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Everything posted by drayson

  1. Ah... Ok, thank you both for the update/hint. :-)
  2. Daid, your THE man... With this little fixes, you managed to safe my litte subnotebooks ass :smile: All errors I reported in the 14.02/14.03... RC-posts are gone! With this fallback, the 14.04. runs also on my old stuff without any error messages. Now I can use the nice new features for support e.g. also for my dual printhead setup. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS: is in 14.04 RC1 also the second filament diameter properly implemented?
  3. Seems I have to give it a try too :-) Undortunately I'm out so can't try it before next week...
  4. Great, that might helpful in case of aborted prints...
  5. Hi, just for clarification: with my statement, I had not UM in mind (they do great work and I appreciate that Daid kept the compartibilify for a long time) but the industry in general...
  6. I feel with you as my sony tz31 is also not able to work with 14.03 any more... Honestly, I'm happy with this subnotebook so I will stay with 14.01 before exchange it. Really bad that there is this hardware restriction forcing us users to buy new hardware before it has "really" reached it's end...
  7. Sounds also strange to me - therefbut I have no idea how to address it another way... maybe one of the servo outputs? Nevertheless, would be a cool addon - isn´t?
  8. Sure - safety first, goggles on and - best solution - close the UM sides with corresponding material... (no, not a heated chamber - that´s patended, just a safety closure because of the laser... :-) ) Nevertheless, maybe nothing for the DAU (dumbest assumable user) Use of it... hmmm... engraving and cutting paper :smile: I´m thinking of automate the anoying cutting process when building pepakura models. Took ages to cut out the parts for an Iron Man helmet... Also cutting balsa parts for my model planes. My only concern is how to controll it via the existing UM1 hardware, especially when fully equipped with dual extruder and heated bed... Servo output pins maybe??
  9. Honestly, I would still just keep on the laser attachement :-) Something similar to this would be nice... but I don´t know how easy it is to implement on a fully equiped UM1 (heated bed, second extruder) or even UM2... http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:156753
  10. Thank you for this hint - that´s similar to the functionalityI have in mind...
  11. Yea, the possibility to use the second extruder connections is clear... BUT: unfortunaltely I don´t have this possibility because I already mounted a second head :-) My fault as I have not clearyl specified this in my question Nevertheless, to automate a few things more would be a interesting thing. I found a laser set for TOM, where the laser is controlled via the automated print platform output. Of course, another thing would be to create a servo arm for kick off prints... But basically, the question is how to controll this additional things...
  12. Hi all, recently I found a entry at thingiverse where a guy soldered an additionally connector onto the UM shield to connect a servo for auto bed leveling. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:225584 Now my question: would it be possible to address the same pins to e.g. trigger an automated build platform, kick prints off the plate, trigger a laser... - basically have an additional output for doing something...??? This would be interested especially if you have used all available stepper and temperature I/O´s... Any hints/answers appreciated... :smile:
  13. Thank you for the details - great looking pictures. Could be worth trying especially as I print a lot of very small things for my mcpX BL RC helicopters... Maybe I´ll order a set and give it a try on my second head... :-)
  14. Remembering some posts a while ago I'm sure there are some people with experience of restart aborted prints. Nevertheless, it's a manual gcode hack as cura is not supporting this requirement. Sorry that I can't post a link to the topic but I'm writing from my phone.... I'm sure you will find it with the search function
  15. Interesting... What is your experiance with this small nozzles?
  16. Nevertheless, a good question as at pause the UM1 does.... nothing.... than stay in place where it is...
  17. Your kit sounds great, unfortunately too late, as I already got mine self-sourced. Nevertheless, the heat-sensitive sticker sounds interesting! Is there a way to get them seperately??
  18. Thank you for clarification - considering this circumstances, I agree that a checklist might lead to a lot more troubles. You know, sometimes I'm a bit too enthusiastic about modding possibilities :-)
  19. Guys, would it be a good idea to create something like a "Pololu DRV8825 swap step-by-step instruction" for those who are not so familiar with this like me? Of course, first: buy DRV8825 drivers, @ e.g. http://www.pololu.com/product/2133 2.) take out the existing drivers for x/y 3.) set the current on the DRV8825 by.... ?? (orientation of driver, direction to move the pot.,...) 4.) changes in Firmware... ??? Guess, something "monkeyproof" like this would be helpful...
  20. Die Ablaufgitter sind leider aus Platzgründen auf den Müll gewandert - hätten auch nur ca. 4mm Luft zum Boden hin gegeben. Dafür ist je ein 500g Silica-Pack (vom freundlichen Kollegen aus unserer Verpackungsabteilung) mit in die Box gekommen. Das geht sich mit den UM-Spulen wirklich genau aus. Habe auch die Samples von Colourfabb in eine Box gequetscht (10 Bündel ohne Spule) und habe dabei auch noch keine Versprödung o.Ä. gesehen. PVA hab ich allerdings noch nicht so gelagert, das ist noch original eingeschweisst :-) Sollte ich endlich mal zum Testen anfangen....
  21. Hi guys, any news on this topic? Tried to investigate the code myself but honestly, no idea how that could work....
  22. Hi! hier der amazon-link zu den boxen. Ich bin bis dato recht zufrieden, die UM-Spulen passen perfekt rein... Lock & Lock HPL834 Multifunktionsbox 3,9l mit Ablaufgitter http://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0000AN4CT/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 lg
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