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Everything posted by ian

  1. so just back from a weekend in Bavaria... I had to orgnaise a new apartment for me with the new job starting in 3 weeks.. Drove around a lot of Bavaria looking at apartments... the best for me was... the neigbour telling me to be careful with the women living under me.. she has little grasp of reality... WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN !!! shes going to rape and kill me as I sleep ?-... ahhhhh But the very last apartment was... perfect.. sharing with two engineers from Texas Instruements.. and its 5km from my office.. so really cool... plus really nice and... dirt cheap !!!!! score !!!!! Spent the night car camping in a cool forest ontop of a mountain looking over Bavaria.. I kinda love car camping... lots of blankets and bottles of water and falling asleep stretched out.. looking up through the glass roof of the ford kuga and seeing the stars shine betwen the trees.. really nice.... so ...2 weeks of work.. then 1 free... then BAVARIA BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ian :-)
  2. oh god your right !!! well thank god some one said it... thank god !!! HEHEHEHEHE
  3. about fire risk... forget it !! I know way to many happy ultimaker owners that have been printig with pimped and tuned ultimakers for months and years and all of them still have their eyebrows and apartments !!! Ian :-)
  4. as long as you dont look like your girlfriend photo then you can share a room with me.. no worries !! LOLL
  5. What I think would be a really cool idea is.. If Ultimaker offered a one week boot camp next summer. You have to pay a small fee and travel to some mountain camp some where there are buckets of 3d printers and computer games.. They teach us better tricks and tips in 3d printing and we are allowed to design and build new parts and designs for 3d printing... Ultimaker sponsores the whole thing and gets monster customer and user feedback and also R&D ideas and concepts.... Ultimaker... 3D Hack in the Mountains ;-) I know some other big IT companies do things like this.. but as far as I know no one in the consumer 3d print market has done this yet.. would be much cooler if ultimaker did this first and let the other guys kick themselves later... LOL Ian :-)
  6. very cool looking modification. It does look a little heavy on the top... but I do like the idea of direct hotend feeder combo ! please let us know how the prints come out ? Also have you posted this on thingiverse ? very nice work ! Ian :-)
  7. I still think myself we can still do some amazing new ideas for this ! It would a cool print project and also just... coool ! Ian ps... german Milka bars are also pritty yummy ! :-)
  8. hehe... Thanks guys !! Im going to keep the springercollection... I do really like it.. simple and straight forward :-) Thanks a million !!! Ian :-)
  9. and how many women will you provide ? ;-)
  10. says the monster "welcome to my under the bed bar.. what can I give you.. WOHAAAAAA" Ian :wink:
  11. I have my plans.. video interview with a very drunk Robert admitting how wonderful alcahol really is !!! HEHEHEHE
  12. i love this tread so much.. so many amazing new designs and creations and what I find totally brilliant is.. users are sitting down using different software and creating their own projects and not just downloading stuff off the net and clicking print.. I know its not the first time I have complimented on this treat but i have to... :-) Ian :-)
  13. wait !!!!.... no...... al...ca...hol.... ???? I dont get it ?? The whole magic of going into a pub on a friday evening... getting silly drunk and finding yourself pissing against a cows leg in a ditch in the countryside.. 7 miles away from the pub.... sure... thats one of the great things you can do.... and all down to great old alcahol ! .... LOLLLLLL Ian ;-)
  14. Thanks guys for the good wishes !! :-) Im really excited to start in a month with the new job ! :-) On another note... the tea kettle is now on... we can start gossiping.... ;-) I was invited into Leipzig last night for some chinese food with a good friend. I had to stop in my local petrol station. There is a girl there.. really happy and nice... I waited in the line and when I got to the cash desk,.. I paid and asked her how she is...? She looked at me and asked... your not german right ? I said noooo. Her answer... oh thank god.. LOL She told me its a small miracle if one german in the working day asks how she is or anything about her... never happens i! So she got very excited and happy and started talking about her night out in the disco and how she couldnt walk today because of some of the moves she did on the dance floor.. HEHE Its funny to hear the words.. may ass is half broken coming from the petrol station girl... ;-) Anyway.. she asked me If I wanted to go dancing with her someday. I told her I was born with two left feet. She said... she can teach me some moves.. LOLL In the end.. it was a bout 10 minutes later.. there was 8 or 9 very angry german customers waiting behind me.. and the girl handed me her mobile number... I was falling back into my car laughing and told my girlfriend what had happens. She started laughing and said.. only an irish guy could walk into to pay for petrol and come out 10 minutes later with a disco invitation and a telephone number... HEHEHEHE Ian ;-) LOL
  15. Thank you !! It will be a big jump for me... new city.. new company... but im 30 and im going to play some poker with my life now when everything is possible ! :-) Ian :-)
  16. Oh Markus !! brilliant ! Yes Kranzberg north of Munich ! If your friend can spot anything.. that would be super. As I said.. I have no problem finding a simple little apartment within a 40 or 50km radius of Kranzberg.. I dont mind driving but not from Munich.. that would be crazy. Thank you !! Ian :-)
  17. Thanks guys !! Im still not sure I should contact Springer Verlag. It would just be too easy to tell me.. yes tear it down... :-(
  18. Hi guys. With the super help of another Moderator here on the forum. I finally got my irish bumb off the seat and started organising my photo collection online. My full name is Ian Spring and as a kid everyone always called me springer. So I found the domain springercollection.com I thought it was quite nice and a little personnel for my photo collection. So just started that. I got an email from a friend tonight telling me I should be careful about using that domain name for my project. Because in Germany one of the biggest publishing houses is called SPRINGER VERLAG. How can I find out if they have for some strange reason copyrighted the name springercollection also ? I dont have any money and a big publishing house could simply blow me out of the water before I even get to start my photo project. Does anyone have any ideas on ... if I need to change my whole project name and can i still use the name springercollection as my project ? Do I need to copyright this name some where ? As I said i have no money and am doing this online project on a real shoe lace budget. Hope you guys can give me some tips. Thanks a million. Ian :smile:
  19. Hay my friend !! Im happy you got things back into a better situation. As the other guys said.... You work to live... You dont Live to work... !! Hope the new work balance stays good and you enjoy work and also your free time and of course... 3d printing fun !! Have a lovely weekend Aaron !! Ian :-)
  20. Have a super weekend guys !! Last night I rediscovered the wonders of cocktail drinks... and HAPPY HOUR :-) Had 34 minutes before the end of HAPPY HOUR... so i just moved my finger down half the menu with the waitress. She asked me which one I want... I answered.. did you not see my finger show you.. wait I can do it again !! slow slide of finger... I filled the little round table and had a lot of fun... oh getting drunk once in a while is a lovely experience... :-) Of course.. there was a reason behind my cocktail madness ! I just scored myself a great new job.. better money.. much better work... 3d design for very cool maschine building in Bavaria Germany... starting in 4 weeks... YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ian :-)
  21. PIMP that thing baby !! Absolutyl love your new control pad !! very retro and very cool !! Ian :-)
  22. Ich weiss diese post its total .... nicht normal für unsere forum aber ich muss fragen. Ich habe ein geiles neue arbeit bekommen in Kranzberg swischen Ingolstadt und Munchen. Die arbeit fanght an in eine monat von jetze. Ich habe an alle die normale immobilien seite gekuckt und habe nich so viel gefunden. Ich wonder mich kann jemand here eine freie wohnung in der nahe ? Ich suche. 1 zimmer wohnung. 15 bis 35 quadrat meter kann bis 50km von Kranszberg sine. Mein email ist: ian.spring@gmail.com Wann ich hore nichts von diese kleine anziege... ich als liebe forum moderator werd das theme loschen ! aber ich miss versuchen ! Vielen Dank Ultimaker Welt ! Ian :-)
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