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Everything posted by Titus

  1. Mounting the LEDs was also my biggest unknown fear. I ended up printing these: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:543402 The sides fit onto the axle caps and you need to drill two holes for the front. I like this one the most because the LEDs stay hidden somewhat. As for the 7812 vs the "fancy ones". I had a 7812 in my electronics box and I wanted to make it that weekend But I agree, the other is better
  2. Mijn max is 3kg, maar dat was toen voor een klant Zelf, max 1 spoel 750gr per 2 a 3 maanden. Wel weinig als ik het zo lees.
  3. The final result is worth showing http://i.imgur.com/28v3CGl.jpg Manual switch is indeed really nice!
  4. http://i.imgur.com/28v3CGl.jpg I took the 19V LEDS output and put a 7812 with heat sink on, making it 12V
  5. Nooit meer laten weten wat het Performa PLA van Plastic2Print doet: Hetzelfde als Colorfabb, maar dan voor 24 euro Ook een aanrader dus
  6. Titus

    2D-3D tool

    I wasn't aware of that. Must. Investigate!
  7. That's why I went for the quote after the edit
  8. Aren't new UM2 buyers getting a "care package" with a nozzle and 2 PTFE couplers? Actually:
  9. Not sure if right place, but: I used to have different ways to take a JPG/PNG and get it to STL to print it depending on the setting. Sometimes CURA does a good job, some lithography stuff is nice in those customizable thingiverse things. For simple shapes I trace it in Solidworks, others I redesign in OpenScad. However, this tool seems to perform quite well for shapes, logo's etc. http://www.selva3d.com/ It has great smoothing/vectorlike effects on contours. That is something that Cura seems to mess up completely. Any thoughts?
  10. Everytime I am amazed by what this community can do. Even though I don't own an UM2, Mnis, THANK YOU for being awesome and working on this. I'm curious where this design will be in half a year, who reworked it into even beter designs etc.
  11. Erg gedurfd om dat te claimen zeg. Er zijn ook bedrijven die misschien nog wel mooier printen dan mensen met die badge, maar waar die badge niet belangrijk voor is. Dat terzijde klinkt dit als een nog afzetterige variant van 3Dhubs, waar je ook nog eens een keer niet zelf het heft in handen hebt.
  12. As 3D printer owners we clearly are opposed to this, with our OpenSource ideology and all. Though designers may at some point start to think differently. I don't see the harm in looking what people come up with as solutions to keeping things closed source. Just being curious I mean if you manage to do it, and do it well, with designers and printer owners both happy, you can make serious money
  13. Then one other thing we need to look out for is the height calibration of the two nozzles. Wonder if an "autolevel" with each " revolving" head could be a solution. Also, about the holding and oozing. If you were to create a nozzle block/shield that keeps it from oozing, not only will your print bed not be a mess, you'd still have plastic in the nozzle when you resume printing with it, and you can leave it hot!
  14. This also raises the question again. Is the design IP, or are prints of the design also IP. I believe you mentioned, buy once, print as many as you want? What if I print one for friends to giveaway? Or print them to sell? Right now with the OS NC licenses it's already tough to know whether you can sell a print(your customer also owns the model, and thus he pays you for the equipment, material, time and expertise, not for the model). I wonder how that would be if you payed for the model. Then your customer should also buy the model.
  15. I like seeing this! I really like what you are doing! Though just some advocate of the devil remarks to tickle you a bit to get an even better result It takes up so much space It continues to leak How is the accuracy of collecting and leaving the head there after 100 times? If you have a lot of switching between heads it takes so much time
  16. Interested in the development of this stuff. Though I would edit your video and take this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmnkeY5tZ_w&feature=player_detailpage#t=114 A seemingly failing UM2
  17. Copying UM won't get you anywhere in the academic world as it is not allowed
  18. I think I found your spoolholder: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ikea-dioder-clamps-for-ultimaker-original
  19. I know, I wouldn't have included it if it didn't have the spreadCycle in the video
  20. Time to join in on the fun, I found this comparison: http://www.photofreak.de/elektronik/silentstepstick-review/238 And I must say your video is very very promising! Where did you guys buy the driver?
  21. Yup. They also stated that it may deteriorate nozzles a bit faster due to abrasive parts, but this is really going quick...
  22. Jammer dat de treinen moeilijk deden en ik de praatjes heb gemist, en vooral jammer dat er geen tumbler was, daar was ik stiekem voor gekomen. Wel met wat mensen gepraat en het werd toch wel vaak genoemd dat je er gewoon zelf een moet klussen. @Sander Is het anders idee om een topic te openen in het collaborations deel, om te kijken of we een #UMTumbler kunnen maken?
  23. Ik heb hem nog niet getest, wilde even de 14.12 kwaliteit houden ivm batch. However, David, op de UM site zelf staat nog 14.12 als nieuwste versie. Klik je erop dan zie je 15.1 pas. Edit: http://ultimaker.com/en/products/software http://software.ultimaker.com/
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