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ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)


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Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

Dear Ultimaker staff,

I have really some bad experience with Ultimaker and the story continue on the wrong way...

So, I ordered my UM2 on January and received it in late march. From the beginning I have an issue. An incredible hard noise from the cooling fan. After a few mail and videos for example, Sander admit there was something wrong and kindly sent me a new fan. This change nothing...

Anyway, three weeks later I have the second issue. Some filament slippering on the material feeder. So I wasn't able to do good printing anymore (can't print faster than 70 mm/s).

After a lot of e-mail, Ultimaker accept to repair my UM2 under warranty. So, I received it back last week.

1) They said that they change the hot parts (I didn't understand because they didn't do nothing on material feeder or cooling fan which were the issued parts) so I had the same issues than before.

2) I only use it 3 times since last week and since today I have the message "ERROR - STOPPED Temp Sensor". And I can't use it anymore. Is this new issue due to the change you have done to the hot parts on the printhead ?!

I'm not new on the "3D printing world" I use 3d printers since almost 2 years and doing printings for customers (schools, factories, etc...).

I'm really started to be crazy about this machine. I spent 2000 € on this and I can't use it properly from the beginning. It's totally unacceptable. I have some printings to give to my customers and I wouldn't be able to honor my contracts due to these issue.

Why couldn't Ultimaker deliver me a congruent printer ? Even after I sent it back to the customer center ?

I ask for a refund and sending back my machine to Ultimaker. They wouldn't, even I was on the 14 days time from the delivering.

I'm really thinking I am rip off with this machine.

Please ! I beg you to find a solution. I couldn't believe I spent so much money and time on a machine which never works properly ! Could a person in charge of Ultimaker contact me quickly ?

I can even go to the Netherlands to show you how it couldn't work and the different issues if it needed. But I can't stay in this situation anymore and I'm really started being sick about what happen here.

Thanks for your understanding.

I'm waiting for your reply.



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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Temp sensor error occurs if there is something wrong with the wiring to the temp sensor. First, take the larger cover off the bottom (two screws - very easy to do) and look at the "temp1" connector (appears to be brown/red in the below picture). Make sure it isn't loose. You might need a complete new temp sensor cable.

    As far as grinding/slipping - this is more complicated and might be normal. What material, temp, speed (70mm/sec) and layer height are you printing at? For example if the answer is PLA, 200, 70,.2 then that would explain the problem as you can't print PLA that cold and fast. But there might be some defect - please answer the above question first.



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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Dear gr5.

    Thanks for your answer. But I'm sure you will understand that I'm waiting for an answer from Ultimaker staff.

    Thanks for your tips too. But seriously, I wouldn't have to open a machine which never works properly and just come back from technical center ! Do you have to open your gearbox to fix it when you buy a new car ? I guess no.

    About the slippering. I work at 230°C with PLA from Ultimaker, 70 mm/s, 0.2 mm high. And it didn't work ! Please, as I said before I use some 3d printers since a while. It's why I can know if something goes wrong or not...

    Do you think it's normal to have tu push the filament by hand to have a good printing quality with these parameters ? I dont' think so.

    Here his the result when I don't help to push the filament by hand :


    The worst thing is that we perfectly hear the "click" noise during slippering and seeing that the gear from filament feeder stopped. But even if I sent some videos to the technical center, they sent me back the machine witjpout any fix on this. Seriously I think they didn't test it before sent it back to me.

    Ok, let's try to forget about my machine which didn't work anymore...

    - 300 mm/s from catalog, can't go up to 70 mm/s

    - 0.02 mm layer hight on catalog, can't work if I'm less to 0.1 mm with 500 mm/s (due to slippering). Please, not that you can't choose less than 0.025 [mm] in Cura even the UM2 datasheet said 0.02 [mm]

    - 230 mm max built zone on X axis ? So, try to put a piece which is more than 220 mm on Cura... it didn't work

    - I never seen anything to upgrade to 2 printhead, even it was on of the advertising argument on the website before.

    Oh, I forget that I'm still waiting for filaments spool that I ordered in January and about the heavy scratches on the buit plate of my UM2 when I received it.

    They could have good product. But I think they will kill their business by unfulfiied promises, a poor customer services and the worst consideration for customers that I have never seen before.

    And today I'm really thinking that my machine would never work well and that Ultimaker was the worst choise to do.

    Seriously, how could a machine not being fix after getting back to technical center... and come back with a new issue ? It's unbelievable.


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Hi LaCarpe,

    Thank you for your post.

    If you want to get in touch with the Ultimaker team you are best of sending a ticket to our technical support team.

    You are now posting on the forums, which is a great place for help, but if you are not accepting GR5's help then maybe you should not post your problems on the forum. There are a lot of very capable and knowledgable people here and

    everyone wants to help you, they do not need to help you. I hope you will also accept the help and keep an open attitude, something I do not really see in your reply.

    About your machine, GR5 is right about checking the cables.

    If you want to solve the problem you could open up the cover and check for a loose connection.

    You can also send the Ultimaker 2 back, but that is a much more timely process.

    At some point in your experience with Ultimaker, or any other 3D printer, you will find yourself in a position that you will have to do some maintenance. You can find a lot of help and experience both here and in our technical support team.

    The technology is not plug and play yet.

    In regard of the comments about the machine; yes the Ultimaker can print up to 300mm/s, however

    only for really easy to print models like a stretchlet. More regular or complex prints should be printed with a lower speed if you want to maintain quality. Nonetheless, you should be able to print with 70mm/s

    I have just checked, and in fact I can select 0.02 as layer height. Why won't Cura allow you, does it say why?

    And how do you mean 500mm/s?

    When you placed a 220mm piece in Cura, did you have skirt enabled? If so this can be the reason why it didn't fit

    on your buildplate. Cura also needs space for the skirt-line if you have this option enabled.

    The dual extrusion is in development and we are expecting to release it around the 3rd quarter of 2014.

    When you have just received your Ultimaker 2 you commented to me about the fan and you had a scratch on the aluminum Z stage. If I am not mistaken I offered you a replacement or a voucher because of the scratch and you happily accepted the voucher. In my opinion at that point this was resolved.

    I am sure with all the knowledge and skilled people here we can solve your problem fast, I hope you are willing to accept the help and work together with us on getting you back to 3D printing.


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Dear Sander,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes, and you have seen that I have kindly thanks gr5 for is answer. I know he want to help. But I didn't need help for doing a print. I need help and consideration about serious hardware issues which impede me to work with this machine since I received it in march.

    Sorry but I think I have being enough patient and "open-minded" before. But there is too much problems for me yet and my machine never works properly.

    I made a mistake. I was talking for 50mm/s at 0.1, Not 500mm/s.

    Even with the skirt mode disabled I can't print more than 227 mm on X axis. Bad things then customers sent me files at 230 mm...

    Why I'm on public forum ? I sent a lot of private e-mail and phone call to Ultimaker before. It take a lot of time to be answered back and I really think issues with my machine aren't consider seriously. So I think that people have to know what happen to some customers before doing their printers choice.

    You answer about fan, yeah you sent me a new one, thanks. And as I said before (and by mail to you too) this didn't fix anything. But on the video I sent to you, you admit there these a problem. Right ? So, next step about this issue ? The solution didn't work and we had to stay with something wrong ? No, sorry.

    From the beginning I said it seems to have an issue about the electrical driving (not the fan itself).

    Yes, you give me 70 € for the heavy scratch on the machine (and other defects on the machine). Good.

    So, what can we said about these other points ?

    1) Filaments spools I didn't received since january ?

    2) No fix on material feeder during the time which this machine was to the technical center ?

    3) No fix on the fan too

    4) The new issue about the temp sensor ?

    Did really your staff try this machine before sent it back ? Maybe they done a mistake by mixing the repairs orders ?

    Why don't you answer about these points ? For me it proves another time that customers issues aren't consider seriously by Ultimaker.

    What must I think about this ? I complain about some issue, I sent my machine back to UM. There is no work on these issues (the customer center confirm me they just change the hot parts) and the machine come back with a new issue... Don't know if I had to cry or laugh...

    Okay, 3d printing is new and there is a lot of young company. But seriously... we don't talk about technologies here. It's about unscrewed screws, disconnected cables, unpowerfull motors, etc...

    And when I only print (with issues) during 15 hours on my UM2, my Replicator 2 still working perfectly after 1000 hours. So, you said me it's normal to have to do "some" maintenance on this machine ?! I wouldn't have to open it, change motors, fans, etc... every 3 weeks !

    Today I need answers. What would Ultimaker do about this damn machine which doesn't work ? I wouldn't sent it back again to you if you aren't able to fix it and take a look on the parts which doesn't work !

    I really need to see this nightmare stopped. It take me too much of time, energy and money. I can't endure more. I'm tired about these events and Ultimaker is a really big disappointment for me.



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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    I am sorry to hear your machine is not working perfectly.

    Lets try to get it to work, ok?

    First I will also comment on the 4 remaining questions you have asked:

    1) Filaments spools I didn't received since january ?

    Could you share with me (in a PM?) your ordernumber?

    I will look into it. We have had quite a backlog of some filaments we had to ship out but last time I heard we shipped out everything until approx. March. Tomorrow would were going to ship out another large batch of back orders, so if you could let me know today I think we should be able to include your remaining filaments.

    2) No fix on material feeder during the time which this machine was to the technical center ?

    I was not involved with your communication with Marrit or during repair. Was your feeder mentioned as a part

    that needed some attention? If so, maybe the feeder is OK and something else is the problem.

    I want to try to find the problem with you. (or maybe the feeder is not OK, and we will discover this too and we will find an appropriate solution for you).

    3) No fix on the fan too

    Same answer as above.

    4) The new issue about the temp sensor ?

    Shipment can also have caused this error, and it could be easily fixed following GR5's suggestion.

    If the connection is good, we can also send you out a new PT100 (temp sensor).


    I think it goes without saying that Ultimaker does care about its customers. Of course, just like any other company, it can happen that something doesn't happen (as fast) as it should, but that doesn't mean we have any bad intentions and doesn't mean it can not be solved. I hope you can see my attempt to solve this with you as a gesture of Ultimaker to help you get back to 3D printing without problems.


    If indeed there is something mechanically wrong with your Ultimaker I want to take it back and repair your Ultimaker.

    But first I want to establish if it is something mechanical, or something else.

    It would be a waste of time and money to have it shipped back if the problem is not mechanical.

    When you are willing to cooperate the troubleshooting will be much faster and you will start 3D printing much faster.


    You shouldn't have to open up your Ultimaker every 3 weeks, so yes. Something is not working like it should.

    Lets find out what it is.


    Thank you for your time,


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    70mm/sec at 230C and .2mm layer height is 70X.2X.4= 5.6mm^3/sec. This is a very high volume of filament to print. I think you are starting to see some issues in your head that is causing some extra resistance in the head but still I consider 8^3mm/sec around the limit of what a typical UM2 can do. Some UM2's can get a little faster maybe up to 12mm^3/sec so you are at about half the max throughput of PLA at 230C.

    So what can you do?

    1) Put the filament on the floor. With the filament on the side it chews up the black ABS plastic feeder and ABS ends up in the nozzle causing the inside of the nozzle to get black ABS gunk on it slowing down printing a small amount. UM is working on a fix for this problem of ABS dust.

    2) Get a new nozzle or take your nozzle off and cook out all the gunk in there and soak it in acetone for an hour.

    3) Ask for a new white teflon isolator. These get deformed after many hundreds of hours of printing and may be causing a kg or two of resistance (the feeder can push about 5kg total).

    4) Increase the current to the feeder a little bit.

    5) Raise the printing temp to 240C - this allows the plastic to flow with less viscosity. Or go .1mm layers. Or go 40mm/sec.

    About the temp error - if you get through to UM tech support they will probably tell you the same thing - remove the bottom cover and check the wire. Takes about 1 minute. Or you can pack it all up ship it back to UM and get a new printer. DHL shipping is VERY violent with these printers. Cables get loose. Screws get loose, printers get deformed into new shapes.

    It should not be called "3d printing" as "printing" implies it is as easy as 2d printing. You should think of this as something as complicated as a sewing machine, a lathe, or a milling machine. It takes much learning and hands on work to get it to work for your specific needs.

    I think if you had gone with any other 3d printer out there you would be even more upset because as far as I can tell they all have the same issues but worse.


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Dear Sender,

    As requested, I sent you these informations by PM (by e-mail).

    Dear gr5,

    Thanks for you reply and your tips.

    Please, note that I work at 90 mm/s and 0.3 mm layer height with my other printer. And it works perfectly. The only problem I had was a broken wire I change at 800 hours of printing.



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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Please, note that I work at 90 mm/s and 0.3 mm layer height with my other printer. And it works perfectly.


    Is that through a .4mm nozzle? I searched for 10 minutes with google and looked on cubify website and couldn't find the nozzle diameter. But you have more interest than I do - maybe you can figure it out?

    I assume the cube has a larger nozzle which offers less resistance and allows you to print much faster but the detail won't be as good (XY resolution).

    Everyone posts the Z resolution but it's harder to find the nozzle diameter.


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Anyway you will never be happy if you don't experiment and find the limitations of your exact printer and then compare it to other's limitations to see if there is something wrong with your particular printer:



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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Hi everyone,

    since yesterday my Ultimaker 2 also started to say "Error Stopped Temp Sensor".

    I tried the solutions shown by gr5, but nothing seems to work for me. So the "temp 1" connector is good connected, for example, ...

    Strangly sometime after shutting the Ultimaker down or after turning around the machine (to look at the bottom) the error disapperas and the printer starts to print. But then mayby before priniting, mayby during printing or by canceling printing the error appears again.

    Can anyone help me?

    The printer is a new one and only used for two days now, so I'm becoming more and more dissapointed about the quality, although I love the Ultimaker stuff ...

    Thanks a lot and best regards...


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    after shutting the Ultimaker down or after turning around the machine (to look at the bottom) the error disapperas


    Something is loose. Without printing anything, go to the ADVANCED menu where you can set the nozzle temp. Leave it at 0C but look at the displayed temp - it should be around 20C (air temperature). now poke around. Start by putting pressure on the 2 wires going into the print head. Push the head to the 4 corners. Always keeping an eye on the temperature to see if it jumps suddenly. Push and squeeze and prod the wire all the way from the print head to the board underneath the UM2. Take the larger cover off the bottom (2 screws) and push on the wiring there. Also push on the board.


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Hi gr5,

    thanks for your quick answer!

    At the moment the machine is doing fine ... for 6 hours now i think ...

    I'll check your advice as soon as the error occurs again

    Best regards and a wonderful weekend


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    If your print fails before it finishes you can always continue the print later (even another day). The critical thing is to keep the bed warm so the part doesn't pop off. Here are some instructions:

    continuing resuming rescuing failed print

    First you need to use pronterface to find the exact layer to continue on. Pronterface is here:


    read all gr5 posts here:


    post #9 here has specific code change example for um2 (ultigcode):




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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Hi Everyone

    I have the same problem and I have not printed even one part with my UM2 machine :oops: due to Temp sensor error.

    I opened the cover and I have found that as GR5 says, it seems that the problem is the pt100 sensor or its wirings. Hopefully I managed to buy a brand new sensor and when I plugged to the board it worked. But, I do not know how I can plug out the previous sensor probe from the hot end to replace it with the new one. Any idea? It seems that the probe is puched inside and cannot be removed easily. Please somebody advise.

    Thank you very much


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)


    Do not remove the old probe without removing the thin screw first. You have to take the head apart - remove 4 thumb screws. Then remove the small fan, then take out the white isolator. Next unscrew the nozzle by rotating the nut with the holes but ONLY DO THIS AT 100C to 180C or at least do it very very gently. The plastic can get in the threads and if you turn too hard you will easily break this brass nut. It is almost as thin as paper.

    Then you need to remove the tiny long screw (hex 1.5mm I think?). That thin screw holds in the temperature probe.

    You might be able to remove the screw first!


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    I have the same problem ERROR – STOPPED temp sensor BED

    I submit a ticket but no answer

    I remove de heat bed and i mesure the temperature sensor. its open circuit not 108 ohms

    I ask to ultimaker support to send me a new heat bed but nobody answere to me. I submit a tiket but no answere also

    I spent more than 2000 € for this unworking machine ;-) Thanks Ultimaker

    Its not fair from Ultimaker team to totaly ignore customer.

    I expect a hypothetical answer


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    It may take a week or two to get a resonse from support.

    Meanwhile - did you probe the PT100 directly? Or at the connector? The most common point of failure is at the connector itself and resoldering that connector can often fix the problem.

    You can order PT100 parts online. They are very cheap but rarely fail.


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    I probe both on the connector and to pt100 directly and its open circuit.

    I use the machine from 2 week only

    Ultimaker have to send me a new part ( its normal )

    I wanted to use this printer in my factory but, a delay of two weeks for the support thechnique it's just impossible for me it, a pity.


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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Hij Manipil, could you send me tour ticketid in a om? Ill see what i can do for you!

    We are in the middle of expanding our support team again to so we can offer faster service :)

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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    Sorry, i mean a pm (personal message)

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    Posted · ERROR - STOPPED - Temp Sensor (Machine coming back from technical center)

    i make a temporary fix with big pt100 i use high temperature mastic. Its not realy the right temp but enough to work the time to receive new part from Ultimaker.......

    temporary pt100 fix

    temporary pt100 fix


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