this is my first post, so sorry about the missing foto's.
They should be there now.
this is my first post, so sorry about the missing foto's.
They should be there now.
I can't really think why the firmware update would cause any issues like that. You might try removing the filament, and then performing a 'factory reset' to see if that makes a difference. (Maintenance -> Advanced -> Factory Reset).
Oke I tried that. but the results are still the same. 14.07 is causing a less good surface.
Don't know about you, but the item on the right looks better to me.
Don't know about you, but the item on the right looks better to me.
Sorry i mixed up left and right because some of the images ware upside down.
I have corrected it.
I can't really think why the firmware update would cause any issues like that. You might try removing the filament, and then performing a 'factory reset' to see if that makes a difference. (Maintenance -> Advanced -> Factory Reset).
I'm with illuminatri on this one. I do not see how a firmware change could be causing this.
How does the 14.06 firmware compare to the rest?
I did not use 14.06 because of the filament grinding problem.
This is very interesting and very strange.
Maybe they were printed at different temperatures?
Nope. the exact same settings and conditions.
Perhaps you could share the gcode file so someone else could repeat the test?
If someone only wants to have to print 2 parts (once with each version) which single gcode file is the best to test with?
The part: "07dustfilter fork v2" gave the biggest difference in surface kwality.
But it's also the biggest part.
Here is the link again:
That doesn't match the photo. It's the wrong gcode file. Why make us to 3 times the work if you want help.
I suggest if you ask someone to do something you do a little work yourself.
If this is the gcode with the worst quality difference then maybe post the pictures of this part.
Well I looked at the above gcode in repetier host carefully and also in cura carefully and loaded the settings and looked at that also.
Those sides are printed in a single pass which is good (a single line) yet they seem to show some kind of pattern that shouldn't be there.
The only theory I have right now - and I like this theory - is that your XY acceleration is different on the 2 versions of firmware. With the lower acceleration giving the higher quality results. It would be nice to see the photos and the gcode file that match each other however.
Another theory has to do with the travel speed and infill pattern but I don't want to repeat that theory without seeing matching files so I can match up the infill to the visible pattern in the photo.
You can read off the XY acceleration using the controls on the front of the printer (maintenance, advanced, motion control).
That doesn't match the photo. It's the wrong gcode file. Why make us to 3 times the work if you want help.
I suggest if you ask someone to do something you do a little work yourself.
If this is the gcode with the worst quality difference then maybe post the pictures of this part.
Hey gr5,
I am really sorry that you think i don't work hard while asking help. I will try to do better.
But if you look at my first post, you will see an album. with 3 photo's.
That are the 3 gcode files that I posted later. The second photo will match with the "07dustfilter fork v2.gcode" file.
Well I looked at the above gcode in repetier host carefully and also in cura carefully and loaded the settings and looked at that also.
Those sides are printed in a single pass which is good (a single line) yet they seem to show some kind of pattern that shouldn't be there.
After i read this, I opened the "07dustfilter fork v2.gcode" file in cure to look for myself.
I see a pattern in the Z axis.
But i see this pattern in all my gcode files (If i save them and then reopen them in cura).
While slicing the part and looking a the layers it does not show this pattern.
I'm running tests to see if I can re-produce this on a printer here right now.
I'm doing multiple prints to prevent possible "one off" problems. And switching the firmware between prints, but not between every print. (to prevent 1,2,1,2,1,2 patterns)
I've not reset any settings, to make sure both firmwares run at the same configuration.
Our printer room is quite hot (30C minimal) due to the weather today. So this might effect the result in some way.
Double blind testing time!
Here are 4 prints. If there is a quality difference, tell me which is 14.03 and which is 14.06. I'm not telling how many are printed on 14.03 and 14.06.
(Also asking around at the office, will post the results of that tomorrow)
Blind is right because there's no way to see the layers. You need better lighting.
Blind is right because there's no way to see the layers. You need better lighting.
Best I can do right now. Can provide better photos tomorrow.
I say the outer two are 14.03 and the inner two are 14.076. If I'm wrong I will push it onto the limited image quality... :lol:
Double blind testing time!
Here are 4 prints. If there is a quality difference, tell me which is 14.03 and which is 14.06. I'm not telling how many are printed on 14.03 and 14.06.
(Also asking around at the office, will post the results of that tomorrow)
your photo is not very good. but i think the two on the right are 14.06 and the two on the left are 14.03
But a better photo (of photo's) will be appreciated.
I only tested with 14.03 and 14.07. So I'm curious why you chose to use 14.06?
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