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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Actually... I no longer have an @ultimaker.com email address.
  2. Would having 900+ commits in the Cura github project entitle me to the Cura Contributor batch? (I am mostly curious what it looks like) https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/graphs/contributors Update: ow, I blew the surprise. This is what it looks like:
  3. He's creating NTFS junctions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_junction_point) which - as far as I know - should be transparent to python.
  4. Apart from @nallath electrical concerns, there's another reason why it is nicer to first heat up the bed, before starting to heat up the hotend: The hotend is going to reach its target temperature much sooner than the bed. Idle filament in a hot hotend can start to ooze and/or deteriorate in quality. For some materials (eg wood filled or brass filled), it can even lead to clogged nozzles. The added wait time of first heating up the bed and then heating up the hotend is going to by negligible compared to the print time for anything but the smallest of prints.
  5. You could try other objects. If these other objects work, there may be something wrong with your NDA'ed objects, but since you can not share them we can not see what might be wrong.
  6. Also see the ReadMe for the OctoPrintPlugin here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/OctoPrintPlugin Cura 2.4 will have support for Machine Settings with the UM2+ so it is easier to set the gcode flavor.
  7. Cura 2.4 will have the concept of a "project" which contains not only the models and all current settings, but also the profile(s) in use, custom machines and materials. > the changes from what I remember to now are enormous Cura "the gui" has been totally rewritten from scratch since you last saw it. It is an entirely new application. The CuraEngine (the part that does the actual slicing) has undergone a more evolutionary change, but is still quite a long way from Cura 15.4 and before.
  8. Touché. Though technically it is no longer my leg to pull.
  9. I agree with neotoko. Having said that, it should work. How does Cura fail? Does it try for a while and give up? Does it give any error message? Does the printer restart at all?
  10. There are a couple of "Library" ("Bibliotheek") folders. One is inside your home folder, and that is the one that has your cura configuration folder. Unfortunately Apple decided it was better to hide that folder by default.
  11. You didn't try just removing the files you added? For future reference, those files are in ~/Library/Application Support/cura
  12. * find the ip address of your printer on the network * in a browser, visit http://[printer ip address]:8080/?action=snapshot If that does not show an image, there is something wrong on the printer; either the hardware or the software. I think the software side of the webcam is pretty robust, so my first guess would be that a cable might have come disconnected.
  13. Doh! That issue has been fixed. The next release of Cura should have the icon for the postprocessing plugin.
  14. Oh, wait, I think I know what is going on. The folder the files are in *must* be named "PauseBackendPlugin", not "PauseBackendPlugin-master"! The -master bit is added to the foldername by github if you download a zip. I have updated the installation instructions.
  15. In the "Show Configuration Folder" folder, there should be a stderr.log file that I am interested in. Could you post that somewhere that I can have a look at it? Don't paste it here, it will muck up the forum. PM me a dropbox link, or use pastebin.com
  16. This is what the "active post-processing plugin" indicator should look like. I have heard that for some, the icon does not load. What platform are you on?
  17. Why do you need to ungroup? That breaks the models apart again. In the merged object, you can Ctrl-click to select a single object, and then you can use the Per Model Settings tool to make the settings you need. Alternatively, if you insist you want to ungroup the objects after merging, you can turn off the options "Automatically drop models to the build plate" and "Ensure models are kept apart". But the whole intention of the "merge" functionality is to keep the objects merged/grouped.
  18. @Nallath is referring to the previous version of this plugin for 2.1. I did not get the functionality working, so in a frustrated mood I made a plugin that just placed a white square over the progressbar so you did not see it, thus shoving the problem under the carpet. We got a few giggles out of one user reporting that it worked very well. I only posted a link to that version once, so I don't think many people saw it before. Jokes aside, the current version of the plugin actually works, by preventing CuraEngine from being started when the plugin is in "paused" state. This gives the user the chance to make multiple setting changes, arrange objects, etc without the models being resent to CuraEngine every time.
  19. There's a plugin for Cura 2.3 or newer to print directly to OctoPrint. The plugin is not compatible with Cura 2.1.2. You need Cura 2.3 or newer. For the UM2+, make sure you read the readme of the plugin! https://github.com/fieldOfView/OctoPrintPlugin/blob/2.3/README.md
  20. To install this, launch Cura and open the "Help->Show Configuration Folder" menu option. Inside the configuration folder there should already be a folder named "plugins". Download the plugin from github, and extract it in that plugins folder, so you have [config folder]/plugins/PauseBackendPlugin/README.md (etc). Note that it is important that the folder is named "PauseBackendPlugin", *not* eg "PauseBackendPlugin-master". Unfortunately github adds that -master bit if you download a zip of the project.
  21. I have released a small plugin for Cura 2.x that adds a pause/resume button next to the Save/Print button in the lower right corner of the sidebar: https://github.com/fieldOfView/PauseBackendPlugin Press the pause button, and Cura will stop slicing and no longer restart slicing until you press the button again. The implementation is a bit of a hack, so it may break with future versions (but I will do my best to update the plugin if/when it does break).
  22. Cura 2 only has autodetect for com-ports and baud rates. This works fine for Ultimaker printers. It may not work for all fdmprinters by other manufacturers, but the developers at Ultimaker don't have access to all fdmprinters by other manufacturers, so they can not fix the issue. Cura is open source, so the hope is that either these other manufacturers or users of their printers will help fixing Cura to work with these printers.
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