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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Oh, and also, you need to print everything inside, out, that's important for quality. (I did lots of testing on this a year ago)
  2. How would you solve this one?
  3. Daid


    I recommend putting the minimal Z at 10mm, so you cannot hit the metal clips on the bed. As that's not so good for your nozzle.
  4. The default error console from MacOS is useless (boils down to "Apple hates me"). You need to go trough the "open package contents" procedure (described it above in this topic) to get a useful error message.
  5. As long as you do not connect a heater, and do not change any wiring while the power is on, there is little you can do wrong with the electronics. Note that the default behavior is not to turn the E motor till the hotend is warm enough. (This sometimes confuses people, making them think the driver or motor is broken)
  6. Actually, it's not just Gina that needs to do work for this. It's also on the firmware side that's not really compatible for UltiGCode except if you use the LCD menu.
  7. I've placed a testing version at: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ This version has 2 changes compared to 14.07, it changes the location where the configuration is stored. From /Users/user/.cura/version/ to /Users/user/Library/Application Support/version/ as that is apparently the proper location for configuration data. And it catches the crash when saving configuration to it should at least start (but will be unable to save data then)
  8. That never stopped me... I think almost no working Ultimaker saw as much abuse as mine. I even dropped it from my bike once.
  9. That question will end up with me eventually. I've had a few more reports like this, and finally found someone who managed to make a proper log that I needed. What is happening, Cura tries to make a directory for configuration files, this fails. After that, it tries to save the configuration file in that directory, this fails and crashes Cura. I'll have a few things to try and I'll build a test version tomorrow for the people with this issue.
  10. >But once the Makerbot Smart Extruder clogged, I wouldn't be able to unclog it because I would lose warranty. On the UM Original we sometimes have the issue that a transistor "blows". Which means the fan stops working, or is on all the time. The normal response from the support staff is asking if you are willing to replace it yourself, which means soldering on the board. That's how far support goes at Ultimaker. Trying to find the best solution for everyone. (Note, if you want to spend less money, the UM Original kit is still a great machine, and doesn't under-do it for the UM2 except on a few looks and usability fronts)
  11. Daid


    GermanRepRap foundation is just reselling it. They didn't make it. (I've never used it, but I've heard from people that it's pretty nice. But also that the people who are making it think they are god and their software is the best thing ever)
  12. "Maintaince->Move Material" that's the menu you want Mark.
  13. Also varies from machine to machine. No 2 machines are exactly the same. (Lots of Ultimakers come close to each-other, but never the same)
  14. https://github.com/norpchen/Ultimaker2Marlin/tree/master/Compiled%20Binary He has hex files there. There is always a battle between "people wanting more information" and "keeping stuff KISS". But that shouldn't stop you from installing this excellent addition to the firmware.
  15. They blow sometimes. (No pun intended) Anyhow, they are simple BD679 transistors. They are quite common and easy to source. So if you are up to soldering, you could fix it quite quick yourself. If you're not up to that, you bought a working machine, and it wasn't in 100% working condition when you got it. Then warranty applies.
  16. Yes, but that's not what I mean. I mean, the plugin code, that's processing the GCode, that could be blocking the GUI.
  17. You can also access a lot of the public information without an token. Example: https://www.youmagine.com/users/daid.json Pretty much every page is accessible as json, but the "logged in" data requires an access token. Not sure if this is by design or by mistake.
  18. Officially. Not a word. Unofficially. Hell yes.
  19. Oh, and I'm not 100% sure where plugins are ran, they might actually be blocking the GUI.
  20. Assumption right there. It's not the toolpath processing that's causing slowdowns. It's actually some horrible GUI code that's causing the issues. It's actually calculating boundary boxes on the GUI thread, which is the main source of slowdowns. It would still do this even if you do not calculate toolpaths. It's something I'm addressing in codename Pink Unicorn.
  21. Says so on the flyer and website: Usage cost: ~ €0.05 / cm3 (material and power)
  22. WTF? Really? They are asking that much? I know the nozzle is not the cheapest piece to make. Actually, it's one of the more expensive mechanical parts in the machine, due to low tolerances and complex machining. And spare-parts never have been really cheap. But this is nuts. You can almost have one printed in silver at shapeways for that price. Hell, you could print them in brass for that price at shapeways. (I'm not allowed to say anything about actual production prices, or markups. Not that I know. But if I where allowed to say something and I was to do a guess, I would say 5-8x markup. But, I'm not allowed to say anything, so I say nothing) Shipping always has been a problem. I know they tried cheaper options, but then shipments where getting lost, causing other problems. IMHO, they should drop-ship a whole bunch of spare-parts to the US and then you can ship them cheap, piece by piece from there. Logistics on that is harder, but not impossible.
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