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Posts posted by Blizz

  1. Didier: It would be in Gent, so I don't know about the distance for you.

    I also don't know if they will allow us to do it during the weekend there, guess that will become clear somewhere after September.

    I agree about the weekend for the ones in Utrecht though. I love to come to those meetings but it's a lot of effort to make it there in time for me as well :)


  2. Thanks for the stone blizz! will send a picture tomorrow when its fitted :).

    For next time people should where a button with there forum names on it !!!

    Would be nice to get some faces with the names :)


    I'm curious about it indeed.

    I'll make sure to bring my name-tag again... or perhaps print a new one, dunno yet. I guess the 6 weeks timer has been reset.

    Does anyone still recall what flavours where in the the CF sample pack?

    Some bronzefill, glow in the dark, 2 woodfills (?)

    Wish they had added tags to it :)


  3. It did take a long time, but the receiving couple was one we hold dear so it was worth it.

    Initially I tried printing 3 roses but the retraction messed up my filament. It's already bad for one, let alone the constant switching between 3. Ended up using 0.1mm layers and a print speed of 50mm/s. Took just under 3 hours per rose head.

    For the stems I initially wanted those with thorns but that would result in about an hour extra to print the support and I needed 10 (one for every year they were together before the marriage) :) So I took the one without, made it longer and then printed it with a brim (it has almost zero contact surface with the plate so I didn't want to take the risk). Those took about 45 minutes per piece.

    The vase was also printed at the same settings and took about 10 hours. All in all about 65 hours including the mistakes and do overs. But they were really happy with it :) (or the money we put in the vase, dunno ;) )


  4. Does the piece that you are printing require a lot of retraction? Because a lot of retraction, perhaps combined with a slightly too high tension on the feeder spring, can cause the filament to be flattened out. If that happens it might get too wide to fit in the bowden tube, get stuck and them get ground by the knurled wheel.


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