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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. It blows air...I tested Sticker on each side I'm still concerned about how close the duct is to the print head...trying to think of some low budget/scrap alu ideas to help it
  2. Another little discovery The fan I have and the fan on the UMO is 50mm (49.91). Now on to the fan duct for the original fan
  3. Well it is always a nice thing when you take things apart, put them back together and get a good print Vent 2 for the additional fan
  4. We keep pointing out flaws, they keep saying "We fixed something try it again"....and week by week, the population of people hanging out here dwindles. And the biggest PRO of the Ultimaker is its community, right? Well...your community is annoyed you do not take our complaints seriously. And many frequent posters are gone or opt to only stop in every few days. I'm all for a new home.... but since Ultimaker is flush with way more money than I am, I keep hoping they'll fit it!
  5. Good point I am starting to think this design might be more promising
  6. Well the latest attempt with support did a tad better and the bottom looked better So here's the results Now I removed the 3mm nut holding the fan so I could loosen the long threaded rods and turn the print head thinnest side front. I had to loosen the heater/ probe screw to get it moved Trying to maneuver those wires around isn't much fun. ...and it is very clear now that the heater block is very close to where the second fan would be (right side). A PLA housing is going to melt if I attempt to attach it onto those threaded rods I'm a little concerned placing the fan into those threaded screws will suffer the same fate. I didn't really think this through that a second fan is really close to the print head! I'm up for ideas! I'm going to pause here since I can easily go backwards if I need to
  7. Well a bit better result. Still could be better. 40mm sec , 0.2 and 200c. Bed 42
  8. Beer helped (thank you Guinness)....and another session of bed leveling.
  9. Ugh....so I level bed, adjust knobs during skirt...things look good.... Then first layer, the nozzle starts knocking the first layer items off the bed. Bed at 60 for first layer. Goodness I used to be good at printing. Now every print is a struggle.
  10. Sad, there's a lot of good information we should make available since the lousy forum software is an epic failure for quickly finding information
  11. Well we used to one... Will it return? I know I would love to see something in it's place! For example, others have posted fantastic tips on best printing temps for certain materials, best bed temps with and without glue stick, etc. etc. I would really like to see something like this be available!
  12. Okay, so I I want the print head wires facing the back of the printer now. Then...sort out a way to print this shroud and install that fan
  13. Okay, so a little progress....I found a fan that appears to be the same size as the one that came with my UMO. Nice! Now notice the orientation of my print head....now how can I re-orient the print head? I mean I can unscrew it to the right spot...but where/how do I secure it? I really don't want to take the print head all apart! Essentially I need to swing the printhead around 90 degrees.
  14. Well you have many more hours of successful printing than me!
  15. Oh I do a lot of soldering with my Arduino motor shields and R2 work. You should follow my page and see what I do when not sorting out this printer lol I'm calling a local computer shop, hoping they have a 40mm fan I can test with
  16. See there you go again ,scaring us! Everyone says "just splice in another, works fine!" then a couple threads later, people say not to....I wish Ultimaker or somebody would give a definitive answer on if we CAN splice another fan in safely (with same power limits as first fan) or not.
  17. I also found a nice part for splicing the wires into each other Snap Lock....forgot i had some of these in my electronics pile!
  18. No fan at all through the entire print? I haven't followed the carbon fiber print threads since i figure my printer was less equipped than the U2
  19. Well I am in a vicious loop. If I print XT, I need the heated bed. With my poor cooling on one side, that will fail too Sigh. Ultimaker should just gift me a new printer
  20. Use gluestick tho at that range for adhesion, right?
  21. Yeah, i noticed the bottom of the print looked iffy. It's hard to see silver filament being laid down on a glue coated bed ! I was cranked away on the level knobs to fine tune and couldn't tell if i was making a difference. It may be time to put the Dutch Orange back I have travel speed set to 175, I upped it from 150 Cura 15.04.4. Notice the ducts themselves look horrible...shouldn't need support. But I'm not sure if that's bed heat or what...it looks rumpled.
  22. Yes, but sadly I can't even get the ducts needed to print acceptably lately. The heated bed has made my life a bit more complicated lately! The link @SandervG gives is for an Ultimaker Oringinal + which has a metal shroud, just so you know. I have the UMO...no + I'm not sure what you have? There's many threads here where there are concerns about the fans you use. I'm not a super experienced electronics guy but from what I can gather, the biggest issue is how many amps you draw. If you make sure the fans are low (as all are), you are fine. There's also some comments about electronic noise, so when the next fan is added, it seems wise to keep those wires clear of the others (heat probe, etc). Here's the model I've been trying to print http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1268841 As for fans...2-wire is what comes on the UMO. Fans like this look like they would work. I am try to avoid cutting and splicing wires and looking for a Y adapter that would allow two 2-pin wire fans to plug into the one plug. I see 3 wire everywhere but not two. (If you find it, share!)
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