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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. I've been having a conversation with ColorFabb since some of my other XT-CF20 prints have come out very blobby. He made a few suggestions and here is what I am going to try soon....my printer has a problematic Y-Axis pulley (again) so once I have that resolved, will try again. Here's what I plan to try next time based on his suggestions: Layer 0.2 Shell Thickness 1.2 Enable Retraction (checked) - Fill Bottom/Top 1.2 Fill Density 100% - Print speed - 40 mm/s Printing Temp - 255 (lower to 250 after first layers) Bed Temp 70 Filament Diameter - 2.85 Flow - 97% (per CF suggestion) Advanced (changes only) Retraction Speed 40 mm/s Distance 4.5 Speed Travel Speed - 250 mm/s (Ultimaker Original max) Combing - Off Note the change to flow. The piece I showed him with a bracket piece for the UMO Shroud, thus why he advised 100% infill. I'm also curious to try the retraction settings. I'll let you know the results, since this is a great thread on printing with this stuff.
  2. It looks like I am running into this issue with the dual fan upgrade I did. I am curious what your solution was to get this resolved? I wrapped the fan wires into the plastic wrap above the print head. That's probably the culprit in my case. On the good side, the fan wires are outside the print head so re-routing them away shouldn't be terrible (just need some clever way to secure things on there) Are there any good, locally available (auto shop, etc?) means to wrap the wires to reduce the PWM noise? I have the wires in heat shrink tubing up to the last 4 inches, where the wire leads come into the connector.
  3. There's a ton...ton...of support for the Ultimakers. Many of my friends are squeamish about the price of the Ultimaker and then opt to try printers that are 1/3 the price. Then spend countless hours trying to make basic prints work reliably instead of doing fun things! I think your choices boil down to this...support and consistent quality over a wide spectrum of materials.
  4. Well....to give some follow up...I used a candle to loosen and get some of the carbon fiber filament out. But...that also generated a fair amount of soot. (Regular, unscented candle) I re-installed the nozzle into the print head (just a few turns, left in loose) and heated to 180C. I also tightened the brass tube into the heater block, it had become loose...once that was tight, I tightened the nozzle in. Then, at 220C i started doing atomic pulls with PLA filament(bowden tube removed). The first 4 or 5...heat to 220C, then set to 90C...then tug filament out....generated good "popping" sounds and soot. Finally, around the 8th time, I was able to press in the PLA and see filament squirt out the nozzle. Phew, not a fun time but all back together again and printing
  5. See pic I have the nozzle out. And as I mentioned there, may be time to replace the brass pipe, teflon tube and peek.
  6. I tried an atomic but the filament that is clogged inside is Colorfabb XT-CF20 (carbon fiber). I heated to 250 then cooled down to 100C....stuff wouldn't budge loose. Slowly brought the heat up a couple degrees and it finally popped out at 185C Problem is the stuff totally plugged up the nozzle. I've removed the nozzle and wondering the best way to clean....dangle over a candle? Then some poke some regular filament inside (while hot) , then cool and pull? Rinse and repeat?
  7. Tormach is a great machine, there's a NYCNC channel in YouTube showing his many projects using it. I'd love to have one of these and upgrade from what I am using. Congrats!
  8. I've bought "brand new" that sat on a shelf for a long time
  9. What he said....do the bend test on your filament...if it snaps, it's old.
  10. Under good weather conditions, sure. High winds/cross winds, rain/snow/freezing rain and that drone will probably cause more casualties
  11. There's been a few in the United States that show up on eBay. However, it looks like the same person keeps scooping them up! (Not me!)
  12. Hi DidlerKlein Thanks for the reply. Well its the only change, so I suspected that might be my problem However unscrewing and examining the motor and pulley sounds a whole lot easier!
  13. Last night, I was searching for something on Google that linked here to the UM forums. I clicked over and was reading one of the posts that was a search hit....then got a blue screen. It was the Ultimaker 'pop up' to register or sign in. It was really difficult to maneuver around to close the window and finish reading the post. Just an FYI
  14. Well my first test went quite well. Despite a problem with the print leaning slightly, the resulting print came out very nice. I tried 240C but it wouldn't stick to the heated bed. 250 it was trying...256 was the magic number for me. Resolution 0.2 Temp 256C Bed temp 70C Fans off Retractions on Using Anders Olsson's prototype nozzle (ruby) Fill density 20%
  15. A couple months ago I installed the heated bed and right off, noticed the heated bed Z-cover squeaks as it is making contact with the back of the printer. I'm not 100% sure it is to blame for this, but I wanted to put that out there It just started happening, my last two prints show the lean. Here's a photo of tonight's print, done in XT-CF20 carbon fiber filament. The angle is taken from the RIGHT side of the print... And from a few months ago... Any thoughts? I really hate the thought of taking the printer all apart again to repair the Z-Cap....if that's the culprit!
  16. I wonder what the shrinkage is on either? I like the nGen specs since it uses a lower temp and I don't want to push the PEEK of my UMO too hard
  17. Based on what many others have said about XT, I have decided to try out nGen, which seems a lot nicer to use.
  18. Nice work on BB-8 There's so many ways to build it with the different approaches. I am still in 'pause' mode, seeing how builders make out with the design choices. I'll follow their trial and error
  19. After a few days of sunshine I decided to register my motorcycle at the town office. Clear sunny skies. Walk out the door....snow flurries. Very well played, Mother Nature.
  20. Right after you posted I saw an ad from Matter Hackers offering an ASSEMBLED version of your printer for an additional $150 (I think...deleted the email).
  21. Yes, my suit. Bought from a company that makes replicas but it was a mess when it arrived. I had to completely take everything apart, find suitable adhesive and then upgrade the cowl and cape to movie spec (managed to find some people who knew the production team & process). Took a year to complete. Voice...yes, I can imitate the punched-in-the-throat voice
  22. Thanks guys! We raised a good amount of money for charity (Children's Miracle Network) on our Friday and Saturday night appearances. It's a very heavy suit to wear, plus a ton of waterproof mascara around the eyes to match the movie look (Wonder Woman had her makeup off way before me at the end of the day!) The professional photographer took some great pictures. I still need an Ultimaker Extended to print the grapple gun out One of my favorites...
  23. Well I am having to log in everytime on my laptop...remember me not working either.
  24. I'm prompted to log in everytime now. Login page has all the info....just have to manually push log in. Checking off the "Remember Me" now to see if that changes what used to always work
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