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Everything posted by Titus

  1. I wonder, if this seems to be a problem, why UM2 users havn't reported this
  2. I take back what I wrote in my previous post, being that previewing doesn't kill the post. It does, but only when you actually POST it. I feel you @Blizz
  3. The Cura release topic in my case. Even takes me to the first page rather than the "new" ghost post(probably spam?)
  4. I'm building/sourcing one now too. Impressed with the leveling system! Got to install it in the printer still though. Is it possible to run it without the heated bed/electronics connected, just having the platform for now?
  5. I've always found the chat option something that was strange and not necessary, but tbh I haven't really tried it before. Will give it a try
  6. @SandervG that looks like it's working now. Still getting 2 notifications for post+tag though. Question remains, why was the notification thing pushed without testing/with bugs :( ? That's the one thing people hate more than something not being there.
  7. @SandervG please undo the notification redirection till you actually have something that works. Now I need to click 3 more times to get to the place in comparison to the situation it would take me to the first page. This is WORSE!
  8. Not surprised here, just sad. Many of us feel this way, many have taken a break to see what will happen in a month or so.
  9. @SandervG, did someone test the notification functionality before it was pushed? Why is it so incredibly fail?
  10. And the entire topic has been wiped.....
  11. Wow, lost my entire reply too again, by middle mouse clicking forum to open a new tab on the forum to check something out... Recap: I know that section is there, I know that updates will be posted there, I know because I looked for it sometimes, to see if there was an update. Thing thing is that I just can't see that from glancing now. I have to actively go looking for new things to find them. And I can't justify doing that so often without there being anything new. Therefor rather than seeing it within hours of the actual post, it took me 6 days now. This is the delay that this forum in it's current state is causing. This is why I and others, just simply can't put ourselves to it to visit the forum, to read stuff. It's not 100% a mental blockade, though it most certainly is, due to all the things that went wrong in the process of transferring, but it is also genuinely harder to do now.
  12. @SandervG can't find the post to quote, but I promised you screens about the UM website appearing to be a playable media on my phone, stopping all other media that was currently playing. Phone: BlackBerry Z10 running 10.3.1.something Notice the play pause sign in the top left. That wasn't there before visiting ultimaker.com [media=1395][/media] [media=1396][/media] [media=1397][/media]
  13. I was about to write here that someone should post here if the next Ulti-Evening date is known, because I used to be able to see that kind of stuff without looking for it on the old forum. And as this is no longer the case people might miss it since we only follow this topic. So I happened to have a look only to found it it has already been planned for 6 days: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/15512-ulti-evening-may-11th So to all of you who also missed it, it's happening. I'm not sure if I'll be there due to painting prints not being my thing. If Ultimaker would find it usefull though to meetup and talk about the forum, I might be able to join for that.
  14. @SandervG, I appreciate honesty. Keep being honest, even if it sounds like a dick move. Your answer is only covering half of the question. I understand the vision, and I agree with the outside part etc. Launching while still doing UI tweaks is logical(though I think the UI was/is really shit). But it's the bugs and the missing features that obviously lacked that I'm asking about. Like the notifications, like the old images, quotes, links, video's. All that functionality and knowledge that didn't transfer. Why wasn't that tested.
  15. @SandervG thanks for the list. Though, like others, I must still ask how you decided to launch without those obvious lack of features and bugs.
  16. @chipsample, I'm trying to see the story from all sides, and I'm not sure what your business is exactly, are you printing for people, or are you reselling ultimakers? In the first case I understand that failing prints will lead to unhappy customers, possibly bad reviews and revenue lost. What I fail to see however is how Ultimaker can be held responsible. They facilitated something that helped you perform better. If without it you are not able to deliver to your customers then that means your knowledge/printer isn't sufficient to support the business. HOWEVER, now I'm writing this I'm slowly starting to understand the real problem I think, though it is in a different place. Am I correct in the following: When something breaks down, crashes or whatever, you would normally reach out to customer support. However you have bad experiences with that since it took long. The forum/live chat, housing people all over the world, responds much faster. Therefor you went there with your questions. With that gone, you had to wait for support again to respond, costing too much time for you. Is that about what covers your story? Sadly I fear you cannot quantify losses nor can you hold Ultimaker responsible. It sucks, I encountered a kinda similar situation where I informed about the dimensions and tolerances of a filament reseller. Got very swift reply after they went to investigate and very precise answers. I ordered the plastic and started printing at a customer. It failed horribly due to the diameter(as I found out later) going up and down 5 times their supplied exact tolerance. Their support told me they couldn't do anything since I already used their material. So no compensation for screwing up live at a customer, no compensation for the shitty filament, nothing. (don't buy your filament at 123inkt.nl) In the second case, I assume you sold people UM's and convinced them there was a great support in the forums, which was taken offline and customers returned the printer. That is something Ultimaker should be able to do something with. Just being curious, please don't be offended by my unfiltered stream of thoughts coming to conclusions by threading sidetracks.
  17. The filter is only in place in the subfora, not in the main, therefore it still is not useful. Also, will old subscriptions/follows/own posts be restored. If I need to refind everything I was following I'll surely miss a ton.
  18. I posted a similar screenshot and reported that error a few days ago when the guy known as was first replying. If you already noted it then, nothing said, if you missed that back then you might have missed more and a reread might be useful
  19. Another hear hear! We could start another forum where we can dance and sing and discuss about 3D printing the way we like it. I would really want that place to be the Ultimaker forum though, the interaction between manufacturer and pro-users is so valuable. But if we can't find that here, perhaps we should start/find something ourselfs. @Blizz Bold didn't scroll up for me in FireFox @Daid, hope you'll be ok!
  20. Me too, although actually,I don't even read up on what I used to follow. Can't put myself to it at all...
  21. www.cura.nl is still up for grabs, could make us a little forum there Edit, actually it is, nevermind
  22. @TheGuyKnownAsAndersOlsson Wow, I don't get why some people can get a password and others don't... This is something that I believe quite a few important members of the community think but haven't said yet. I feel the same :( Don't lose us Ultimaker, as we don't want to lose you!
  23. @Daid don't put yourself on the line. Your work at Ultimaker/Cura is more important than having a good or a bad forum. As you suggested, speaking my mind a bit more. Note that this is not per see how I see things, but how it could seem, given the lack of insight into how it actually went. I believe somewhere some people had a vision they could market the UM2 family better if there was an environment where people who are not technical at all could get easy help with a nice knowledge base of questions. This is not bad, but I have the feeling it was rushed under pressure of a release date. Also it feels like they assumed the people that form the current community, those that are needed to help build the envisioned environment, would accept everything and keep doing the same, perhaps even more due gamification, while a lot of them said they didn't really like it. Last, it seems they outsourced the building of the forum, and that a promising bid for the job was believed and accepted without actually knowing how insanely difficult it is to build a good forum. Kinda like a situation where I saw a company win a bid because they would charge 150 euro to build a seriously complex website. The closest competitor was like 600 euro plus. They got the bid, delivered shit work, got more time and more money to fix their shit work, and ended up being more expensive, and probably more shit too.
  24. @Daid It might just be me, but I laughed so hard at that. Calling out extremes is what I tend to do too when I disagree with something so badly. But yeah I'm not sure if you understand my flow correctly. The point you address is actually point 6) Another alternative way of watching all new posts. Some other people out here were doing that, I personally hated that because I wanted to know the context and location of the post. 5) is different from 6) in the sense that 5) only involves new posts in topics that I'm tracking since I posted in them. Whereas 6) tracks all new posts. 2/3/4) are different from 6) in the way that I could filter on 2 levels, sections and topics. Also topics would make more sense if I knew what section they were in, and 6) didn't really do that for me in the old forum. So if I understand correctly, my flow of 2/3/4/5) would still be missing. But you mentioned a fix on 6) which is nice for quite some people I've read, but not for my workflow or for @reibuehl @SandervG Just make sure you are answering the actual questions, not telling the same "we are working on this and that and also this because we think this and that" story all the time. This post might not have been the best example, but I keep having the idea that you are either dancing around things like your hands/mouth are/is tied/taped shut, or just not paying attention at the right things in peoples posts and thoughts
  25. That was never discussed since it was obvious to everyone that the good things would stay in stead of dissapear. Just like spam. Nobody ever mentioned that there shouldn't be spam. That is a basic function that sjould be there. @SandervG I'm ok with helping improve the situation, but right now it could look like you released a product and assumed we would fix it for you. The amount of time people put into giving feedback here would have been better spend in feedback on prints, methodes etc. And that is valuable time lost, in case of the basic stuff that should have been really obvious. Not the fine tweaks that you can expect from new projects. @Nallath Good point. Another elephant in the room(oh boy I love elephants, as a good Mechanical Engineer from Delft should): Why was the forum released in the state it was in. Can you enlighten us in terms of your own expectations/requirements that made you release. Or was it time driven? I don't want to seem offensive in any means, I'm just curious.
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