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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Does an extra error or something show up if you run it like this: Open the package (right click, show package contents) Go to Contents/MacOS There run the "Cura" file. A black console window should popup now, maybe giving an extra error. (The default Error console of MacOS is useless for Cura for some reason)
  2. You'll want to look at the Cura/util/machineCom.py (The config ini code was contributed. I'm not using it myself, so I have no idea how/if it works)
  3. Ah, yes, this is due to that the Cura tries to minimize the print head movement, and so starts off where it left off at the previous layer. This will most likely change, where each layer will start at about the same point. (This will also make it possible to multi-thread the engine at some point)
  4. Software (Cura) 1. PLEASE stop automatically slicing, Obvious? No. Not at all. Why do you want to do extra actions? The slicing is ran as background process, as lowest priority. So it does not impact system performance, it does not slow down the GUI (as it's run as 2nd process) and your GCode is ready before you are. The engine is started 0.5 seconds after a setting is changed, so you pretty much have to be faster then 0.5 seconds if you want to be faster then the current implementation. I pretty much love this system, and you'll have to do a lot to convince me. A lot more then saying "It's obvious" (Alpha-Spock: "It's only obvious") (Slow downs due to rotation/scaling of complex objects is not due to the slicing, it's actually the GUI that is calculating stuff on the GUI thread. Fundamental problem which I am addressing in the PinkUnicorn branch) 2. Please add the option to determine the amount of shells/floor/roof in numbers instead of only in mm. Working on a new GUI, code-name "Pink Unicorn" which has a lot more options, and where you can choose which level of setting control you want. You want to set the number of top layers? It can do that. You want to set the whole outer shell as just 1 value, it can also do that. You can configure exactly which settings you want to see, and some settings "mask out" other settings. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/BQnUtHk.png 3. Please do something about thin walls being skipped during slicing, and/or disconnect this from the "shell thickness" setting (there are also bugs in this relationship, that I've mentioned in a previous forum post). This is a bit like asking a car to fly. It's a fundamental thing. 4. In the installation menu, please add a prompt that removes the previous version. This is requested quite often, I haven't looked into it yet. Firmware 1. First, congrats on fixing the initial-feeding routine. You're welcome, but it was a bit of a quick-fix. Also thanks Illuminarti for finding the big bug I made. 2. About the start and end routines: are you absolutely sure retracting the material from the head at the end of a print is best? Yes. Leaving material hot in the hotend is bad for the material, it also drips out, if you just let it sit there, in which case you need the initial extrusion anyhow. 3. For the end routine: why not add an on/off feature for keeping the side fans on full blast to help the prints and plate to cool? (the head will be centered, and/or loose, and will should stay close to the plate by only lowering the plate slightly at this stage. Only when cooled, the plate goes all the way down.) Problem of leaving the head on top of the print is that it will drip on your print, and you cannot take off the print as the head is in the way. You also cannot always lift the head more, if you use the full Z height of the printer. 4. In all the temperature-related menus, the starting value should not be zero, but rather the last target temp, or the top one of last x times the menu was accessed, or ever simpler, just use the current temp. (I have some pains in my hands, some days I count every key stroke and turn of the UM2 menu wheel...) 5. Please add a "quick-heatup" option for the heated plate. Reasons obvious. Let's say it could stay in this "hot and ready" state for ~15 mins before shutting off? For the shortcut, maybe even use a long press of the wheel. I've heard a lot of "long press" suggestions already for a lot of different features. For obvious user-interaction-design reasons it's bad to have a long-press option. But together with question 4, I'll think about it. Another thing that has been suggested, is to start heating up the bed as soon as you enter the print selection menu. This can save you some time in heating up the bed, or, if you leave that menu open, it will heat up the bed. However, this isn't really obvious to the user that it is happening, and might scare people... 6. The "time left" estimate on the LCD is beyond useless, esp with complex prints. It would be much easier and better to have Cura write its estimate into the output file and just have the machine count down from that. Yes. It's a bit crappy. It has to account for a lot (adjusted speeds, incorrect estimates) I'm pretty sure there is a bug in there. 7. Oh, also, regarding the "change material" routine: Currently it heats up to 260 (I'm assuming) and pulls out slowly and then quicker, the ideal conditions for creating long thin strands of material that are sometimes left over in the tube. It should yank the material quite fast at first, as well as let the user set the pull-out temperature (let's say between 180-260, so as to avoid accidental damage). I've tried this, didn't work. You can "yank" a lot faster with your hands then with the feeder. The filament change routine is actually something I spend quite a lot of time on. But I never got the strand removed 100%. (It heats up to the set material temperature)
  5. Is the cable plugged in all the way? I've heard this when my power cable was slightly lose.
  6. This patch? https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/commit/e54f8145217ca538449302c1e2834e69ccf66cb5 What I did here makes sense, as what the code was doing didn't make sense at all, it's multiplying a speed with a material volume factor...
  7. The precise time estimation is in the engine, not the python code. https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/src/gcodeExport.cpp#L388
  8. Jordan, We recently released a firmware update for the UM2, which addresses a bed leveling issue that some people are having. Maybe this is the actual problem? As I highly doubt that an uneven foot causes these kinds of issues. You can get the latest firmware from the latest Cura release at: http://software.ultimaker.com/
  9. I recommend this above Sketchup. It's a lot more powerful, and at the same time, a lot less can go wrong. (Also note, my signature on printer! As well as the founders signatures)
  10. On that scale, this is the best I managed to do: http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20120125_211716.small.jpeg http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20120129_162856.small.jpeg With lots of luck and quite some experience. (This was 2 years ago, I think I could do a bit better now) I wouldn't recommend FDM for what you want to do, as you will most likely be disappointed with the result. I would recommend looking at the Form1: http://formlabs.com/
  11. Giving your username and/or email should be enough. Most likely a mistake from the support people.
  12. Actually, that video is quite old and the estimate is a lot better these days.
  13. Depends if you where effected by the leveling issues. If you where having issues, you might want to level it again.
  14. I noticed. But the latest changes should at-least correct some problems. (Better to have a partial fix out there then a fully broken one)
  15. You can always copy the one from the start menu.
  16. Yes, uploaded Cura 14.06.1, which has UM2 firmware 14.06.2 (sorry for the confusing numbers) Thanks illuminarti for the nice patch to fix this and a few other minor issues in the firmware. Let me know if there is still a problem after this. If there are no problems then I'll update the "latest version" information and everyone will get popups about a new release on Cura startup. (14.06 did not have this popup, as I always delay this a bit to catch possible mistakes like this one)
  17. Your illustration has the inner circle colors the wrong way around. But what I mean is when the circle it closer to the edge, then the brown line will become 1 line for both the inner hole and the outer line. (Also, engine wise, the information about which line belongs to which hole/outside is not kept with the lines)
  18. Note, I am planning to drop MacOS 10.6 support in the future. Apple is making it quite impossible to support it properly. (The hoops I jump trough to get it to work are quite... interesting. The fact that it works at all on 10.6 is a bit of a miracle)
  19. Small thing. If you build a heated-bed yourself you are a bit on your own on that bit. IMHO, it's a bit hard to complain to me that not the proper firmware is installed then.
  20. No problem. Hot weather can be a bitch. This feature is somewhere on my roadmap, but I have no idea when.
  21. While I see what you mean. There is a difficult case here. There is a chance (pretty good one actually) that the 2nd or 3th lines of the inner&outer perimeters meet up and form a single line. In which case a single 2nd or 3th line has multiple outer lines.
  22. Outer shells are printed in one direction, internal holes are printed in the other direction (due to how data is stored in the engine)
  23. You're presented with the major changes when starting the new version for the first time. I did not track small bug-fixes or minor changes. Black-magic options are called that for a reason. This new option disables 80% of the CuraEngine code, and just puts filament where there are polygons in the model. So you could model internal structures and stuff.
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