I tried multiple atomic pulls with the ABS filament I have (Gizmodorks transparent ABS) unfortunately: at 120 - 130C it either would NOT come out, or broke at the teflon connector without pulling anything out of the melt chamber. At 130-140 pulled out only a thin strand of ABS but nothing from the chamber walls like I was hoping. This ABS seems very brittle and will snap easily as I try to straighten it out for the atomic pulls.
Also I noticed that as I push the ABS past the teflon insulator there is a slight bit of resistance at the base of it, where the teflon part terminates into the melt chamber, is there supposed to be any resistance there or should it be completely smooth? I've heard plenty about deformed teflon pieces causing problems, but I've only had the printer since late Dec and haven't printed that much yet, but again this was after a ~30hr ABS print.
Next I guess I will be disassembling the print head and cleaning out the nozzle with acetone, fire, and perhaps brasso/metal polish as suggested to get it nice and clean inside.
the temperature increase and polymer change seems to knock off every bit of residue which has built up inside the hotend and cause a clog in a matter of minutes.
My issue seems to be more of a problem with volume reduction and the fact that the printer is still trying to force too much material through what is now a smaller volume opening, since it only underextrudes once the feeder stepper 'clicks' and skips back due to the pressure.
I just placed an order with PrintedSolid, but forgot to pick up some nozzle cleaning filament while doing so. I would hope that running a few cm of that filament in between material changes would make the swap easier. Will probably try it soon.
Have you had luck with nozzle cleaning filament before? Is it the Esun filament, or just nylon?
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nick-foley 5
Yeah, this is a pain and happens any time you switch from PLA to a higher temp material. When I switch from PLA to PET/XT, if the hotend isn't meticulously clean, the temperature increase and polymer change seems to knock off every bit of residue which has built up inside the hotend and cause a clog in a matter of minutes. Sometimes, you can just push through it, but usually, it requires a few atomic pulls with the higher temp material.
I just placed an order with PrintedSolid, but forgot to pick up some nozzle cleaning filament while doing so. I would hope that running a few cm of that filament in between material changes would make the swap easier. Will probably try it soon.
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