must have at least 2 rooms, even if one is a tiny tiny room! and what will be centre stage in there :D

    wonder how many people have specified to the estate agent "must have 3D printing suitable room"


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