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Everything posted by drayson

  1. Hi my friend! There is not so much info abount it - bought it at ebay. The description says: 215 x 215mm Ni-Cr Silicone self-adhesive heater Low temperature - at 12V 8A 96W about 60 deg C High temperature - at 18V 12A 216W must be regulated This Ni-Cr heater is superior to the heater etched from copper on PCB. It is wound from Ni-Cr wire within the silicon envelope. As you might remember, I´m not an electical guy :smile: Now I´m stuck in getting a better PSU
  2. :-) great that I helped you with inspiration B.t.w. - great page. found it a while ago as I planned my heated bed :-)
  3. Hi community!! Finally I managed to implement my self-built heated bed. Unfortunately due to my seperate 12V 10A PSU, it takes app. 8 minutes to heat it up to 60°C. Therefore I´d like to ask for assistance in selecting a sufficient PSU capable of faster heating (sure, switch on => hot is´nt possible within the same time as the hot end...). According to my calculations, the silicone heater has 1,5 Ohm and I´d like to use a notebook PSU (don´t want to use an industrial PSU). Would it be faster with e.g. 19.5V / 13A ?? I found a Dell PSU 19.5V / 16.9 A / 330W but I think, that´s a bit too big for the heater alone and too small for hooking up the whole UM1 with double extrusion. What would you recommend? Experiances appreciated...
  4. The pause feature is GREAT!! Nevertheless I would love to have it implemented via Marlin (for UM1) too instead of defining the pause in prior during slicing...
  5. Thank you for this link - very interesting how makerbot managed the filament check and "standing filament because of grinding or glogged nozzl" issue-check. Might be possible hacks for a UM1 too - is´nt?
  6. From my point of view a great idea as long it has enough power for cutting not only paper and cardboard - and is safe. There is another solution I found with an (max) 2.8W laser - also available in US. Initially designed for a Ma****ot, but with a nice implementation manual for a UM1 see here: http://jtechphotonics.com/?page_id=1336
  7. I used this successfully also for a while - before switching to an alu plate with my own designed leveling system (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:247552) Can recommend it in case you don´t want to change to a different print plate setup :-)
  8. Hi guys! IMHO - mod to 3-point leveling... It's so easy to level the bed. Take a look onto youmagine or thingiverse, there are a few mods also applicable on the original bed.
  9. Ok - so worst case (if you dont know what you do) it is possible to move the filament by hand as there is no counter-force from the stepper. Ok, nevertheless very sensefull feature - thank you for implementation!! B.t.w. Do you have news about the "pause" discussion we had a while ago?
  10. :-) great news!! Just a question: it disables the stepper if not used - more detailed, not heated at the beginning. So no disabling when switching nozzles - correct?
  11. @Dim3nsioneer: Have you already opened a pull request for this?
  12. Great to have you here Jerry !!! Greetings from Austria
  13. Hi! In very short my thoughts: Changes for speed - absolutely needed Rating system - complete nonsense Changes in render/picture view - appreciated as I have big problems at Win7 32 and IE9 to scroll through the different attached pictures Beside this: Collection system to mark designs for later print - absolutely wanted!! Just my two cents...
  14. Hi! Willkommen im club :-) Meine ersten drucke sahen ähnlich aus. Hast du den original fan duct montiert? Bei mir war es die ungleichmässige "kühlung", die meine drucke auf der rechten seite beeinflusst hat. Neuer fan duct, problem gelöst :-)
  15. :-) thanks for the info. Hope to find time to built one as I love to have it im my RC collection.
  16. Yes, that's what I mean. @OpenSCAD & AutoCAD: Unfortunately not - just SolidWorks. Beside the body, my concern is mainly if the steerability would be affected as the position of the legs will change a bit...
  17. Great work!!! Very fast compared to others I saw. The customizeable leg quantity is als great. Do you think it's convertable into an ant-like design too??
  18. Hi! Bezüglich Federringe und "was passendes drucken" - achtung, dort wirds warm! Versuch lieber Federscheiben zu besorgen... Ich hab bei mir die Scheiben une ein Holzteil komplett weggelassen und nur durch den Druck und "Shimplates", die im 10tel bereich ablösbar sind die Einstellung gemacht. Heiden Arbeit aber funktioniert...
  19. Robert, thank you for this information - great to know that my impression is wrong :-)
  20. On both, my office and home pc I'm not able to select the different views of the object in IE. No idea why, with firefox it's working but that's not an option at least in office (damn restrictions). Nevertheless, currently I think that the usability of youmagine is far behind thingiverse. collecting and manage collections is a must from my point of view. I would really like to see it becomming the killer platform mentioned by nick...
  21. Guys, is it just my impression or are there less and less people using this community? Since UM2, I have the feeling it's going down a bit as there is not so much tweaking and modding and need for getting info and assistance. So i fear Nicolinux is right... :-(
  22. Would do this too but from my point of view the usability of thingiverse is far ahead of youmagine...
  23. Dim3nsioneer @ costume: damn, but please no fluffy pink unicorn - thats reserved for Daid :-) I'm also with woofy and you regarding the mentioned activities. Asuming a few € for flight and hotel which a few of the community guys will have, there has to be an additional benefit beside meeting and beer.... Just an extended ulti evening might be too less, but some workshops on different topics to choose to exchange experience might be worth. And Sander: Ultimaker contribution is of course mandatory :-) B.t.w. Regarding Amsterdam: I was told by a friend that it is an expensive city - he was there for a business fair end of march. On the other side, flight connections are easy available. Nevertheless, I think thats a great idea for a great event. :-)
  24. Guys, there is a silk version tooooo!! Want it both... :-)
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