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Everything posted by drayson

  1. Great mod!! Let me guess: next step: replace the electronics cooling fan :-)
  2. Damn... I finished my homebuilt recently... :-)
  3. Damn... Teasing is anoying if nothing happens after... Hope that Ultimaker will offer something like a "silencer kit" or at least Daid giving details to copy his silent solution. Nevertheless... Future will tell us... :-)
  4. Hi guys, Think this is a nice idea! Up to now my day is great. Nice but cold weather outside, no interrest to go to work today so simply took one day off :-) Will do a little tweak on my UM1 and my foam corsair model plane... Hope you enjoy your day too :-)
  5. Good morning! :-) Thank you for the hint - I will take a look. Ok, as I have a bit of different setup of my second nozzle, if 12mm or less works better, we should choose this or even better set it via config.h. For me, 16 works fine. For pause, the temp should stay or just lower to a parking temp where it dont ooze - app. 180 deg(??), heatbed unchanged as we dont want to pop off the part. At stop, cool down everything and fan 0 is the safest way. Sure, restart the print might need some time when alow cooling the system, but you have to remove the bad print anyway and from my point of view it's just a matter of safety... Imagine, you forget it and grab onto a hot bed...
  6. Hi! As far as I remember, for leveling the bed the first time, the second nozzle should be a bit higher but after, you have to set them equally as they have to have the same distance for printing layers. I have choosen a different setup so I can't give you more detais on the original setup... :-(
  7. Reading your posts make me happy as there are a few people have the same intentions as me. I'm with Dim3nsioneer - one step after the other :-) So here my two cents: @ abort print, I dont think that retract is necessarry. If oozing, ok, print is aborted anyway, string can be cut manually and nozzle has to be primed anyway at next print ( I guess - but please correct me if I'm wrong) @ pause, retract is possible as the same value can be defined for resume. Furter there will be limited oozing using e.g. 16 or 20mm. I'm very interested in how this can be done in Marlin. @ Dim3nsioneer, could you please give me a quick hint where I can find the corresponding sections in Marlin...?
  8. @ Dim3nsioneer: I would suggest to also modify the Stop behavior in the same attempt... :-) Behavior: Pause: memory current position, lift a few mm, move to 0/0, go back to memorized position after resume Stop: lift a few mm, move to 0/0 (would stop damaging prints even if not finalized...) Do you think, we can find a solution?? :-)
  9. Make 5, then it's a whole new set also for the extruder drive :-)
  10. Hmmm... This was also my first attempt but now it seems that I already ordered (accidentially) a nice 0-24V PSU with 400W... So bring it to 19V should be no problem. Nevertheless, now it's to late to change my order...
  11. I´m also not very happy with the Pause implementation for UM1 so thank you for the hint with the "change filament". Nevertheless, implement this into Marlin should be possible - isnt?
  12. I also hate this sentence but as anybody else, we have only limited time in our days... :-) Thank´s for your info - looking forward to hear from your solution, especially as my silicon pad has app. 1,5 Ohm. Nevertheless, to use PID/PWM would be interesting too...
  13. Hi! I also got a 24V PSU with 400W for my HB which consists of a silicone heater for 18V currently driven by a relais Now I also like to move the whole UM system to this single PSU and use PWM instead of BangBang for HB supply. Any hint on the conversion appreciated!
  14. I´m also learning how to work with my newly built HB but as I bought a silicone heater pad which is related to 18V, I have to adjust my PSU a bit more and I´m not sure if I should try to power my UM also with 18V (PSU has 400W, so should be possible). Nevertheless, I would like to think about in the PID controll for the HB as I think, that might be more accurate/energy optimized than just using the BangBang mode. Does anybody has already experimented with the PID? And which parts would I need for modification on the hardware side?
  15. Hi! Thank you for this offer! I started this evening one more time from scratch & daid's fork and started implementing one after the other. Unfortunately not finished yet, but hopefully tomorrow I will know if it works as expected. Again, thank you, i will come back to your offer when failimg again.
  16. Honestly, I have no idea how to use it. I changed the duration to 300, compiled, uploaded and the UM freezed and gave a nice loud sound...: peeeeeeeeeeeeeppppp.... Nevertheless, in my old version of Marlin (UM fork) I don´t find this settings, just in the new Eric-FW... :-)
  17. That´s what I tried today - also thought "qwuick success" - but ... nope... My code is based on the UM fork by Daid, enhanced by the "preheat" features. Currently I have some minor troubles merging it as I think there are some other modifications made since Jannuary...
  18. Hi! I tested it yesterday but got a few troubles when merging my modifications into the Eric-Version. I will play with it a bit more today and see what comes out... :-)
  19. UPDATE: RC7 has the same behavior as RC6 freezing when switching into layer view. Here are the error message details: Beschreibung: Aufgrund eines Problems kann dieses Programm nicht mehr mit Windows kommunizieren. (Programm can not communicate with Win any more) Problemsignatur: Problemereignisname: AppHangB1 Anwendungsname: pythonw.exe Anwendungsversion: Anwendungszeitstempel: 4df4b9cc Absturzsignatur: b59b Absturztyp: 0 Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601. Gebietsschema-ID: 3079 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 1: b59beffc26edbb7a3166a5c85035fb52 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 2: aab2 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 3: aab2d75d7bad18789dcff594c3e578cd Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 4: b59b Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 5: b59beffc26edbb7a3166a5c85035fb52 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 6: aab2 Zusätzliche Absturzsignatur 7: aab2d75d7bad18789dcff594c3e578cd
  20. Ok, thanks for clarification ! I have already a preconfigured config.h derived from a robotfuzz.com-version and will give your version a try tomorrow. Is there any reason that my already modified ultralcd.cpp would not work with your fork?
  21. Sorry, I forgot to make a screen shot and uninstalled it already. RC7 is in installation, will report if it behaves the same soon...
  22. Dude, you're great!!!! Side question: HB support is as usually via config.h and preheat is also included - isnt?
  23. Great!! I like the blue/transparent combination. Congratulation...!
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