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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I am sorry, I was not being helpful. "Gesundheit" is what you say when someone sneezes or hickups. On-topic: Sure, an Ultimaker-branded HIPS material is possible. Whether it will happen though only materials product management at Ultimaker can tell. Personally I have not printed with PVA or HIPS.
  2. Instead of fixing your problem with a custom postprocessing script, let me try to fix the root of your problem. The reason CuraEngine puts the bed/nozzle temperature commands in front of your start gcode is because your start gcode does not contain commands to heat the bed/nozzle. Make sure the following snippet is in the appropriate place in your start gcode: M190 S{material_bed_temperature} ; wait for bed tempM109 S{material_print_temperature} ; wait for extruder temp This will make sure CuraEngine does not have to add it by itself, and you can put your M80 and G4 before the temperature commands.
  3. You are omitting the port number (see the :8080 part): http://[ip address]:8080/?action=stream
  4. From personal experience I can tell you that being active on github can get you invited to work with the Cura team. It was an awesome year, but I have stepped back to be one of the community contributors again.
  5. It is not (yet) available in this version of Cura
  6. Then why post this in a thread about the betas for 2.5.0?
  7. It is already there, in a preliminary way: Support Meshes to add supports and Anti Overhang Meshes to remove support. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/35603-support-mesh-anti-overhang-mesh
  8. See https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/1686
  9. Ah Post Processing scripts. Those are not saved "by design". The reasoning is that people often forgot they had scripts active in the old Cura. I don't agree with this reasoning, but that's how that decision was made.
  10. Could you elaborate on what you mean by "tweaks"?
  11. There is no such thing as a Cura 2.5.1 beta! There is a Cura 2.5.0 beta and a Cura 2.5.0 beta 2. These are both beta versions of what will become Cura 2.5.0.
  12. I'm guessing OP is using the Lulzbot Edition, based on Cura 15.04. New Cura does not support manual assignment of comports, so working with multiple connected USB printers is not going to be very predictable
  13. That should be pretty accurate. I was not quite sure what start and end commits I should take.
  14. Best I can do is list all the commits between the dates of the two betas: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/compare/ecbf0e1e281cbbf11aee95214b5165a59d211a0c...1bcc19987dc7f02a5b25e8de6153daad67ed87cf I am not sure how accurate that is.
  15. No, it is 2.5.0 beta 2 http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_open_beta/
  16. Note that a new beta was posted yesterday. I have not yet tested if the above issue is fixed with it (but rest assured that it has been reported and will be fixed before the official version of 2.5 ships).
  17. Postits on a whiteboard? Wouldn't it be much better to have a google docs spreadsheet somewhere? (ducks for cover)
  18. Though the Cura 2 frontend was built from the ground up to be extensible with plugins, the backend CuraEngine that does the actual slicing was not. This feature needs to be implemented in the backend, so it is not possible to do that as a plugin.
  19. Your configuration folder (Help -> Show Configuration folder) should already have a folder named "plugins".
  20. @Bagel-Orb beat you to it. There's an experimental feature named "Enable Conical Support". Perhaps your implementation is better, or you could help getting the feature out of "experimental" state?
  21. I have one of those FUSE units, but I have never been able to use it successfully. The design of the device is such that you cannot easily open the device once the ends are fused. You have to pull one of the end through the device, and unless you have a lot of space the filament will bend to the point where the still fragile connection between the ends breaks. It is fairly frustrating in use. Perhaps it works better for 1.75 mm filament.
  22. If I remember correctly, the idea is that you manually actuate the endstops. Click them, either with your fingers/a tool, or by moving the printhead around by hand.
  23. Note that by changing the "Color scheme" to "Line type" you can still make the layerview show the shell, infill, support etc in different colors. Also note that the layer slider now has two handles (or actually three). If you drag the top blue handle all the way down to layer 1, you get a single layer view. Now click the grey area inbetween the two grey handle you should notice the layer number indicator aligning with the center of the grey area. With the center of the slider selected, you can use Ctrl + Up/Down to view one layer at a time. If you first click in the layer number box, you can even leave out the Ctrl. Add the Shift key, and the view will bump up/down by 10 layers. You can also enter a number in the layer number box to go straight to the specific layer. Finally you can also drag the grey area of the slider. The same also works for arbitrary numbers of layers at the same time. If you manipulate the center of the slider, the top and bottom should stay the same number of layers apart.
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