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Everything posted by drayson

  1. Thanks for this info. Had this area since I got my UC but become worse recently ( or not recognized as there was no heated bed installed). Maybe I could exchange it but don't know if my soldering skills are sufficient...
  2. Recently built a 27mm EDF (ducted fan) into a childs throwing glider as I´d like to have a micro RC jet... sounds promising, was a disaster so I broke it into parts. Then I realized that the air duct was crap, so I designed one and printed it... and mounted it into the broken jet for fitting. Test will be done soon - I have to buy a new glicer before... :-)
  3. :-) same to me... I have 3 installed in parallel...
  4. Hi community! recently my Ulticontroller display @ UMoriginal gots a very shiny spot exactly where the heated bed temperature shall be visualized. Any hint´s what this could be? pressure? damaged display? ...
  5. Sorry, I have to add my 2 cents... @cura pt.4 - remove when install new version: good idea as long you can choose - latest greatest isnt always true... Further, the machine/profile/settings have to be considered. I hate to setup everything new because forgot to copy the ini's manually and removed the prev. version... :-(
  6. Ok, never thought about the ram, but this sounds plausible... Think I have to cleanup my card soon :-)
  7. Same at my card... As I'm not always deleating stuff, it's a bit anoying. Do you think we should place this question as request in eric's marlin fork?
  8. Hi communitiy! Is there a way to influence the sorting (e.g. by alphabeth, newest file,...) of the files displayed at the ulticontroler? Any hint appreciated :-)
  9. Understood - maybe I will implement it on my own machine like the guy did in the last link I attached... Will see what happens...
  10. I completely agree :-) This is also something which has been discussed in the github discussion. The pause-function has been implemented by bkubicek based on an available LCD pannel. the suggested modification to make it for general use has been rejected as far as I understood. But this was based on the filament change behavior and not related to the pause SD function. Nevertheless, I found another implementation - also mybe interesting... http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?146,334803
  11. Today I had a few minutes to take a look into the filament change routine M600 as mentioned above. Honestly I don´t think that it is in the current implementation usefull as "pause" function as it is - (good point) parking the head by moving z and XY to a predefined position and - (bad point) retracting the filament by a initial value, then again by 100mm as it is intended for change and beeps until a filament is loaded and the putton is pushed... There is also a discussion on github (initial: https://github.com/ErikZalm/Marlin/pull/378) So (without testing it on my machine) I think that´s a bit too much and we should go forward with your solution Dim3nsioneer. B.t.w. - the reason for that the feeder stepper is released is that it has to be primed before resuming the print - isn´t??
  12. GREAT NEWS!! You need a test bunny, you got one :-) Unfortunately earliest next week - currently on business trip... I will try the change filament too - think I enabled that option. Anyone else??
  13. Hi Erik, Thank you for reply! Great to hear that a bookmark system will be introduced. My concern about a rating is that it is mostly understood as "good vs bad" because thats the way most people know it from amazon or ebay. The current "like" system is more positive to understand. Regarding visualization: on my win7 / IE9 systems it is not possible to select any other picture - also the blue ones. Just the first one is displayed. Open the same page on firefox, everything works as expected. Change IE version failed on my home notebook, in office I'm restrictted to do...
  14. :-) yesterday, my mcpx crashed, so will get new landing skits today afternoon. My rex450 is well as I'm mostly in hoovering mode and my 600 is out of order since nearly 2 years :-(
  15. Thank you for this information. Also a great solution. Any others to share their builts/experiances :-) I think I will redesign the whole thing as soon I have time/money instead of possibly fry my current setup. New pad, new PSU. Good thing: could built a heater case for my LiPo's with the "old" components :-)
  16. :-) thank you for the info - thats the speed I expect, ok, at least the same or max. double the nozzle heatup. I will look for a suitable PSU and give it a try - worst cast a fry... ;-)
  17. @ Jonny, thanky you for the detailed explaination. I never thougth about the wire inside, but is seems logical for me to avoid having firefighters here... Considerint the whole information I think, I will keep it as it is and try to find a 18V PSU as mentioned in the description of the pad If Ihave time and money I will plan to exchange it with another solution e.g. as mentioned at the Zürich FabLab-page (24V, 220W, Silicone heater too)
  18. @ Zoev89, what config beside the 24V 220W PSU do you have? Pad? PCB? Would be interested in your setup as well as comparison figures from heating times... Also from other user of course :-)
  19. Ok, 300€ in material, but your time is not for free :-) Great work!!!
  20. Anon, thanks! I will take care. Btw: from which factors is the heating time depending on? Resistance of the heater or more/other factors? Currently looking at my pad I'm thinking, I bought garbadge... :-(
  21. Guys, thank you for all the great explainations. I'm not an electronics guy so very educational for me. Nevertheless, what shall I do at the end of the day? Kepp the 12v 10A or looking for something bigger?? :-) Ok, the 24v are no option, but will 18v 12a help heating faster? Damn, a few beers too much this evening...:-)
  22. Thank you for the hint. I already installed a seperate PSU and a relais, temp controll is via the thermistor, and it's working nice with my current 12v PSU but heats up very slow.... So just looking for a faster solution :-)
  23. Hmmm.. right, that´s currently my biggest issue... especially because I´d like a nice block from a notebook e.g. and not the industrial things without housing...
  24. Ok, so the 19,5V Dell PSU is out of the run... Now next interesting thing, where to get a 18V 12A PSU and will the heatup time be less than 8 minutes... Could it be that I purchased "the wrong" heater??
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