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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Note that in the 2.3 beta, the print job name prefix has been made optional. There were users on the plant that wanted the feature, others did not. We listened.
  2. Please give us a bit more to go on: What OS, what printer? Did you try only one model, or different models as well? Can you zip up the logs and post them?
  3. When you first set up the software, you were using a previous version (2.1.3?). The Nozzle Setting can no longer be made visible in the sidebar with any version of 2.3. This is by design.
  4. If someone sends me a Printrbot to test with and use, I'll see what I can do to fix USB printing with that printer.
  5. The nozzle size setting is only available in the Machine Settings dialog in Cura 2.3. This is true for all printers.
  6. For the sake of people finding this thread and wondering about the state of integrating OctoPrint into Cura 2.3 and newer, have a look at this plugin: https://github.com/fieldofview/OctoPrintPlugin It features ZeroConf/Bonjour enabled discovery, printing directly from Cura without having to store a gcode file, monitoring the progress, and even a view of the webcam, all nicely integrated into Cura.
  7. Note that if you have a UM2, and you don't want to select materials on the printer, you can use the "Machine Settings" button on the "Printers" pane of the preferences to set the gcode flavor to "Reprap (Marlin)". This will enable full material support as well as fix USB printing.
  8. Let me try to explain it in a different way. Cura tries to make sure that where-ever on your model you drill straight down you pass at least the top thickness amount of material. If you have sides at a tilt-angle, Cura needs to add material to enforce that "rule". Yes, your pyramid has layers that are regarded partially as top layers. That was exactly my point.
  9. You don't have to update the firmware to use the latest version(s) of Cura. You can use the firmware that came with 13.12 with Cura 2.1.3 or the Cura 2.3 beta.
  10. Fair point. I have fixed this, though you will have to wait until the next release.
  11. Yes, there is actually. Use the "Machine Settings" button on the "Printers" pane of the preferences (also available via "Manage Printers..." in the printers dropdown). NB: the Machine Settings window is currently not available for the UM2+ family, but it is for the UM2 family.
  12. A new beta was silently pushed out last week, which mitigates this bug. NB: we know that the fix is not ideal; the "ghosts" now render transparently in front of the layers. For the final we want to fix it that the ghosts are behind the layers again, also for grouped/merged objects. Sorry for the inconvenience in the mean time.
  13. For the UM2 family of printers (UM2Extended+ included) it is highly recommended that you print via SD-Card. If you really want to print via USB, please try version 15.04 for now.
  14. Not on purpose this decision was made. We only test with Ultimaker printers, and for Ultimaker printers we felt there was no need to enter the baudrate and com port. We did not realise this would be an issue with 3rd party printers. A manual comport selection mechanism is bound to return at some point.
  15. Say you have a sphere. Does a sphere have a top layer? What is the top of a perfect sphere? Is it a singular point, or the entire top half of the sphere? Because the top half of the sphere gradually gets smaller, each layer of the top half is a top layer in a way. For something like a cube, the difference between walls and top/bottom is much clearer.
  16. What printer are you trying to use, and what version(s) of Cura did you try?
  17. I have checked in some code that ensures that the plugins folder is created along with the other folders in the config folder.
  18. Cura 20.01 is published by Lulzbot. Please report issues with that software there. At Ultimaker we're focusing our effort on the Cura 2.x releases.
  19. No, it is not just you. Unfortunately there's a bug in the code that tries to migrate your 2.1 settings to the new 2.3 format. If you remove your cura settings folder (in AppData\local or Application Support, or .local/shared), a you have to set up your machine anew but you will have a working setup. Sorry about the inconvenience.
  20. I am fairly certain these locations already work. It is just that the folder doesn't get created automatically.
  21. I took a look at what would be involved. It is fairly straightforward to make it seem that it is somewhat working, but there would be problems. Purely aesthetic problems like the darkened "unprintable areas" drawing a rectangle, but also bigger issues like the scale to max Nallath mentioned. Ultimaker simply cannot release it like this, because then we get angry support calls that we claim to support polar printers but it works shitty. If someone wants to take my work to improve it, they are very welcome. I don't have time to dedicate to it to get it to work well enough (at least, not at the moment). https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/compare/master...fieldOfView:feature_polar?expand=1
  22. Note: You can turn off the sending of slice statistics on the General pane of the preferences
  23. Have you considered using OctoPrint? Its interface is fully browser-based and it can be set up to use CuraEngine to slice models (admittedly, an older version). http://octoprint.org
  24. That issue with layerview was discovered just after the beta build was made, and has since been fixed. Should be fixed in the next beta. Thanks for the report.
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