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Everything posted by Daid

  1. I have a huge list of ideas for a slicer. From easy to complex. But before starting from scratch, look at what is out there. Slic3r is there, but with it's perl based. And still has some design flaws IMHO (not as many as SF). Cura is currently SF based, and I used to advertise that quite large, but as Enrique has no interest in 3D printing, the code is a huge mess, and I was not credited for updates in SF. I feel little need to credit SF more then I have to. Also, people read "SF" and instantly discarded it as crap. As for a C++ slicer. First take a look at MircleGrue, it's the C++ OpenSource slicer by MakerBot. They are not using it for high quality prints, but I don't know why. (They still use SF50 for that, without any tweaks that I did to improve SF) EDIT: Also, I've been quite clear about this. Cura IS and will remain OpenSource, and will remain supporting RepRaps. We will always have a free software option. However, putting the Cura interface on top of a !optional! payed slicing engine is surely an option, as this will give a consistent interface for bot the free and payed slicers. We also think that having a good free option will press the payed option to be even better.
  2. They are normally lasercut, and the lasercut drawing is on thingiverse. It might be too small to print correctly.
  3. Yes we have. But we'll show them one we have this new color on stock.
  4. There might be an error in the model, you could send it to cloud.netfabb to see if that changes anything in the result.
  5. The windows search thing doesn't work at all. It only searches in microsoft file formats.
  6. You're just good at following instructions =) (After seeing 18 machines build, some running perfectly, some requiring a lot of tweaking afterwards, I noticed that all the machines with problems had been assembled wrong)
  7. Doesn't mean that I'm not looking at what I can do without Johnathan's help ;-)
  8. Yeah, that would be easier with my new code. I got basic menus and the status screen working again, still need to do the SD file menu, and parameter adjustment items.
  9. It's a new silver color that we are testing ;-) I hope we can sell it soon, as it's a nice color. We had 2 test rolls, printed all of it. This cube was just the rest pieces.
  10. I suggested that to Johnathan, but he didn't want that.
  11. Like I said. You used the short spacers, there should be longer spacers in your kit. Most likely white (the photos are wrong, the description says you should use white spacers)
  12. Can you move the head easy by hand when the machine is off? You should be able to move it quite easy, if this is not the case then your axes might not be square. Else, check belt tension as yzorg suggests. (EMI on the endstops is very rare, and I've only seen it happen with a teslacoil)
  13. Both are white on all the machines I can see right now. I wouldn't go by color buy by length. But the fan doesn't require spacers...
  14. No heated bed, but almost perfect flat: Done in PLA.
  15. Spacers for the fan unit? Got photos? And the electronics are normally held in place with white spaces with a length of 16mm. If you have black 11mm spacers, those could be placed on the X/Y motors instead of the wood. But the instructions are not updated for this change. (it reduces noise)
  16. You'll have to edit the preview.py file, search for 9999 and add a few extra 9 behind that.
  17. Most likely something is wrong with your temperature sensor connection. Check if the red/yellow wires are properly connected on top of the printer head (and not swapped around) and if the 3 cable connector is firmly inserted. Also, is the blue light on top of the extruder head on? (The full message is "Extruder switched off. MAXTEMP triggered !", which means it's reading more then 270C or less then 5C on the temperature sensor)
  18. The Z screw is indeed misaligned a bit. We discovered this a few weeks ago, but on normal sized printers it doesn't cause any real problems. I think it's the result from the drawings being done in Illustrator instead of a CAD tool. As snowygrouch already pointed out, it's very important that the bronze "nut" is lose. The leadscrew we use is never properly centered (it's almost impossible to create them perfectly centered) if you fix this firmly in the platform you will get ridges that exactly match the thread pitch.
  19. :geek: And experts must pay their penance with extra clicking during process development! Yes :-) but if those extra mouse clicks cause you to wear out your mouse, then drop by and I'll give you a new mouse
  20. 5000rpm is very VERY high for steppers, not sure if those motors are up to that. But I think the electronics could manage it.
  21. Most likely, this is not new. It's the background GCode loader. It's loading the GCode file of the model you opened, in the background. This can cause some noticeable slowdowns.
  22. Current mode. The pots on the drivers adjust the amount of current.
  23. Instead checking for interference, check if the powersupply is strong enough. If you installed LED strips you will notice that they dim a bit when the heater is on. The 19V power supply drops to 18V with the heater on, by adding more and more things you might be straining it too much.
  24. Note that I wouldn't mind putting some effort on Cura to support your slicer. If I could get rid of SF, that would be awesome. I've even asked Jonathan from KISSlicer if we could make a Cura with a payed licensed KISSlicer as slicing engine. But he told me that he could not do this right now (not sure why) Cura currently calls it's own slicer as commandline tool, with all the settings as parameters. You might want a different set of settings for your slicer, but that's easy to change. All the magic for this is hidden in https://github.com/daid/Cura/blob/maste ... liceRun.py You can even see that there still is some Slic3r code in there ;-)
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