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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Which is true, for all printers except the Ultimaker 2(+). Please don't expect me to fix all problems left by Ultimaker. USB printing with the Ultimaker 2(+) has fundamental issues (the concept of Ultigcode), and even though you put a raspberry pi inbetween, you are still printing over USB. I appreciate feedback, and will keep improving the plugin (time permitting). But please realise that I am just one user of Cura, and all the time I put towards improving Cura (and supporting users on the forum) does not net me a single dime.
  2. I shall try to make it blink for Cura 2.7. (No, not really)
  3. It is easier to help you if you answer the questions we ask you, instead of reiterating what you said before. Did you change your gcode flavor to Reprap (Marlin/Sprinter)? Does your start gcode resemble the snippet I posted above?
  4. Once you have it feeding, you'll probably need to turn off retractions (or make them *much* slower)
  5. Like @geert_2 says, try feeding it through a hot hotend without the bowden tube in the printhead. If that works, then you might try doing things like lubricating the inside of the bowden tube to reduce friction there, using a drop of mineral oil. Lesson learned: do not buy several kilos of a new, challenging material.
  6. Think of printing with flexible material with a bowden tube as threading a thread through the eye of a needle by pushing the thread forward from 30 cm distance from the eye of the needle. Because there is some resistance going through the eye, the thread is going to kink in all directions it can before going through the eye. Flexible filament is often a bit rubbery, and once it kinks against the bowden tube there is only going to be more friction, so more kinking. Some material will still feed into the bowden tube, but it will just kink and compress in the bowden tube. Printing very flexible filaments is hard on all printers, and harder still on bowden printers.
  7. When you've set your gcode flavor to Reprap (Marlin/Sprinter), then your start code should look something like this: G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off G28 Z0 ;move Z to bottom endstops G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to endstops G1 X15 Y0 F4000 ;move X/Y to front of printer G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform to 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E20 ;extrude 10 mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F9000 M117 Printing...
  8. You have not answered the question if you set the gcode flavor to Reprap (Marlin/Sprinter).
  9. I can confirm the issue with the Prusa i3. Seems to be an issue with ConvexHullDecorator; the Machine Settings plugin correctly sets the machine_head_with_fans_polygon setting. You can even see the shadows change when entering small values, but there remains one large outer shadow.
  10. No, have not seen/heard any similar reports either.
  11. Don't do that. You can remove the subfolders from the quality folder if you want, but it is better to leave the rest of the files. At the very least, Cura needs the normal.inst.cfg file.
  12. Wouldn't it be easier to relevel your bed with more distance between the nozzle and the bed, eg with a (thicker) piece of paper between the bed and nozzle?
  13. I wrote the plugin you have read about. In the sidebar, click on the name of your printer, and choose 'Manage Printers...' from the dropdown. Or open the Preferences window and navigate to the Printers pane. Once there, click on the 'Connect to OctoPrint' button. In the window that pops up, with a bit of luck, you can select your OctoPrint instance. Before you press the Connect button, make sure you enter the API code. You can look this up in the OctoPrint webinterface (in the settings window)
  14. If you don't want to accept my answer or the workarounds for your issue, that is fine with me.
  15. These two versions are totally independent of eachother
  16. When reporting an issue like this, it helps to give out as many details as possible. At the very minimum, it helps if you add what OS you use, since this is unlikely to affect all computers (because then there would be more people reporting the issue). OS X? If so, what version of OS X?
  17. > How come it was usable in 2.4 As far as I know, it wasn't in 2.4 unless you set your gcode flavor to Reprap in 2.4. Or you used an Ultimaker 2+ profile. > why are there all these different materials you can select while you can't activate them for the ultimaker 2. Materials are there for all other printers than the UM2 with UltiGcode. The UM2 is the odd one out here.
  18. Ultimaker 2 by default uses UltiGCode, and Cura expects the printer to handle materials. So Cura does not know what material you will be printing with, and it will not let you select a material. If you want to work around this, I recommend you go into Machine Settings and set the gcode flavor to RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter). That way you ignore the material set on the printer, but you have full control over materials, temperatures, etc. You'll get a dropdown for the material in the sidebar for much easier access, and you get to see the calculated amount of material and cost.
  19. Cura 2.6 comes with a BFB profile ported from legacy Cura. If that doesn't apply, you could just use the Custom FDM Printer and set the width/depth/height to match your printer.
  20. If your GPU does not support the new layerview, it will automatically fall back to compatibility mode, no matter the setting in the general preferences. I'm not sure why the top layers are not showing up for you. Please report this issue at https://github.com/ultimaker/cura/issues
  21. Don't remove *all* materials, just the ones you don't use. If you remove the material currently set as the active material for your printer, Cura cannot load your printer anymore. Generally you'll want to keep the general_* materials.
  22. The red you are seeing is not a separately drawn face. Instead it is basically parts of the "underlying" faces that are drawn in another color by a pixel shader. XRay view does not add faces. That's impossible. Instead, only realize the truth... There is no face.
  23. Go to the "Printers" pane of the preferences, and there should be a "Connect to OctoPrint" button. From there, it works much the same as printing to an Ultimaker 3.
  24. Cura 2.4 did not support Machine Settings for dual extrusion printers. Cura 2.6 does. Newer versions have newer features. Can you clarify "The compatibility mode is'nt just fine )-: " ? Compatibility mode should look just like layerview in Cura 2.4.
  25. I think that's really the better option, come to think of it. Let Octo record/monitor and keep things simple. Yes. You'll have much more control over the slicing parameters, model orientation. Plus you'll have layerview to check if the print will work. And to top it all of, OctoPrintPlugin comes with Cura now!
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