Not sure about that Robert. I had a case where after a firmware update the leveling was quite off and upon homing the build plate crashed into the head (luckily nothing broke because the bed plate springs cushioned the impact).
Not sure about that Robert. I had a case where after a firmware update the leveling was quite off and upon homing the build plate crashed into the head (luckily nothing broke because the bed plate springs cushioned the impact).
Since my last update a few days ago, not exactly after the release anyway, I was surprised:
- No forced initial setup for material and bed-alignment more.
- Apparently preserving all previous settings.
- And a realignment was not necessary even on my machine.
But what Nico has reported, to me makes some concern. After the next firmware update I will first let the bed rise up via the system menu ...
Surely ... with one hand on the off switch ...
Not sure about that Robert. I had a case where after a firmware update the leveling was quite off and upon homing the build plate crashed into the head (luckily nothing broke because the bed plate springs cushioned the impact).
Hmm, ok, that's weird. It wasn't that long ago that I was tinkering around with the firmware and installing altered versions on my machine, when I was done playing around I just updated via cura to the latest official build and kept printing like normal.
Not sure about that Robert. I had a case where after a firmware update the leveling was quite off and upon homing the build plate crashed into the head (luckily nothing broke because the bed plate springs cushioned the impact).
That was possible with 1 update. However, the latest version checks if the bed-position is in a valid range, and if it's not it forces the bed leveling wizard.
Daid, what is saved and what is lost with a firmware upgrade? For example what about these?
- filament settings
- levelling position
- max speeds, accelerations
- steps/mm for each axis
These things are very likely:
Material profiles, retraction settings, LED brightness, lifetime stats
i can confirm that the acceleration/max speed-settings are preserved when i was upgrading from 14.03 to 14.07 as well as the customized material profiles
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IRobertI 521
No, you don't need to do that.
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