Is the print quality really the same now? I had that impression based on the specs but I wasn't sure. I can imagine that there would be stability problems with the wood but perhaps I'm getting too imaginative.
Doesn't the UM2 have a higher potential print speed?
Shipping within Europe isn't really a big deal. One of the many advantages of the EU . The lead time is kind of a downer though. Waiting 6 weeks for a UM+ or waiting 1 week for a UM2... Patience is a virtue I am working to improve on.
Thanks for the feedback, it seems that my need for instant gratification might have to be suppressed for now .
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gr5 2,295
Because you aren't afraid to build it, definitely get the UMO+. The quality is now the same. The advantage of the UM2 is that it is quieter (like a guitar or violin, wood makes a great sound board) and most people think it's prettier and it's got those lights.
The quality of prints is the same. The build volume is only slightly larger on the UM2. Homing is also nicer on the UM2 but not a big factor either way (on the UMO it makes more of a mess on the nozzle tip when it starts a new print but I just pull it off with my fingers - I know I could burn myself but I haven't yet).
More important, dual extrusion is available now for UMO but for UM2 it is "first quarter 2015" meaning, what, March? Plus it will probably be pricey and complicated and may take a while to fill all the orders and might have a few bugs to workout so maybe next summer is more reasonable? I don't know.
If you break something on the UMO+ you will already know how to fix it! You won't worry so much about warranties if the fix is simple (and it usually is!). And other nice things - like you can get a different nozzle diameter (wonderful thing) for the UMO for 5 euros (includes shipping). For UM2 it's more like 35 (??) euros plus maybe another 30 euros shipping? I forget the price but you can find it on the website. But for the UM2 you can only get one nozzle hole diameter so then you need a machinist to modify it for you. In other words the parts are a little more compatible with other reprap like printers out there so there's more parts available from alternate suppliers.
Lastly I don't know what the lead time is for UM2 but I heard it was down to 2 weeks. So don't let lead time be a strong factor in your decision. I could be wrong! Plus it's in stock for many resellers. There is a reseller in Germany but I forget the name of it. They will tell you if it is in stock and you get customer service from Ultimaker even though you buy through local reseller.
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