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Everything posted by Titus

  1. Yup, alleen het is heel arbeidsintensief. Ik heb nu een tonnetje met een motor erop geklust. Nu alleen nog zorgen dat de binnenkant van het tonnetje goed is van binnen zodat het daadwerkelijk valt binnen in.
  2. Op deze video lijken prints toch wel echt mooi uit de tumbler te komen.
  3. Hmm, interessant. Ik ging er altijd vanuit dat kleine details zoals op deze prints verloren zouden gaan met de hand, maar niet in een tumbler: Niet bewerkt: http://i.imgur.com/te1zIpc.jpg Licht gepoetst maar zou veel meer moeten glimmen http://i.imgur.com/s2HpApr.jpg Niet bewerkt: http://i.imgur.com/KLMHh4h.jpg Heb je voorbeeld foto's van wat jouw tumbler/wat je er mee doet?
  4. De vorige ulti-evening ging over na bewerken en ik was er even kort omdat ik graag meer wilde weten over een tumbler. Voornamelijk om Bronzefill prints te schuren en polijsten. Helaas heb ik het een en ander gemist en was er geen tumbler aanwezig. @Sander is de (raw) video al beschikbaar? Heeft iemand ervaring met tumblers, veel mensen adviseren er een zelf te maken maar ik zit toch krap qua tijd en ben benieuwd wat de aanschaf alternatieven zijn en waarop te letten. Iemand ook een idee waar je ze (het beste) kan halen. Ebay al een beetje afgestruind, maar heel erg veel uit de USA. Over dingen als medium lees ik van pinnetjes tot schroeven, maar anderen lijken korreltjes of zelfs plastic bolletjes aan te raden. Wel of geen vloeistof erbij, en eventuele zeep/polijstpasta of -vloeistof? @Sander, wie was het van het Ultimaker team die er mee werkte? Het leek me handig om er een soort knowledge base voor op te zetten, misschien een artikel vanuit UM voor op de site ofzo, evt verschillende media testen en dingen aanraden. Mijn bronze prints zijn al best mooi, maar sommige hebben teveel detail om met de hand shiny te krijgen. Ook vraag ik me af of de wat fragielere prints het overleven in zo'n tumbler. Edit: dit lijkt toch nog steeds het meest informatieve filmpje: Dit is de (kleine) tumbler uit zijn video: http://www.bodemschat.nl/shop/bodemschatten.php?cPath=1_9&products_id=82002
  5. I think the darker areas are actually burned. A dremel creates loads of friction and heat if you stay in the same spot for too long. I love how that stuff prints, like magic Need less support, lines dissapear, details are great with 0.2mm layer and 0.6 nozzle even.
  6. Damn, I'm having a hard time again with mesh mixer. It keeps crashing, it doesn't create supports itself and I can't add them myself -_- With a file of 230 Mb. Scaling it down first
  7. These supports were generated with Meshmixer by downeym(see files link). I was thinking of adding some extra, but if you take the better dragon for example(http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:218026) that thing is awesome
  8. Checkout the topic too: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/10320-winged-victory-of-the-supports/
  9. Just completed probably the most challenging single print we ever did: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:227865/#files Had to nurture and support the support by hand to prevent it from moving too much. I'm not sure why the supports are moving so much during prints, creating messy results at the start of the wings, where at other places they are really doing their job well. Overall, really glad with the final result. The blueish white from Colorfabb has a nice touch on the print. Any ideas, tips to make sure the supports hold up better?
  10. Damn, going to print this beauty tomorrow for someone http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:227865 Blueish White from Colorfabb for a nice matt white look. EXCITED. It has to go well though, she needs the print on Friday
  11. what did you put into auto01.g? You should let that file start your regular file, so it will heat up first etc just like normal.
  12. This one is about 10 cm high(only had 1 hour to print). But I like it like this too, just want to know what it can become if you actually polish it
  13. Still have to find a cheap tumbler or make one to polish these beauties! This really is an amazing model, the ease with which you can print this is amazing!
  14. I was about to try this when I wanted to start the printer when I was already asleep. But then I finished all the parts in time so didn't look into it. Dwell(G4) should works, either with multiple or just 1. auto01.g should also work if you have a remote power switch Both interesting, let us know!
  15. The % is always off in my opinion. I thought it was layer based. And your first layers take longer, are usually biger etc etc. Just let it finish and see how long it took
  16. Not quite sure how much Joris used, but it was Colorfabb Dutch Orange in 2.2kg spools Knowing Joris it was probably a .6 or even .8 nozzle. But I agree with you that it would be nice to have an idea of the settings on the Elephant! If I weren't a student with limited time/money I would definitely get one. When you have this on your wall and you can go up to 60cm, you can make crazy things, but also the same things you'd normally make
  17. Filled it out, including feedback on different researches and opinions. Slightly related: I'd advise to make the top also from a see through material. I look at my printer top down quite often due to placing of the printer.
  18. Mooi spul Leon. Ook lachen dat je er ander plastic doorheen haalt. Mooie manier van compact plastic recyclen ipv onze enorme volumes in de bakken bij de supermarkt.
  19. Wow, nice discussion going on here. I'm somewhere in between you guys, but perhaps we should move this to a seperate thread and let this thread serve Monika(if mods agree/allow this ofcourse). What I wonder Monika, why only UM2 at this point? (I have an UMO) And also, to play the devils advocate, not an attack, what's in it for the testers, they are essentially helping you to test/develop your product
  20. I think it could be an UMO thingie, where you assemble them both, or change firmware to accelerate faster or basic, but HUGE changes to the system
  21. This looks like a sweet piece to print http://3dprintboard.com/showthread.php?11141-The-Perfect-3D-Printer-Test-and-Calibration-Tool https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:704409 Wonder if we could setup a topic somewhere and compare results, and perhaps fix stuff
  22. That model is so great! I plug and played a bronzefill one
  23. I believe "Amax n" for n={z}. 200-500 somewhere. Also my machine is set to 300mm/s travel speeds. Have a read here though Gr5 said he doubled Az and Vz, whereas the following article increased it way more: http://www.extrudable.me/2013/04/02/the-myth-of-z-speed/ Be careful however when the printer starts a print, that goes really fast!
  24. I actually increased my Z acceleration and max speed. This way I get less Z scarring and it just goes smoother
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