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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. That's because your layerview is in compatibility mode. This happens because of two reasons; You either selected this in preferences or your graphics card doesn't support opengl 4.1. Note that in the first screenshot, the Sidebar GUI plugin is used to rearrange the UI. This made the vertical slider move to the left of the settings.
  2. The article you link to is for multi-extrusion printers. On single extruder printers like yours, you have to "manually" insert material change gcode with postprocessing scripts. The article does include how to "merge" your models after importing. I'm not familiar enough with Blender or Fusion 360 to tell you how to export multiple objects with the same origin.
  3. It has been reported by another user here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/Cura-SidebarGUIPlugin/issues/2 I have yet to look in to the issue. Does it also happen when you don't switch to the monitor tab? How do you connect to the printer? USB, OctoPrint, Cura Connect?
  4. Sounds like it has the wrong firmware. The Ultimaker 2+ has an additional gear in the extruder, which means that the extruder needs to be inversed. If you have an Ultimaker 2+ (or upgraded Ultimaker 2) with Ultimaker 2 firmware, or vice versa (an Ultimaker 2 with Ultimaker 2+ firmware), the extrusion will be inversed.
  5. You can open a gcode file to inspect it, but you can not change parameters and reslice it. This is because the original information of the 3d models is missing in the gcode files.
  6. That’s pretty much what my therapist told me.
  7. The gcode you posted is properly postprocessed to include the M117 gcode commands mentioned by @tinkergnome. If when printing this gcode file your printer display does not show "Layer # layer: 1" on the first layer (and so on), then this functionality is apparently not supported by the firmware of your printer. There is some evidence to support the latter theory: https://www.google.com/search?q=wanhao+duplicator+i3+plus+m117
  8. No, I meant a whole sliced gcode file. Just slice something small. I am telling you, it isn't.
  9. Ok, then it should work. Can you post a small gcode file somewhere for me to have a look at?
  10. Ah, it seems that postprocessing scripts don't work when printing over USB in Cura 4.0 https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/5589#issuecomment-481822914 Are you printing over USB, or saving files to an SD card?
  11. If the software that comes with the printer is so great then why do you want to use Cura?
  12. Please check if this guide will allow you to run Cura with either the Intel or the NVIDIA gpu: https://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/force-app-to-use-dedicated-gpu-windows/
  13. Can you force Cura to run on the Intel or on the nVidia GPU? Does the same problem occur with both GPUs?
  14. Post processing script state is now stored between sessions. Has been so since Cura 3.3
  15. It is not a plugin causing this, it is a conflict between your GPU(-drivers) and Cura. I think you can get Cura running again by pressing (and releasing) the windows key, typing (exactly, without the quotes) "%APPDATA%\Cura\4.0" followed by enter, and then editing the file named "cura.cfg". From the [general] section, remove all lines that start with "window_"
  16. It could be that the teflon (PTFE) coupler has been deformed over time. This is the white part between the PEEK part and the bowden tube. The head is fairly easy to disassemble. Take out the white part and inspect it. Use a small screwdriver to (gently) feel if the channel is still straight or if it has a bulge or severe discoloration. It may need replacement, it is a $15 - $20 part.
  17. The UMO does not have this fan (the UMO+ does).
  18. The plugin is still awaiting review. In the mean time you can get it here (for Cura 4.0): http://files.fieldofview.com/cura/ZOffsetPlugin-v6.0.0-2019-04-19T15_13_09Z.curapackage Once downloaded, drop it into a running Cura window and restart Cura.
  19. You might consider replacing the controller with something that speaks gcode instead of bfb, like a Duet board. Have you tried the legacy version of Cura (15.04)? I don't think anybody has tested the BFB support in the newer versions of Cura.
  20. There is no option to store this data in another location.
  21. A new version of the Z Offset setting plugin that is compatible with the S5 (and updated UM 3) is currently in review and should be available from the Marketplace soon.
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