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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. The "File > Profile from Gcode" is referring to the old Cura (Cura 15.04 and before). In the new Cura (Cura 2.1 and newer), the functionality is in the Profiles pane of the preferences. Press the import button and from the types dropdown (where it says Cura Profile (*.curaprofile)), select gcode. In Cura 2.4, the latter should no longer be necessary; it will show both curaprofiles, gcode and legacy ini files by default. That is, if my pull request gets merged.
  2. Easier than what? It certainly won't be easier (or cheaper) than getting a Raspberry Pi 3 (~35 euro) which has onboard Wifi, download a ready-to-use OctoPi image, and use the OctoPrintPlugin. The OctoPrint plugin gives you pretty much the same experience as UM3 when it comes to printing and monitoring, except for the handling/detecting of materials. Fun fact: the OctoPrint plugin is a fork of the UM3 Network Printing plugin (thanks @nallath !).
  3. My advice would be to forget SD-card caching. Writing data to the SD-card over the USB port is horrendously slow, almost as slow as printing the whole file. I am curious to know what hardware you are planning to use that is simpler/cheaper than a raspberry pi. Are you thinking of just a Wifi-serial-bridge? That would mean you need to keep your Cura PC running, which would a lot more wasteful than running OctoPrint on a raspberry pi. Doesn't the Doodle3d box act that way? (it is a router, with hacked firmware) http://doodle3d.com/
  4. Minor correction in the address: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/?action=stream (see the :8080 for the port to use, and the %22 at the end is unnecessary)
  5. I can confirm that only part of Daid can be considered "ass", and I never got to see it.
  6. Note that the Option or Alt are not necessary. Shift + click: add to the selection (select multiple models) Ctrl + click or Command + click: select a single object in a group / merged models Other key combinations worth mentioning (where Ctrl should be replaced with Command on OSX): Ctrl + A: select all models Ctrl + G: group selected models Ctrl + Alt + G: merge selected models Ctrl + Shift + G: ungroup/unmerge selected models The difference between grouping and merging is that when grouping models their location on the build plate are not changed. When merging, the models are united by their origin like they were modeled.
  7. My best guess would be this approach (but I don't have a UM3 to test): * Turn on developer mode * Start the WiFi wizard, which makes the UM3 into a WiFi hotspot * Connect to the WiFi hotspot of the UM3, but don't complete the wizard * Figure out the IP address of the UM3 in its own network (which should be the default gateway as handed out to your computer) * SSH into the UM3 at that address * Edit the eth0 interface in /etc/network/interfaces to a static IP * Cancel out of the WiFi hotspot mode and disable WiFi * Turn off developer mode Doable: yes. Easy. Not so much.
  8. Note that there is no day 7 post. On the 7th day, Daid rested. Deservedly.
  9. If I might be so bold to make a suggestion... If instead of writing a ranting story, you write down a concise list of things that work unexpectedly, it is less work to read through for developers and the chances the bugs get fixed are much higher. You could have simply made a post stating "creating a profile when I have a model loaded does not seem to work" (which, by the way, I cannot reproduce) or "duplicate profile is confusing me, but I found this workaround: ...". Update: reason I cannot reproduce the error is probably because I am running Cura from the github source, where it has already been fixed.
  10. For the UM2, there is a gcode flavor setting in the Machine Settings on the Printers pane of the preferences. Unfortunately the Machine Settings plugin is not yet compatible with the UM2+ so you cannot easily change the gcode flavor. This means you currently cannot use Cura 2.3.0 to print directly to the UM2+ over USB. There is a workaround though. Copy and paste the following text into a file named "ultimaker2_plus_reprap.def.json" and place it in the resources/definitions folder inside the application folder. Next restart Cura and add a new printer of the type "Ultimaker 2+ (RepRap)". This printer will be able to print directly via USB (or to OctoPrint). { "id": "ultimaker2_plus_reprap", "version": 2, "name": "Ultimaker 2+ (RepRap)", "inherits": "ultimaker2_plus", "metadata": { "author": "Ultimaker", "manufacturer": "Ultimaker", "category": "Ultimaker", "quality_definition": "ultimaker2_plus", "weight": 2, "file_formats": "text/x-gcode", "platform": "ultimaker2_platform.obj", "platform_texture": "Ultimaker2Plusbackplate.png", "supported_actions":["UpgradeFirmware"] }, "overrides": { "machine_name": { "default_value": "Ultimaker 2+" }, "machine_start_gcode" : { "default_value": "", "value": "\"\" if machine_gcode_flavor == \"UltiGCode\" else \"G21 ;metric values\\nG90 ;absolute positioning\\nM82 ;set extruder to absolute mode\\nM107 ;start with the fan off\\nG28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops\\nG28 Z0 ;move Z to bottom endstops\\nG0 X5 Y10 F7200 ;bring extruder to the front\\nG1 Z25.0 F7200 ;move the platform down 25mm\\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length\\nG1 F200 E20 ;extrude 20 mm of feed stock\\nG92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again\\nG1 F7200\\n;Put printing message on LCD screen\\nM117 Printing...\"" }, "machine_end_gcode" : { "default_value": "", "value": "\"\" if machine_gcode_flavor == \"UltiGCode\" else \"M107 ;fans off\\nM104 S0 ;extruder heater off\\nM140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)\\nG21 ;metric values\\nG90 ;absolute positioning\\nG28 Z0 X0 Y0 ;move Z and X/Y to min endstops\\nG91 ;relative positioning\\nG1 E-15 F300 ;retract the filamen\\nM84 ;steppers off\\nG90 ;absolute positioning\"" }, "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default_value": "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" } }}
  11. If you want to print via USB, change gcode flavor to RepRap (Sprinter/Marlin) in Machine Settings
  12. I added exactly that (an UM2 Olsson Block upgrade option) to Cura somewhere back in March or so, but PM decided against it (and to remove the code) because there were no resources to properly test the profiles needed with an upgraded UM2.
  13. "All supported (*.curaprofile, *.gcode)" would be nice to have as the default option, which is different from "All files (*.*). The File->Open File... dialog already has this.
  14. Note that you need to change the file type in the import dialog to *.gcode, in absence of a "All supported filetypes" option.
  15. Ah, I see. You have to select gcode from the type of files in the import dialog. @nallath, a "All supported types" would be interesting for all open/import dialogs, if possible.
  16. On the Profiles pane of the preferences (quickly accessible through the "Manage profiles..." option in the profiles dropdown), press "Import" and select your gcode file.
  17. For those left wondering, here's an object in "generic" PLA, silver-metalic PLA and green PLA, and finally moved into an unprintable area: (click the image to see the animation)
  18. It is not greyed out, it is rendered grey. Try selecting Ultimaker Green PLA, and you'll get it. Also move the model off the buildplate and you will also see a difference in how the model displays
  19. Under "Buildplate adhesion", make sure you select Brim for the adhesion type, and set Brim Width to 0. The maximum size I can resize an object to with that setting on a UM3 is 191.89 * 207.89 * 299.99 mm. This is fairly close to the advertised build volume for dual extrusion prints. Cura currently cannot create single-extrusion prints that take advantage of the additional space in the x-direction, but I am fairly sure a future update will.
  20. Importing a gcode file in the Profile pane of the Preferences should work (and it does for me). It will create a new profile with the settings that were used to slice the gcode file.
  21. OpenGl fails to initialise. What GPU do you have? Is it possible to update the driver for the GPU? Are you perhaps operating the computer over a remote connection?
  22. Is there a stderr.log file in C:\Users\[you]\AppData\local\cura? If so, could you paste that into pastebin.com and post or dm me a link?
  23. Thanks. Any info worth sharing in the email from Nallath?
  24. In developer mode, you can access the UM3 over SSH with root access. That probably means that you can install openvpn, or another vpn solution. That way you can make the UM3 accessible from anywhere where you can access the same vpn. Edit: a note on VPNs... Most VPN software does not work with ZeroConf/Bonjour, which is what Cura uses to detect UM3 printers on the network. You would probably have to manually "Add" the printer at the IP address the printer has gotten from the VPN.
  25. I have prepared a "pull request" so the alignment of the mesh to the buildplate will be fixed in a future version: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/pull/1088
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