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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. 45 minutes ago, Shadowman said:

    And to clarify the owner of Cura; it is Ultimaker.


    Also just to clarify:

    The 'product owner' is a role in agile software development, in this case probably just a different person (not mentioned by name) that is working for the company though. At least we know that it's not Marco...


    Not every employee of Ultimaker is active on this forum, it's meant as a forum for the community, not as a support forum of the manufacturer. The best way is indeed to bother your reseller with those problems (the more the better...). The network of resellers (pun ?) is the "voice of the customer" the product owner is responsible for. ?



    It doesn't hurt to mention issues here on the forum though - but this voice is far less powerful... ?

  2. If you're logged in as "ultimaker" you are already in the command util (there's a "(Cmd)" prompt, correct?)  - and you can just type the "sendgcode..." commands.


    The instructions from @CarloK are complete:


    On 10/26/2018 at 11:10 PM, CarloK said:

    For the UM3/S5:

    - Enable developer mode

    - Make an SSH connection and login with user name 'ultimaker' and password 'ultimaker'

    - 'sendgcode T0' (or T1)  this will select the left or right nozzle

    - 'sendgcode M302 S0' disables the cold extrusion prevention, so you can move filament even when cold.

    - 'sendgcode G0 E10' will move the filament 10mm.


  3. 4 hours ago, ixenriquez said:

    I cant do anything after install the Mark2 Firmware. It immediately goes to the error and doesn't allow anything else. 


    My best bet is that the second temperature sensor is not connected or gives false readings.

    In this case you will get this error with any dual extrusion firmware, but not with the single extrusion variants.

    The sensors are connected directly to the main board (if i'm not wrong....?), so this is unrelated to the expansion board.


    To proof my assumption you can connect the printer via USB to a serial console (e.g. printrun/pronterface). This will show you a more detailed error message. The extruder number (0 or 1) and the error type (MINTEMP or MAXTEMP) is written to the console.


    Once the printer starts normally one can change the print area and the steps/mm in the preferences menu.


  4. Phew - i think, @gr5 is right... Here is a screenshot from Meshmixer - every dot is an error in the mesh:



    It would probably work regardless, but the main problem is that the transition between the body and the neck is not smooth. There are a lot of small triangles that stick out to the inside and Cura tries to support them. Simplify3D does the same btw.

    I guess there is a small step between the two parts in your original model?


    It's hard to see in a 2D view, i have selected a few:



  5. I don't have it in front of me at the moment, but i think, it's more like a feature... ?


    The preheat menu handles the nozzle (pre-)heating on its own (if it is enabled), but only if the target temperature is zero. The choosen temperature depends on the printing temperature of the selected material.

    There's no gcode to enable/disable the pre-heating, but any other target temperature than zero (whatever you send via USB) "overrules" it.


    I think you can use either the preheat menu or serial commands for pre-heating but not both at the same time (at least not in this way).


  6. 2 hours ago, dennispo said:

    We definitely have no changed any settings but default. 


    one idea:

    Take a look at the machine settings for the selected printer in Cura. Carefully compare these settings too.

    Especially the option "Origin at center" (or "Machine Center is Zero" - the labeling depends on the exact Cura version...)


    Still no settings changed?


  7. 4 hours ago, brentwerder said:

    Just spent a few hours trying to get my UMO+ up and running again with no success.  My problems all stem from the main board, which is giving me a ton of trouble.


    UMO+ uses the main board 2.1.1, right?


    There are two "Safety"-Jumpers that (dis-)connect the 24V line if (not) installed - i would check those first

    (between LED- and endstop-connectors).


    And AFAIK there's a relay for the 24V line near the power connector - this may be faulty - (measure the voltage there).


  8. 3 hours ago, Stan-D said:

    Momentan läuft der kleine Lüfter aber nicht mehr beim Aufheizen über 50°C


    Das hier ist der relevante Teil in der Ultimaker-Firmware, der Kommentar erklärt, warum es so umständlich ist:



    Wenn Du die Ansteuerung vom Servo hinbekommen hast, kannst Du ja mal berichten, wie es funktioniert. Man kann nie wissen, wo man das mal braucht... ?


  9. 46 minutes ago, peetersm said:

    Only some files on my UM2+ are turning off my nozzle (like a M104 S0) before the print is done.


    No - all your files do this.... ?

    Marlin has a motion buffer of (up to) 16 line segments. And if printing these buffered line segments takes long enough, this can happen. It's just a coincidence that there are a lot short moves at the end of the other half of your files, so that it doesn't hurt that much...?


    The obvious solution is to remove the "M104 S0" from the end of the files. An additional "M400" right before this line would also help.

    Where does the M104 come from? Does Cura 2.3 insert these line or have you added this yourself to the end-script? Cura 3.5 does not add this line (anymore?).

    • Thanks 1
  10. 15 hours ago, Stan-D said:

    'MOVE_SERVO' was not declared in this scope


    Die Fehlermeldung ist ja ziemlich eindeutig. Irgendwo in der Funktion "void move_nozzle_servo(uint8_t)" wird etwas mit dem Namen "MOVE_SERVO" verwendet, das wurde aber nicht gefunden.


    Du musst nur herausfinden, was "MOVE_SERVO" ist (vermutlich ein weiteres Makro), und wo das deklariert bzw. definiert ist....


    Die aktuelle Marlin-Firmware ist zu großen Teilen aus Makros zusammengesetzt, das ist keine leichte Kost für den Anfang...


    Ich hab keine Ahnung, was man für den Servo noch so alles braucht.

    Soweit ich das auf die Schnelle sehen kann, wird "MOVE_SERVO" nur definiert, wenn das Makro "HAS_SERVO" "true" ergibt. Und letzteres prüft u.a., ob mindestens ein Servo-Pin definiert ist.

    Dabei wird allerdings "SERVO0_PIN" geprüft, nicht "SERVO0_PWM_PIN".

    Also vielleicht solltest Du "SERVO0_PIN" (auch) noch definieren, zu "SERVO0_PWM_PIN" hab ich überhaupt nichts gefunden, wird das überhaupt irgendwo benutzt?


  11. 2 hours ago, noctis said:

    manual readings are 43,8k for the Extruder and 117,5k Ohm for the custom heated bed.

    If I check the temperature in Cura  it says 1100°C for the Bed and 0°CV for the head.


    The MINTEMP error is normal is it reads 0°C or less on the nozzle.


    UMO+ uses the same mainboard as the UM2 and this works with PT100 temperature sensors, is this right?

    But the resistance would be somewhere between 100 and 200 Ohm in this case (not kOhm).


    I guess you are using something different, but then it's not an UMO+... ?


    2 hours ago, noctis said:

    I assumed the Arduino has a problem, but I changed that already.


    You said " modified UMO+ " - what does this mean? Which kind of mainboard is used and which type of sensors?

    And which kind of firmware is installed on the (new?) board - is it modified too?

    And does the configured sensor type match the actually used sensor type?


  12. 12 hours ago, 3DStyle said:

    Am I doing something wrong?


    I think so...? It looks like a start script for Simplify3D, not for Cura?

    Have you inspected the generated gcode?


    The variable names are different for Cura and curly brackets are used:


    ; for example:
    M190 S{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}
    M109 T0 S{material_standby_temperature, 0}
    M104 T0 S{material_print_temperature_layer_0, 0}

    AFAIK all variable names that are defined in "fdmprinter.def.json" can be used.


    • Like 1
  13. Hi Link,


    the Marlin PID autotune never worked well for me. But if you want to try it - i would use a target temperature that is close to the usual printing temperatures.


    Here are some links with the default values from Ultimaker:


    Heated buildplate:



    Nozzle heater UM2 (25W):



    Nozzle heater UM2+ (35W):




    "Heater timeout" switches the nozzle heater off, if the printer is inactive (not printing or paused and no user interaction).

    This was actually a feature request from a makerspace, where sometimes users startet the material change wizard or heated up the printer and then went away - and the printers were "cooking" the material for hours or over night...

    It just adds some more security.

  14. 6 hours ago, Gdalya said:

    What I would really like is to be able to print the skirt multiple times, like in the first x layers instead of just the first 1 layer.  That should allow me to grip it better for removal without wasting a lot of plastic.


    You can try a draft shield with limited height (it's in the "Experimental" section). If you set the x/y distance to the same value as the skirt distance, it should come close to what you want.




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