PLA is easier than ABS ... Yeah, that's what everyone has been telling me, except I have never been able to print with PLA. I can load up ABS and print just fine. But no such luck with PLA ... Must be me. It always seems to get two, maybe three layers out then it clogs. Blah.
Anyway, I just cleaned the tube, reassembled everything, no more white bits in the tube. Tried a print and sure enough it clogs again. Usually I can tell when I start hearing the feeder gear start slipping and it gets worse and worse to where it's constantly slipping and nothing is being extruded anymore. But if I try pushing on the filament (to help the feeder), out comes this black crud again.
Why would it start just fine and slowly get worse and clog? Is the temperature too low? Is it too high? I started with the stock profile which has the nozzle temperature at 210C. It barely extruded anything. I'm slowly raising the temperature but I don't know if that's the correct course of action here. I honestly have no idea what else to check.
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DidierKlein 729
Hi and welcome to the forum.
To clean the bowden tube you have to unlock it a both ends (the head and the feeder).
To unlock take out the blue clip (carefull not to loose it) then push down the white collet to release the bowden then pull the bowden. No force is required.
Do this with filament unloaded of course
Then use a piece of filament and push it in the released bowden to make your residues come out.
Other than that when going from ABS to PLA is always a good idea to clean the nozzle. Use the atomic method described here:
Do it several times to be sure to have a clean nozzle, some ABS residues will clog the nozzle at PLA temperature.
PLA is easier to print than ABS so you will sort it out
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