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Posts posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. 5 minutes ago, SandervG said:


    Hi @SteveH, are there standardized rules of measurement that help you determine whether or not a certain packaging passed the test, or is it mostly just our own subjective observation after unpacking? 


    and connecting to this: do you test boxes with e.g. dummy printers inside by shipping to a place where you know that the risk of damage is high?

  2. +1 for an LTS release cycle.


    Currently, we seem to have a bug in Cura 3.3.1 for combing which leads to extremely long travels. That significantly increases print time. I don't know if that bug was already in the beta. If it was, it was not detected. That could mean the beta test period was either too short or the wrong people were testing the beta.

    However, @smartavionics has already produced a bugfix which is great (thanks, although it is a bit exeptional that a community member fixes bugs implemented by employed devs ?). I hope we will soon get a V3.3.2 including this fix. As I was informed the bug was introduced with many other changes and could maybe not be detected by the Cura devs themselves. The more important it seems to me to have major releases at a much lower pace and bugfixes in between. More thorough internal testing and re-introduction of closed betas could also improve things.

    I'm convinced that changes have to be made. The current roll-out system with the extreme pace doesn't work very well. It was ok at the time when Cura needed to catch up to other slicer software but in the meantime it has improved a lot and the strategy should adapt.

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  3. Unfortunately, Ultimaker could not provide specific information about chemical resistance (something like a list of acids etc.) until about two months ago. Maybe this has changed in the meantime.

    For the PP it's pretty easy to find information just by Google. With Ultimaker Nylon and CPE/CPE+ it's more tricky as those materials are blends. So it would require information from the production partner.


    I would recommend to get in touch with your Ultimaker reseller and ask for a few pieces of those materials so you can test it in your lab for your specific application. This is probably the safest way to find out if they are suitable for you or not.

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  4. 12 minutes ago, robinmdh said:

    I bet it'll be called CC or something similar boring and nonsensical.


    Btw. AA is not nonsensical in German: You can take it as "Alles Andere" (engl. everything else) so people just have to keep in mind that the BB core is for PVA only.

  5. If I'm not wrong I take from this discussion it might be a good idea if Cura would define per layer a spot where would be a good point for a pause. This could be realised by adding some kind of special comment at this spot. If the machine has the need to make a stop, it stops at the next of those spots. A good idea imho; something which might become useful in future.

    If such a spot is e.g. on the infill one could even think about making some kind of prime purge where the filament is e.g. put into the opening of the sparse infill.


    As for a planned stop due to the remaining length on an UM filament spool: Well that number might be not that accurate, depending on how much you cut off, purged at loading or even used it on a non-NFC equiped machine.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Daid said:

    300mm^3 is ~7x7x7mm. But yes, a clever play on perspective, it's actually an UM3go! But if you mean 300x300x300mm => 27000000mm^3, that would mean 3x the volume of the UM3, that would be crazy! Right?


    And as it is a GO model it has to be light. I assume the frame is made from Balsa wood?

  7. 10 minutes ago, nallath said:

    Well, it does make the outside world influence your prints less. If your printer is sitting in a drafty area, you will notice the difference.


    I would have said most of those effects are eliminated by a front door as e.g. in the advanced 3d printing kit of the existing UM printers.

  8. PVA is printed in BB cores only on an Ultimaker 3. However, you can print everything with a BB core, Cura and the printer give you warnings bet let you override them. You will get significant oozing for PLA in a BB core. For two-color prints you use two AA cores; that's why every Ultimaker 3 comes with two AA 0.4mm and one BB 0.4mm core.

    The mechanical difference between AA and BB cores is the internal geometry of the nozzle.

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  9. The feeder gauge should be in the middle or for very hard filament at 3/4 versus the bottom.

    I recommend to set the feeder gauge to the minimum, then open the feeder case (if you don't set the feeder to the minimum then good luck looking for the spring and other parts ;-) ), take a brush and thoroughly clean the knurled bolt. Then close the feeder again and set it to 1/2.

    You also may want to check if you can push PLA through the AA core in question easily. For that move the head into a corner at the front, then remove the bowden tube and gently push PLA directly into the printcore while heated to something like 210°C. You should not have to push hard.

    The third thing you can check is if your Bowden tube is somehow damaged. Take a one meter long piece of filament which has not yet run through the feeder (aka without bitemarks) and run it through the detached Bowden tube from the back to the front. If you feel a sudden increase in resistance, then exchanging the Bowden tube might be a good idea.

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