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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. On some materials with higher viscosity the z hop literally pulls the filament out of the hotend, especially with larger nozzle diameters. In such cases I recommend to switch off the z hop. I do this for instance with UM Nylon and get significant better results without the z hop.

  2. I can't say much about lifetime of the UM3 printcore teflon inliner as I did not yet had to change a core due to degradation. However, I might not be the one with the most print hours on his UM3 and I do not print abrasive material.

    Printing with advanced materials like PC, which I like a lot, gives you certainly a harder job at cleaning the cores on the outside (nozzle) and makes also regular cold pulls a bit more significant. The silicon pad @sandervg wrote about are indeed done relatively fast when printing materials at 250-260°C. Of course you can relatively easy and inexpensively replace them but at some point a pad from a more heat resistant material would be welcome... ;)

  3. Ah - what a pity. So I guess there is no reasonable possibility to get a feedback from the GPU if it has drawn "purple-ish with a white sort-of X-ray vibe" or not. So one would have to implement a control algorithm for the model then.

    On the other hand one can just make oneself used to check the x-ray vision before print.

  4. Well, UM does the minical test print that comes with the printer indeed with the included bb core. Usually they clean it before shipping. But it should just be black PLA, so very easy to remove by heating the core up to 150 deg and wipe it with a (thick enough) piece of cloth.

  5. Diagnosis will stay in, even in release until further notice. It helps with analyzing problems more quickly. Maybe it's an idea to have it enabled only when Developer mode is switched on?

    That would make more sense to me, similar with Android - flip a switch and you can debug and diagnose more.

    Fully support that idea!

    edit: to be more precise, things like the nfc reader test are useful to the standard user as well while the stress tests are usually not needed. So not the whole diagnosis menu would have to disappear in non-dev mode.

  6. So if you screw the z offset calibration up you have to do the whole manual bed leveling in future as a punishment, do I get this right?

    edit: I would rather suggest to drop the z offset at the manual bed levelling wizard and add an input request at the z calibration if the user wants to do a manual bed leveling before the z offset calibration (continue-skip-selection). To me it sounds not logical to have the xy offset calibration in the calibration menu and the z offset as part of the manual bed leveling procedure in the build plate menu.

    edit2: I hope one of the minor bugfixes is removing those stress tests from the diagnosis menu which are imho something that is not needed in an end user firmware. It's ok to have them in test versions of course.

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