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Everything posted by Titus

  1. Can you point me to it. I tried to find it in the usual places but no cigar
  2. edit, ok that might be a thing. Ill test that
  3. Error here on Win8 too. It says see log file, which wasn't created Edit: Run as Admin created a log Traceback (most recent call last): File "cura_app.py", line 8, in File "c:\dev\uranium\UM\Application.py", line 326, in getInstance File "c:\dev\cura\cura\CuraApplication.py", line 64, in __init__ File "c:\dev\python34\lib\configparser.py", line 937, in __getitem__ KeyError: 'general'
  4. hm, more strange news: Did someone press the PANIC reverse button? [media=3277][/media]
  5. uh oh. Not an other UM forum release with errors in Cura this time! Also, really? Captcha on download? Are you guys getting lots of spam downloads? EDIT: also, windows 8 is giving the installation file the, uhoh, might be harmful treatment. I'm sure people will not install it because of that, either because they dont trust it, or because they simply can't find the damn button to.
  6. From an email conversation with Sander things should be moving again mid-end July. And beta before that. Personally I think that's too much of a radio silence again. While the improvements are really nice, there's still stuff missing. And though they are working on it, I still see only a few posts per day compared to what it used to be. Every day that the forum is performing less than the old some old members are becoming less active. But I trust UM is doing their best to work as fast as possible while maintaining quality.
  7. Probably will be ok, but perhaps ask for the original receipt, to verify it's not one of the stolen UM2's.
  8. Not sure about simplify 3D, maar als je de Zspeed en Zacceleratie wat omhoog zou gooien, dat hielp bij mijn UMO altijd erg(ookal zou hij misischien een beetje op en neer blijven veren, gezien het andere topic)
  9. Hadn't heard/seen it till now. In what do you develop plugins actually? I'm interested
  10. oh gawd I have unleashed the comments leading to off topic. I'll fill out the form. /ON topic: How was the new Cura, what's new? Tell us some things about it
  11. @SandervG, this might be considered off topic, but as nice as the videos of previous ultievenings are, they are useless for information spreading. You are creating useful information by having people come and talk about things, it's being recorded, but I can't find other videos than useless promotionals. I can understand it takes time to edit stuff, but I haven't seen one complete vid from the last year. This is just a waste of spreadable information! Looking back at vids like this, that is much more interesting for us: The same goes for last ulti-evening. I couldnt come as I'm restrained to bed after a traffic accident, but I do want to know all about the new Cura! I hope there'll be more vid material than the 2 minute promo with music.
  12. I was going to post this yes This is ideal for auto prints! Just print, cool down, TIGER UPPERCUT, and start printing the next one
  13. I keep getting ghost notifications.... https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/16251-the-future?page=2#reply-109048
  14. Can these things PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be linkable, or somehow fast accesable. I'd hate to open up the main page, and click twice. Rather open it at once, or only click once.
  15. Depends on how frequently you check right? I check every 30-180 minutes. I'm not saying it should be the blue bar, it could be some other clever thing, but look at the old forum, there was something like it and it worked great for me.
  16. @sandervg You are right about the blue bar(i like that), what I meant was that I dislike it not being there somewhere on the first two images. As I described in our meeting
  17. As I indicated when I'm looking for unread stuff I look on the left. Now in the community overview (picture 2) the unread notice is at the right, saying XX unread or View Last. It's better already in picture 4. I'd have to play arround with it before I can really tell if it matches the ease of use of the old forum
  18. It's live! Finally better stuff on the live vs the beta. Brace yourself, better times are coming
  19. Thanks, that works, but the UM site points me towards the one I linked in the topic, that's why I posted it
  20. https://ultimaker.com/en/software/download/26/Cura_15.04.exe Gives an error for me.
  21. Hi @SandervG another phone issue, again the media thing is still there. But I also figured out why my keyboard kept popping up, there's a text box somewhere in the top left corner [media=2013][/media] [media=2014][/media]
  22. I remember increasing my Zspeed and Zacceleration to have less z scarring and faster performance, I'll have to look into that as soon as I install my HBK!
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