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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Also, if you care about space: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ I love that game. Nothing is quite as satisfying as shooting green men into space, and explosions. (Also, I know a lot about rocket science now...)
  2. I've been clear on this a few times already. I'm a dictator. Some things I will like. Some things I won't like. I've actually accepted quite a few patches already. Also:
  3. Shows how outdated and out of touch the basic news is these days. Apply the difference of what is really happening and what's actually being reported to all "news".
  4. I know a bit more about the project. And it's not so much "designed for 0G", it's more "designed for space". As space is a.. horrible place. 0G means all the dust never really settles, so the printer was designed to be fully enclosed. I think NASA only allows certain types of materials to be used in construction, which most likely also was an issue. It's also remotely operated, so all the control is done from earth. At the ISS they can only take out the final print, not much else. Now, I'm 100% sure that if you just grabbed your average Ultimaker and shot it into space, it will work fine. But, procedures did not allow for that.
  5. Also, if you bend the material, does it turn white? If it does, the spool is actually ABS, not PLA. (Simple check that can save a lot of headache)
  6. 1) The motors are the same. The covers are new injection molded parts. Something we'll most likely also will use on the UM2 and UM2extended later on. But it's only used on the UM2go as a trial for now. The slots are to get a bit of extra cooling due to convection. It's pretty much a free improvement for injection molded parts, while it would have increased the cost on the metal covers. 2) No idea.
  7. http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ https://github.com/daid/Cura/commits/SteamEngine Done :-) added the bed clips to the UM2go 3D model of the bed, as an experiment. Might do this for the UM2 bed as well, as better shows why there are these gray areas on the bed.
  8. Actually, gravity does not effect that as much as you think. You can easy test this by turning the printer upside down (will work just fine) shrinking due to slight uneven cooling has a much bigger effect.
  9. No, the parts won't be sold as a kit (as you pretty much have to dis-assemble the whole machine. Just writing that manual would be hell) But, yes, you are free to grab the drawings, make new panels, make lengthed cables, and do this yourself. Firmware wise, it's an easy change: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/commit/f9d8516cd97ba81534acb19fd3453ac8bbaa5e14 That's all the changes from the UM2 to the UM2extended I just uploaded the UM2extended and UM2go firmware sources onto github today. Nothing really earth shocking there.
  10. If you want to control everything from Cura. That can be done. Set the "GCode flavor" to "RepRap (Sprinter/Marlin)" instead of "UltiGCode". Then you will have all the settings (temperature, retraction, bed temperature) in Cura and the settings from the machine will be overruled.
  11. Also, with the rotation tool, hold shift to rotate per degree instead of per 15 degree steps
  12. Looks like a 3mm bowden in real life. The UM2extended is exactly what it says on the box. And UM2 and then extended in Z. Nothing more, nothing less.
  13. It has about the same properties as ColorFabb XT. So if you are printing with XT already, you'll find little difference between that and U-PET. I think the glass transition temperature is around 65C. But don't quote me on that one.
  14. Don't count on it from Ultimaker. (But, as the electronics are the same as the UM2, pretty sure someone will build this at some point)
  15. And the latest RC? http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ (Which is safe to use in it's current state)
  16. Not sure on the weight, it's lighter then an original that's as much as I know on that. But I do know it comes in special packaging that is designed to be re-usable and easy for transport. I think the XT is also a form of PET (could be wrong here). Settings for the UM2 are: Print temperature 250C Bed temperature 60 Fan speed 50%
  17. Odd. Can you check if this is also the case with the 14.09 release from: http://software.ultimaker.com/old/
  18. No new feeders or hotends. Yes, we are working on that, it was not ready for these machines. The latest teflon pieces are a bit better. But other then that, you can expect sort of the same problems with these as with the UM2. After all, they are variations of the UM2 as the names imply. We decided quite a while ago that we are not going to join the "race to the bottom". Yes, there are cheaper options out there. Quite a few actually (I would recommend the printrbot options over the Robo options if you want cheap). But we prefer to have highest quality prints. And better user experience. (Also, for 400 euros, you cannot build an Ultimaker. Unless you have it assembled by child labor) U-PET Yes, this was a bit unannounced and added to the shop. It's one of those things where it shows that we are doing way too much at the same time. It's U-PET. It's great. It's printable PET, in multiple colors. It has been tested a lot and prints great in the UMO and UM2. The latest UM2 firmware has material settings for this as well.
  19. It's only 100mm. We didn't notice any "bad" effects that we noticed with the really tall ones that we prototyped a long time ago. The UM2 bed also helps a bit on this aspect, as well as the lighter head. Planning to have an update on Cura out before that, just to assist everyone that already has one of these machines for testing and showing off (resellers get them sooner for promotion)
  20. And longer electronic cables.
  21. ... that's silly. As that's what this line of code is already doing: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/gcodeExport.cpp#L485
  22. There was a reason given. Just no discussion. I'm trying to keep it a bit clean on pull requests and issues (not that it's working so far), and that means closing stuff as soon as it's the issuers turn to do something again. And when I'm not going to merge something in it's current form, I close the pull request. (The issuer can re-open it, so it's not something final) (Right now I'm juggling a lot of projects, so my answers are usually short and quick)
  23. Uhm. No. They where called the Goliath and Calimero during development. (And Mini and Maxi) That was quick, told them someone would notice this. But didn't expect it from the press photos. Kudos! The print volume is 122x122x110. But the head movement actually has ~10 more mm in the X direction on both sides. So with some hacking you could get 140x122x110 out of it. The external size could not be made smaller due to the electronics size, else we would have made it to fit the build volume. It does look super cute in real life. (But it's bigger then the TITAN )
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