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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. I am not trying to be argumentative here, and few will disagree that it would be very nice to one day have the dialog back, but Cura 2 actually gives you a LOT more to experiment with. Just - currently - at a loss of some convenience. Nice application of the fuzzy skin!
  2. @ultiarjan: no trial and error needed, see the message above yours. You'll have to agree that the number of people who use a UM2 with Octoprint is quite a bit lower than the number of people who use the UM2 as is. Now it looks like I'll be getting a UM2 at "home", and I really like Octoprint with my UMO, so I may try to find some spare time to do cool stuff with Octoprint with Cura 2. Don't hold your breath though.
  3. @Lab: Download this file, and put it in either your Cura resources/machines folder, or in the Application Data/local/cura/machines folder: https://gist.github.com/fieldOfView/ae85f755fc70d1c65e6968a870dfef0c
  4. I know some people have an aversion to ClearType, though most of that stems back from the days of CRT displays. However your issue reads a bit like "if I configure my computer to use inferior font rendering, the type looks ugly" ;-) I'm afraid the best we can do is to file a bugreport for the GUI framework we're using (Qt) and wait until it is fixed "upstream", but I don't think it will become a high priority thing over at the Qt project...
  5. @Rejutka this is an odd one. It is not something I can reproduce. Could you show a screenshot with the Setting Visibility page of the preferences dialog open? I'm curious if that is also using the broken/wrong font. It may be something related to your installation of Windows specifically (unless someone else is seeing the same?) Update: it is because you have cleartype turned off. If you turn it on it should render correctly. Could you check? I'm not sure if we will be able to do something about it, other than reporting it to the Qt project.
  6. @MarcusWolschon, I was talking about adding a material to the dropdown in Cura 2.1, not about supporting said material in the UM2(+). To be honest, I had no idea about the materials.txt file; I have a UMO myself, I am sometimes surprised by how things work with UltiGCode.
  7. @foehnsturm, if it happens reliably with a certain model, could you give us a link to that model? If we can reproduce the issue it will be much easier to fix it ;-).
  8. Adding a material for the UM2+ is a lot more involved than making a material for eg the UMO. For the UM2+, materials, nozzle sizes and qualities are mixed into a set of profiles specific for the UM2+. These profiles are highly tuned for the UM2+ and give better results because of that, but that comes at the cost of making it much more involved to add a new material. We'll be working on that, but for the 2.1 release we're stuck at the current situation. Note that you don't have to save profiles to the program files cura directory; for the application there is very little difference between the program files directory and the folder in your profile (AppData/Local/cura), other than that the ones in the program files directory can't be altered from within Cura.
  9. Look at the Shell/Horizontal Expansion setting:
  10. Instead of a "cut off bottom" setting you can push down the object into the buildplate. Not as precise, but it works. In 2.2 you will be able to enter how far the object is pushed into the buildplate.
  11. Don't worry, our bubbles are busted so frequently that we hardly notice it anymore ;-) The issue that was fixed was timing related; things are/were happening in different threads, and sometimes the order in which things finished was unexpected. This happened mostly on Windows, but there is/was no reason why it could not happen on OSX too. So we have hopes that the fix for the issue we saw on Windows also fixed the same issue on OSX. But like our bubbles bursting, our hopes have a tendency of shattering. Especially when it comes to bugs like this. Fingers crossed...
  12. https://cdn.meme.am/instances/65207722.jpg
  13. Sorry, I don't know much about how legacy cura works.
  14. I you want to help, you could have a look at this thread on github: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/715 Note that the machine definition file currently proposed there has a "special" start gcode according to the author: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/715#issuecomment-214772800 If you could help with a better general purpose start gcode for the printrbot simple metal, we can work on getting it included in a future release of Cura 2.x
  15. Create a new file named ultimaker2_reprap.json, and store it in the "machines" folder in your profile or in the cura resources folder: { "id": "ultimaker2_reprap", "version": 1, "name": "Ultimaker 2 RepRap", "manufacturer": "Ultimaker", "author": "Ultimaker", "icon": "icon_ultimaker2.png", "platform": "ultimaker2_platform.obj", "platform_texture": "Ultimaker2backplate.png", "file_formats": "text/x-gcode", "inherits": "ultimaker2.json", "machine_settings": { "machine_gcode_flavor": { "default": "RepRap" }, "machine_start_gcode" : { "default": "G28 ; Home\nG1 Z15.0 F6000 ;move the platform down 15mm\n;Prime the extruder\nG92 E0\nG1 F200 E3\nG92 E0" }, "machine_end_gcode" : { "default": "M104 S0\nM140 S0\n;Retract the filament\nG92 E1\nG1 E-1 F300\nG28 X0 Y0\nM84" } }} This creates a variation of the Ultimaker 2 that inherits all the settings from the Ultimaker 2 but (re)sets the gcode flavor and start- and end-gcodes. Edit the start- and end-gcodes to taste. (note: I have not tested with this machine definition, since I don't have an UM2)
  16. You can always try saving the gcode to another location, and the put the file on the sdcard with explorer/finder.
  17. Note that if you turn off the brim in simple mode (there's a checkbox for that), what Cura does is setting the adhesion-type to "skirt".
  18. The tip for the high "WP Flow" is especially true if you don't have a UM2(+). Also you may have to increase the "WP Nozzle Clearance" to something a bit higher since the UM2 nozzles are a bit pointier than the UMO nozzles.
  19. Those that struggle with the idea of auto-slicing may want to try this experimental pause button plugin: https://github.com/fieldOfView/PauseBackendPlugin Disclaimer: it is a hack in more than one way.
  20. Well, in theory comments could be placed in the gcode showing where different objects start, and the firmware could just skip gcode from the start-comment of such an object until it encounters a new start-comment for another object. But that would be a non-trivial change to the slicer and to the firmware.
  21. Dual extrusion has never been really well supported in Cura. There's quite a lot of functionality already in the new Cura for dual extrusion but it is not disclosed to the user in a very accesible way for now. Our focus for the 2.1 release was on stable support for single extrusion. I'm not sure I am allowed to speak about features in future versions of Cura, but feel free to jump to conclusions because I just said that I am not sure I am allowed to speak about features in future versions of Cura. You ain't seen nothing yet.
  22. @nilrog: No, sorry, we did not get round to changing that. Ironically, on windows we went from a .cura folder in the user's home folder to the proper location in AppData. One advantage of this "bug" is that it is possible to have both 15.04.x and 2.1 on the same machine without the two versions affecting eachother. I'll check if there is an issue on our internal bugtracker to make sure the change is on our radar, but chances are very slim that it will be fixed in 2.1(.x). It should not be too long before 2.2 comes around though!
  23. Depends on your platform. On Windows, the installer should uninstall the program files for you, but it will leave your profile (settings, machine configuration, custom profiles, etc) intact. If you want to remove all your settings, remove the cura folder at the following location: * C:\Users\[yourname]\AppData\Local\cura (windows) * ~/.cura (OSX) * ~/.local/share/cura (Linux)
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