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Everything posted by Titus

  1. Ja die! Het ziet er namelijk nu zo uit: [media=4864][/media] En ik heb deze liggen dus: [media=4865][/media]
  2. Another issue I have with the new cura is multi screen setups. Selecting another machine gives a popup that is half in 1 screen, half in the second, which is not really close to it, making it impossible to read. Also, it doesnt start full screen(as it was when shut down), but slightly off to right bottom, flowing over in my second screen. I talked to Arjan(Arjan? ahiemstra on irc) about it and he mentioned how it was not a cura bug but a python bug, can't remember, but quite irritating to be honest
  3. Hm, editting posts shows "post reply" button, I'd make that "edit reply"
  4. @Marrit Nu ik aan repareren denk, ik wil eigenlijk weer een keer af van de noodoplossing van toen ik mijn UMO kocht: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:11864 Het zwarte onderdeel waar hij normaal ingaat zat er niet meer bij. Ik heb wel met dank aan @daid al een keer een bowden wit klemmetje met blauwe horseshoe gehad, maar die niet direct in het hout durven stoppen. Ik zal die even opzoeken en een foto van maken. Heb jij dat zwarte onderdeel misschien ook? Of kunnen we als ik mijn UMO weet mee te nemen het in het hout proberen te stoppen?
  5. The idea was that this cleaning vinegar does something with the bed that makes plastic attach to it at high temperatures and pops off at lower temperatures, or so I've heard
  6. I was talking to some power users at the university(8 UM2's in a matrix), and they told me to clean the glass with cleaning vinegar. After this the print sticks to the bed just fine without glue and after a couple times of cleaning the glass with it, when the bed cools down the print just pops off Note, the first couple times your print might be more stuck to the bed than you may want to. Haven't tried it myself yet though
  7. In the coffee topic? https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/5939-a-coffee-between-friends-how-was-your-day-?page=46#reply-116348
  8. Given recent progress in update UMO with HBK it might be more similar in maintenance But even so, I'm genuinely interested in UM2 hot end maintenance. Other related note: Is there someone who's traveling by car from the region Rotterdam, Den Haag and in between that I might be able to hitch a ride with? Train usually isn't the problem, but after my accident I'm not sure whether I'm comfortable carrying my printer like I usually do. In a big box.
  9. Test images on a live website
  10. Not sure yet whether I a) manage to be there, b) can bring my ultimaker, but I'm definitely curious!
  11. Stream Stream Stream! And well document! BTW, is this UM2 focused or also UMO(+)?
  12. Scale with factors 10,100,1000 and see which looks most reasonable. If non of the above, figure out the funny imperial factors and try those
  13. Hi Titus, afaik if you answer the feedback thingie once, it shouldn't bother you anymore. Unless if you go incognito, remove cookies or work on different computers every time.. Is this the case? Meh, cookies might expire, not the way to program this imho. Will try to make them permanent or something. Either way Im curious if it even provides usefull feedback.
  14. I'm not sure if this was discussed, is planned, or that I'm sounding like a broken record. But with the new update it took me a while to find the "view last" reply button ALL the way over to the RIGHT. I read titles, at the left(as most people read from left to right, so I'd rather click at the left too
  15. That is strange, can't find it indeed. Will look into it tomorrow with the dev's! \offtopic, double posts, double posts everywhere! Anyway, my NEW topic is also not visible. I replied to LePauls topic and now it IS visible. There you go <3 https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/17148-ultimaker-original-heated-bed-kit-new-cura-help I'm now torn between kicking my own question up or letting it be for you guys to look at. Edit, na, kick it is, I'll post some other topic for you to debug Edit2: I'm getting good at this bug testing stuff I guess being able to break things and put them back together helps, just like having created bugs like this myself.
  16. \offtopic Test, perhaps posts with a reply do show up? You can easily scale up the object in cura without problems. Perhaps there's an error in the units, not using SI units or something like that?
  17. Old albums not showing up, not being able to upload, 503 Service Unavailable errors Wanted to upload pictures, but couldnt Will look into it, my albums are showing (the ones I created before this update). When I try to add a photo to a post, I cant see any any photos in any of the albums, if i hover the mouse over the empty space a light grey label comes up where the photo should be and shows the photos name, but if I click the full or thumbnail buttons nothing happens. This @TheDeugd, I can't upload them, let me link them http://i.imgur.com/Zjo1UDc.png http://i.imgur.com/EuquKhW.png http://i.imgur.com/Ig6UpTc.png
  18. Please remove the google site feedback thingie. I'm spending enough time giving feedback already, and the questions don't even change, so having multiple entries from my won't help.
  19. Old albums not showing up, not being able to upload, 503 Service Unavailable errors Wanted to upload pictures, but couldnt
  20. So THAT'S what's happening! Ah, it was driving me nuts. I was working on my laptop with Spotify - ....- this to me!?" and even went so far as to update drivers. It isn't happening with me, while listening to Spotify and refreshing the website. I work on Mac Yosemite. What about you @Titus? Windows 10, firefox 40. It's driving me crazy . I believe its due to the movie on the homepage. Remember the mobile phone issue sander, where my phone said it was playing some media?
  21. Hi all, I'm busy installing my HBK into my UMO, and looking at the new motor+screw, I can imagine there should be something that changes in the firmware. With the old Cura you could select upgrades after you selected an UMO. Now there's no such option, so how should I fix that? I'm guessing old Cura for firmware update, then run new cura with UMO settings? Or is the travel of the Z motor the same and doesn't it matter at all that my HBK is installed? Thanks!
  22. Also, loading an UM page gives me a static TSJK sound or hickup when I'm playing music over my speakers ?
  23. Ok, getting major bugs with the picture upload system Old albums not showing up, not being able to upload, 503 Service Unavailable errors
  24. Just clear all notifications, that should do
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