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Everything posted by Titus

  1. Ah! That could be something, reduce speed for outlines to create a smoother outer layer! Must experiment with that one day. Hm, minimal layer time makes the speed go slower, but doesn't that kill the quality as the nozzle "stays in the same spot so long" due to the slow speed? Damn, that's cool! And might have been breaking the rules, but then again, it shows you that if you do want to print something, you can do so many things to make it work! Yeah, I tend to agree there. Although I'm learning to print smaller, it is still damned hard!
  2. Wow, nice! I'm guessing the stars and the crown were printed separately? How did attach them so they are tight?
  3. It's a shame there weren't more entries :( Would have liked to see what molecules other people like, I was figuring people would go for coffee with sugar or dopamine and such @tinkergnome I wonder what settings you printed with. Again 0.1mm layer height and 30mm/s. I couldn't get the letters to print nicely. I did avoid melting the hydrogen atoms by printing 4 at a time in each corner of the bed, and cool head lift. Next time I would try and print colder, to reduce stringing. I did however by accident got the pause to work, there's a slightly underextruded layer somewhere because I had left the setting on. @SandervG, I really like these contests, both to get creative and learn stuff
  4. Time to learn about stuff we use daily without knowing much about. Yeah it melts at certain temperatures, depending on the manufacturer, or has a certain glass temperature so the heated bed must be this hot. But what is PLA actually? Well, PLA is Polylactic acid. Poly stands for many, so many actic acids, you'd say? Today Wikipedia told me it does not use correct Organic nomenclature, as defined by the IUPAC, as it is not a polyacid, but rather a polyester. Instead of further citing Wikipedia, have a read yourself, it's quite interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polylactic_acid As I hinted earlier, I wanted to print PLA! Not only with PLA, but also the PLA molecule. Or rather the a block of the chain. So PLA is a chain with many copies of the link I printed, as can be seen in the picture. As the picture explains, the green are the Hydrogen atoms, grey are the oxygen atoms and blue are the carbon atoms, sadly I didn't have enough time to print that with colorfabb Carbonfill :( Link: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/prints/1953-community-contest-part-6-don-t-trust-atoms-they-make-up-everything
  5. Version 1.0


    Time to learn about stuff we use daily without knowing much about. Yeah it melts at certain temperatures, depending on the manufacturer, or has a certain glass temperature so the heated bed must be this hot. But what is PLA actually? Well, PLA is Polylactic acid. Poly stands for many, so many actic acids, you'd say? Today Wikipedia told me it does not use correct Organic nomenclature, as defined by the IUPAC, as it is not a polyacid, but rather a polyester. Instead of further citing Wikipedia, have a read yourself, it's quite interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polylactic_acid So PLA is a chain with many copies of the link I printed, as can be seen in the picture. As the picture explains, the green are the Hydrogen atoms, grey are the oxygen atoms and blue are the carbon atoms, sadly I didn't have enough time to print that with colorfabb Carbonfill :(
  6. Mine is coming tomorrow if all goes right, had some other stuff to attend this week.
  7. Super cool print, love it! I'm afraid it would actually be illegal under Dutch law though
  8. Ghost notifications still happening
  9. Hmm, there is also the version where two groups walk into a bar, ²H and his friend and ³H with a buddie, and together they go He He nn boom. Anyway, I got myself a nice idea Now again the challenge, how small can I print it. Why always so small as possible :(
  10. Yeah, congratulations to both of you, nice to see more people put in more effort! There I fixed it for you @Tinkergnome, I know, I've worked with that before, but when I pause, the nozzle either melts the environment into a blobby structure, or leaves a nasty spot that in time messes up the print. Do you insert gcode to make the head retract and travel away or something? I see, ultimaker 2 has 2 fans, and with a nice fanshroud. Right now I'm using an UMO with UMO+ fan shroud made from some sheet metal, but I can't seem to find good fans :( Ah, that could be it, given the nature of woodfill I was printing at 80mm/s I believe. I'll have to try a print with normal pla, printed slower.
  11. @SandervG, I'm sure you mean @tinkergnome 's TRIPLE color reels ;)Was that printed or painted? Also, how did you do that ? I can't imagine that precise measuring and cutting bits of filament. I'm curious for all the settings. No way I can get that detail on my UMO, not even with regular PLA. There's just not enough cooling I guess.
  12. Nop no progress no nothing. It just sat there spinning while I was looking at the clock which told me I had 10 minutes left to upload
  13. @SandervG This time I went to the print page and tried to upload the print. Quite a difficult process I might add. Not sure what is happening and if others also have this. First I just sat there for minutes waiting for the, I guess uploads or storing, to finish, but it didn't: [media=8801][/media] Then I went ahead and just post it in the topic, so I could select it from gallery, but had trouble finding which image it was: [media=8802][/media]
  14. Version 1.0


    Right off the bat it was clear it would be a Colorfabb special material moment. Woodfill for the frame, clear XT for the Heated Bed and a nice miniature spool of XT. And finally I couldn't resist to also make a tiny bronze spool, which turned out to be so cute! As everything snapped together, all of miniature land came to see, from the left to the right: the famous Dutch Lion that was uploaded in the wrong place, the tiny Easter Island head, the Louvre piramide that was printed as a test for the Colorfabb timelapse, and finally the Ultibot pair. Left of the two is the first print with my heated bed, there was a z-step error somewhere in the firmware so the fellow got a bit stretched out. His brother was the next generation and turned out to be just fine! Settings: I used the standard settings for Colorfabb prints: http://learn.colorfabb.com/print-_xt/ http://learn.colorfabb.com/print-bronzefill/ http://learn.colorfabb.com/how-to-print-with-woodfill/ With .2mm layerheight, 0.4 nozzle, 0.8 shell and 1.2 top/bottom, 20% fill. Note: Mini Ulti was out of woodfill, so I used XT to push the woodfill through the bowden tube Note2: As I was assembling Mini Ulti I dropped it and it broke :(Hence the scars.
  15. Here's my entry: Right off the bat it was clear it would be a Colorfabb special material moment. Woodfill for the frame, clear XT for the Heated Bed and a nice miniature spool of XT. And finally I couldn't resist to also make a tiny bronze spool, which turned out to be so cute! As everything snapped together, all of miniature land came to see, from the left to the right: the famous Dutch Lion that was uploaded in the wrong place, the tiny Easter Island head, the Louvre piramide that was printed as a test for the Colorfabb timelapse, and finally the Ultibot pair. Left of the two is the first print with my heated bed, there was a z-step error somewhere in the firmware so the fellow got a bit stretched out. His brother was the next generation and turned out to be just fine! Note: I used the standard settings for Colorfabb prints: http://learn.colorfabb.com/print-_xt/ http://learn.colorfabb.com/print-bronzefill/ http://learn.colorfabb.com/how-to-print-with-woodfill/ With .2mm layerheight, 0.4 nozzle, 0.8 shell and 1.2 top/bottom, 20% fill. Note2: As I was assembling the Ultimaker I dropped it and it broke :(Hence the scars. ALMOST forgot to link to the print: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/prints/1952-community-contest-part-5-the-tribute
  16. Ok, I thought the .4 nozzle was still a requirement... Did you change it or did I mess up reading the rules yet again?
  17. I spy with my little eye To bad it says: Error Connecting (ETIMEDOUT)
  18. Well I had the same idea too, but just no Ultimaker 2 Extended or Go I'll try to upload it in the right segment this time.
  19. Het is de "skirt" optie in de expert settings in legacy cura In de nieuwe cura zit hij onder Platform adhesion, ook skirt
  20. My guess is a piece of tape, to see if it's turning
  21. All problems you describe sound like there is a clog somewhere along the nozzle path. Perhaps it's been assembled wrongly, or your teflon coupler(the white thing) is deformed, that causes a lot of trouble. Have you tried an atomic pull? Google atomic pull ultimaker. It's somewhere here on the forums and in the knowledge base. Can you upload some pictures here of the extruder head after doing the pull? A bit of cleaning/a few new parts could solve all your problems
  22. What scale should it be printed? Also @SandervG Woodfill on a .4 nozzle, recipe for trouble!
  23. I can remember that the bearings on those rods need some time to stop sounding as if there's sand in them. Some sewing machine oil might help on the two silver shafts. On my heated bed kit that is.
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