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Everything posted by ahoeben

  1. Same user directory. PSA: if you are worried about leaving your stable installation, make a backup of the configuration folder before opening Cura 2.4. You can find the configuration folder by opening Cura 2.3 and going to Help -> Show Configuration Folder.
  2. Try the new Cura 2.4 beta: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/35485-cura-24-beta-is-here There's basic support for delta printers (elliptical build plate shape) so you no longer have to create unprintable areas yourself. There are probably still issues with this, let us know if it works for you.
  3. No, this is not required for the camera stream to be available.
  4. We suspect a policy on your Windows installation may prevent "signed" applications from launching "unsigned" applications. The main Cura application is signed in 2.3.1, the CuraEngine is not. I believe work is underway to have both Cura and CuraEngine signed for 2.4, which would solve this (if it is indeed your problem with 2.3.1).
  5. I believe a better solution is being worked on for Cura 2.4
  6. It should pause until you instruct your printer to continue (on the controller of your printer). There is no "pause time". What printer do you use?
  7. Select the object and use the "Per Model Settings" tool. That should give you the option to select the extruder/material to use for the model.
  8. With patience. It is impossible to bring the option back in 2.3.1 yourself, but it may return in a future version. The reason that the feature has been disabled for the UM3 is that it would be very likely that the head would collide with a previous print if it would move to/from the extruder switch bay. This would not be a problem with single extrusion prints, but Cura 2.3 does not know the difference between a single extrusion and a multi extrusion print when a multi extrusion printer is active.
  9. > How can I put these values in? You can't. This is a partially implemented feature.
  10. That's a fairly good suggestion for a future version. Here's another one: if you have a good idea, don't bury it in a rant ;-)
  11. Click the star. The profile manager will open. You will see two columns of setting values; "profile" and "current". The changes are in the "current" column
  12. My hair turned a shade lighter gray just reading your forum post ;-) Lots of words for a simple question. The star indicates that you made changes to the settings, so the current settings don't fully reflect the settings stored in the profile.
  13. Actually... I no longer have an @ultimaker.com email address.
  14. Would having 900+ commits in the Cura github project entitle me to the Cura Contributor batch? (I am mostly curious what it looks like) https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/graphs/contributors Update: ow, I blew the surprise. This is what it looks like:
  15. He's creating NTFS junctions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_junction_point) which - as far as I know - should be transparent to python.
  16. Apart from @nallath electrical concerns, there's another reason why it is nicer to first heat up the bed, before starting to heat up the hotend: The hotend is going to reach its target temperature much sooner than the bed. Idle filament in a hot hotend can start to ooze and/or deteriorate in quality. For some materials (eg wood filled or brass filled), it can even lead to clogged nozzles. The added wait time of first heating up the bed and then heating up the hotend is going to by negligible compared to the print time for anything but the smallest of prints.
  17. You could try other objects. If these other objects work, there may be something wrong with your NDA'ed objects, but since you can not share them we can not see what might be wrong.
  18. Also see the ReadMe for the OctoPrintPlugin here: https://github.com/fieldOfView/OctoPrintPlugin Cura 2.4 will have support for Machine Settings with the UM2+ so it is easier to set the gcode flavor.
  19. Cura 2.4 will have the concept of a "project" which contains not only the models and all current settings, but also the profile(s) in use, custom machines and materials. > the changes from what I remember to now are enormous Cura "the gui" has been totally rewritten from scratch since you last saw it. It is an entirely new application. The CuraEngine (the part that does the actual slicing) has undergone a more evolutionary change, but is still quite a long way from Cura 15.4 and before.
  20. Touché. Though technically it is no longer my leg to pull.
  21. I agree with neotoko. Having said that, it should work. How does Cura fail? Does it try for a while and give up? Does it give any error message? Does the printer restart at all?
  22. There are a couple of "Library" ("Bibliotheek") folders. One is inside your home folder, and that is the one that has your cura configuration folder. Unfortunately Apple decided it was better to hide that folder by default.
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