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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. It's a different topic, but don't let Nylon filament absorb moisture for days while you don't print with it...

    (enclose it in a drybox / Polybox or something similar with desiccant - except you live in a very dry climate).

    Basically: follow the instructions from the material manufacturer how to store it properly.

  2. At first, i would check that you've actually selected "Ultimaker 3" and not "...S3".

    Although i guess it would give you (at least) a warning if you try to print it on the wrong printer model.


    And you can check the extruder offsets in machine settings.

    Nozzle offset x/y should be zero for "Extruder 1" and 18mm on x for "Extruder 2".





    If everything is correct on the software side, it may be that the lift switch calibration on the printer is wrong and the printhead collides with the bracket or the side panel while switching nozzles?


  3. Mit "Scan" meinst Du das "active bed leveling", bzw. das "probing"?


    Soweit ich weiß wird dabei für das Heizbett die (maximal erlaubte) Temperatur von beiden Materialien eingestellt.

    Was ist denn als zweites Material ausgewählt? Wenn das z.B. PLA ist, würde es die 60°C erklären....?


    Ist das überhaupt ein Dual-Druck? Wenn nicht, dann könntest Du das zweite Material auch "entladen", dann sollte die Temperatur auch auf ABS-Niveau bleiben.


    Oder bleib einfach beim manuellen Leveling, dann hast Du damit überhaupt keinen Stress. Oder ist die "Streuung" bei den Filaprint-Platten so groß, das das nicht geht?

  4. I see no reason for a normal end of print either.Does it stop with the regular "print finished" message or does happen something more weird - like rebooting or such...?


    But you should consider to...

    - either remove all M84 commands (steppers off)

    - or (additionally) re-home all axis before the first move in your "push off procedure"



  5. AFAIK it's not necessarily a bug, but just the way small gaps between walls are filled by recent versions of Cura.

    If i remember right, "gap filling" can be switched off (one can choose between "everywhere" and "nowhere"). You could try both options and compare the generated gcode.

    Another difference is probably the fact that CuraEngine always generates two passes on each outer contour, while other slicers may be generate a single, but slidely thicker line.


  6. 12 minutes ago, cakeforcat said:

    by looking at the difference in the X direction it comes to a move of 0.623mm which is larger than the line width of 0.44 you can see in my screenshot(and even more than the 0.4 you say is in the profile I sent). Is it intentional or am I reading it incorrectly?


    dunno, but you're looking at extrusion lines at an angle of 45 deg and at travel moves in 0 respective 90 deg.

    The travel moves are 0.622mm or 0.623 and Pythagoras says:  the corresponding line distance is 0,4398mm or 0.4405mm.

    Looks perfect.

    The material flow is probably wrong (either the material diameter, the flow rating or the extruder steps/mm). That's all.


    • Like 1
  7. 35 minutes ago, ShopGeezer said:

    So what is the advantage of using a smaller nozzle? In what circumstances would you want to use a smaller nozzle?


    The obvious reasons are:


    - for small objects or for objects with fine details in the x/y direction

    - for objects with thin walls


    And there are even smaller nozzles than .25mm...


    If you need some inspiration:


  8. 3 hours ago, bob-hepple said:

    I wondered if the reason there was no movement from the extruder was something todo with the E202.6365 with me placing the G92 E0.0 (did this re set extruder length to 0 ??


    yes, it sets the extruder position to 0.0 - which is probably not what you want.


    You should use the last e coordinate from before the pause instead of 0.0



    Just out of curiosity:

    Why are you inserting those things manually? Which slicer do you use? Doesn't it offer some support for pause scripts?

    And why exactly 30 seconds pause? Wouldn't it be better to wait for a keystroke or such...? Or lacks the taz 6 a display?

  9. 50 minutes ago, bob-hepple said:

    G1 E-0.50 F1800 ; Retract :start of bobs stop


    Some thoughts...


    Do you use relative coordinates for the e-axis? I see no M83 / M82 in your snippet.

    This can be a very long retraction if this is an absolute e value...


    54 minutes ago, bob-hepple said:

    G92 E0.0


    (re-)sets the e coordinate to zero


    55 minutes ago, bob-hepple said:

    G1 X152.300 Y169.949 E202.6365 F1380


    and here it tries to extrude 202.6365 mm at once.


    1 hour ago, bob-hepple said:

    it moves to the x and y coordinates but the extruder is not moving until the next line could some explain where Im going wrong


    Which printer is it? There's probably a feature in the firmware that prevents extrusion if a certain length is exceeded.


    I think, you should temporary use relative moves for the e axis (retraction and purge), and you probably don't want to use the G92 command at all.

    But of course it depends on the coordinate mode that is used at the moment your pause occurs.


  10. 4 hours ago, Rygaard said:

    These days, for users of Ultimaker 2+ or 3d printers using Ultimaker 2 (Ultigcode) flavor, there would be a possibility of not using it anymore. And can it go the same way or shape as the latest 3d printer models?


    I'm not sure what exactly the question is...

    Newer printer models from Ultimaker or in general?


    UM3 and S5 are using gcode flavor "Griffin", it is very unlikely that this will be back-ported to older machines.

    But the differences to "Marlin" are marginal (a special header section and one or two custom gcodes).

    My recommendation is to use a recent Cura version with "Marlin" for UM2. Do you have concerns?


  11. 9 hours ago, Rygaard said:

    people have easy control of the 3d prints because they do not have the restriction of Flavor Ultimaker 2.


    Don't forget that the whole idea dates back to 2013 or even earlier. Slicers didn't had so many advanced settings in the good old days and "Ultigcode" was an enhancement on top of the normal behavior of Marlin.

    In theory you can use the same gcode file for different types of material. Temperature, retraction settings and flow rate are handled according to the material settings on the machine.

    It was a pretty smart idea back then but the concept is a bit outdated, because slicing software is much more advanced nowadays (feature wise). There's a reason why Ultimaker itself doesn't use it anymore on more recent printer models.


    3 hours ago, Rygaard said:

    I add a new printer (ultimaker 2+ extended) with Flavor Marlin separately and I leave the other configuration of Flavor Ultimaker 2?


    Yes, no problem - that's a good way to test things out.


    3 hours ago, Rygaard said:

    I would like to know if there would be any problems regarding future firmware updates?


    No, why do expect a problem? Besides the fact that Cura can be used to send firmware binaries to the printer, those two things are pretty unrelated to each other.

    You can use pretty much any available firmware version on the printer and feed it with gcode from pretty much any software that "speaks" Marlin.


    BTW: if you start "Marlin" gcode files from the sd-card, the printer will show an "override settings..." message. That's fine, it's just the indicator that the material settings on the printer are not used (which is exactly what you want). Just press "continue".


    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Rygaard said:

    But what I would like to understand is how or what values Flavor Ultimaker2 sets for the following functions automatically:
    - Default Printing Temperature
    - Printing Temperature
    - Printing Temperature Initial Layer
    - Initial Printing Temperature
    - Final Printing Temperature
    - Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer
    So what are these values that Flavor Ultimaker 2 would define?


    With gcode flavor "Ultimaker 2" there's only one printing temperature that is used for all layers. ("initial" and "final" are only relevant for multi extrusion projects and don't matter anyway).


    15 minutes ago, Smithy said:

    As far as I know this plugin doesn't work with Ultimaker printers, so it will also not work with the Marlin flavor.


    Well, technically... the post processing script works fine and adds these M117 commands. Unfortunately the UM2 firmware just ignores them. The usual Ultimaker design policy indicates that the user shall not be bothered with superfluous details. 🤷‍♂️

    So: no luck with the standard firmware...


  13. On 9/12/2019 at 4:17 PM, mangofreund said:

    so eine laufende anzeige braeuchte ich um das filament passend zusammenzufuegen ( aufrollen) um danach gezielt layer verschiedenfarblich zu drucken. bei langzeitlichen druck und abwesenheit eine gut moeglichkeit oder etwa nicht?


    Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, möchtest Du also von Hand das nachbauen, was der "Mosaic Palette" macht? Verschiedene Farben vom Filament zusammensplicen und dann damit bunte Objekte drucken?





  14. 1 hour ago, Sandi said:

    I'd like to repeat above procedure, but I get different prompt and commands are not working.  I use username and password "ultimaker". Printer is S5. Where is a mistake?


    You used the wrong username, that's all. Follow point 2 of the instructions more careful:




  15. 20 minutes ago, mauerbad said:

    OK. Jetzt bin ich verwirrt. Wo sitzt da ein Sensor? 


    Im Boden vom Druckkopf. Wenn man ihn vorn aufklappt, sollte im Boden eine kleine Platine zu sehen sein.

    Beim Ultimaker 3 ist sie beschriftet mit "Capacitive Sensor Board" - ich nehme an, das ist beim S5 so ähnlich.


    In diesem Beitrag sind Bilder vom zerlegten Druckkopf:


    und hier wurde erklärt, wie die Messung funktioniert:



  16. Arduino devices are very limited on memory, that's why the firmware doesn't sort lists. It just reads the first few visible lines from the sd-card and continues reading only if one rotates the encoder wheel.
    Such a sort feature would require a more modern microcontroller (with more RAM). It's the same problem as on the first simple mp3 players.
    On a freshly formatted sd card the order will be almost certainly the same order as the files were put on the card.
    There are tools for Windows, that are able to subsequently (re-)write the sd card in a sorted order, but i don't know how reliable or trustworthy those are.
    (search for "FAT sorter" or "SD sorter")

    • Thanks 1
  17. 36 minutes ago, dfrez said:

    Once I put everything back, the steppers no longer operate and am unable to connect to the board through Cura, computer also doesn’t recognize it when plugging in. It also throws a limit switch error since the printhead or bed doesn’t move.


    Always first things to check: Take sure that both "Safety"-jumpers are still in place and the 24V source is still there (can be measured at the marked connector).
    Schematics are on GitHub: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/tree/master/1091_Main_board_v2.1.1_(x1)





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