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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. You should probably not delete all commands from the start script, if the GCode-flvor is "Marlin".

    Some of them are still needed and it is possible, that Cura uses just the default script, if yours is empty... (not sure)


    Anyway: with GCode-flavor "Marlin" the printer simply processes the commands of the gcode file, if there are moves, that you don't want - check the generated gcode file.


  2. 54 minutes ago, Ksstyling Customparts said:

    wenn ich sie zusammenführe wie oben beschrieben dann, legt er das eine in das andere


    Cura legt beim Zusammenführen einfach die Ursprungskoordinaten übereinander. Wenn das nicht passt, wurden die beiden Teile im CAD-Programm nicht richtig positioniert, oder beim exportieren wurde der Ursprung verschoben (ich glaube, manche CAD-Programme haben dafür ein Option).

    Du kannst es also im CAD-Programm ändern, oder in Cura nichts zusammenführen, sondern manuell positionieren. Für letzteres muss allerdings (mindestens) die automatische Positionierung auf Z=0 deaktiviert werden. Dafür gibt es eine Option in den Cura-Einstellungen.


  3. The steps/unit are stored in EEPROM and can be changed with gcode M92 (the new value can be stored with M500 afterwards). The default value is only used after a factory reset.


    Edit: Link to RepRap gcodes: https://reprap.org/wiki/G-code#M92:_Set_axis_steps_per_unit



    5 hours ago, AndyD said:

    Also, I tried to disable the heater-thermistor by set the TEMP_SENSOR_1 equal to 0. 

    However, the heater warms according to the custom material even if in the gcode I do not set the temperature of the extruder's heater.


    I think, the first nozzle uses TEMP_SENSOR_0, but i'm not sure, if Marlin works at all without any temperature sensors.

    The second sentence sounds like you are using UltiGCode (GCode flavor "Ultimaker" in Cura)?

    If you select GCode-flavor "Marlin" in the machine settings, you can set all temperatures in Cura (even to zero, if you like).


    • Thanks 1
  4. Jetzt, wo die Bilder dabei sind:


    Prima - sieht tatsächlich sehr chinesisch aus... Reparatur auf Gewährleistung hast Du damit wohl nicht zu erwarten, aber ein schönes Bastelprojekt ist es trotzdem ?


    Fang einfach mit den einfachen Sachen an: die Motoren kann man hardware-seitig oder in der Firmware "umpolen" - je nachdem, was Dir eher liegt (kleine Stecker auseinanderbauen oder Firmware kompilieren)

    Am Stecker muss dazu jeweils eins der Adernpaare umgedreht werden. Die Verbinder im Stecker kann man mit einem sehr kleinen Schraubendreher oder einer großen Nadel entriegeln und herausschieben und danach anders herum wieder einsetzen. Jeweils nur eine Seite tauschen, also Pin 1-2 oder 3-4.


    Firmware-seitig wäre es zuerst mal am einfachsten, wenn Du dir erstmal die "Tinker"-Variante installierst. Dort kann man die Drehrichtung im Menu ändern. Installieren mit Cura - "install custom firmware". Die hex-Dateien gibt es hier:



    Außerdem: wenn ich mich richtig erinnere: wenn der Jumper bei "8/16 steps" gesetzt ist (wie auf den Bildern), müssen die Steps/mm für die Z-Achse auf 400 verdoppelt werden. Das geht auch bei der Standard-Firmware per gcode-Befehl oder bei der "Tinker"-Firmware im Druckermenu.


    Viel Spass!

  5. Ich kopier mal die PM hier rein - das war meine erste Antwort (da gab es noch keine Fotos):


    Hallo Greenhorn,


    Du müsstest jetzt auch Fotos hochladen können, das würde helfen.

    • Die Aussage mit der UM3 Firmware klingt seltsam, dafür ist der Elektronik-Teil zu unterschiedlich...?
      Aber es hört sich schon so an, als wenn eine speziell angepasste Firmware drauf war, aber die hast Du ja nun gelöscht... ?
    • Was ist das denn für eine "Dual Kopf Erweiterung" (Foto)?
    • Wenn X,Y und Z verkehrt herum drehen, sind ggf. die Motoren anders verkabelt, Du solltest erstmal versuchen zu klären, welche Elektronik da überhaupt verbaut ist (Foto)?
    • Nicht erschrecken, aber es könnte auch sein, dass es gar kein Ultimaker ist, sondern ein Nachbau mit "Ultimaker"-Aufklebern. Am Boden sollte eine Seriennummer angebracht sein.
    • Auf ein bisschen Basteln solltest Du dich einstellen, aber das weißt Du ja wahrscheinlich schon...
      Es gibt z.B. für die "plus"-Modelle gar keine offizielle Firmware für Dual-Extruder. Aber das kannst Du angehen, wenn sich erstmal alles wieder richtig herum dreht...?
  6. On 7/29/2018 at 5:40 PM, jockspice said:

    Have also attached a small gcode file


    I tried your file and found the reason. The cause of the error message is this line in the start script:

    G1 X190 Z0 F9000 ; pull away filament

    The tinker firmware doesn't like the Z=0 for some reason (perhaps because of rounding errors or something like that).

    I think it's the standard from S3D (more or less), but the idea is not so good anyway, because the nozzle can scratch the build surface if you're unlucky. You can change it to Z0.1 (or even Z0.01) and it works.


    In addition: you should disable the option "Blip fan to full power..." (on the cooling page). Ultimaker printers don't need this and the short pause above the printed object (with a hot nozzle) can affect the print quality.


    Good luck!


    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, zerspaner_gerd said:

    Also ich würde gleich auf Marlin umstellen somit werden auch Retract Einstellungen Temp usw. in Cura sichtbar. Siehe Geräteeinstellung.


    @alex88 - das kann ich nur unterstützen, grad wenn Du verschiedene Slicer benutzt, solltest Du den "Ultimaker"-Flavor (UltiGCode) vermeiden.


    Die Erwähnung von Repetier-Host wirft auch gleich die nächste Frage auf:

    Kann es sein, das Du versuchst, den UltiGcode per USB zu drucken, statt von der sd-Karte? Dann würde das auch so aussehen (weil die Werte für das extrudierte Volumen dann als Länge in mm interpretiert werden).

    Oder kurz: "UltiGCode" (Standardeinstellung von Cura für den UM2+) funktioniert nur von sd-Karte!


    • Like 1
  8. The start script doesn't look too bad, you can add the following two lines wherever you like, if you want to control the order of movements and heatup:

    M190 S[bed0_temperature]
    M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0

    If S3D doesn't detect those commands in the start script, it inserts its own right in the beginning of the file. It's well explained here:




    My first guess was: have you checked the "Print area" setting on the printer (Advanced -> Preferences)? But gcode files from Cura would trigger the same error, so that's probably not the issue here.


    Next try: please show a screenshot of your machine definition (from S3D), or double check, that the coordinate system is correct defined

    (Tools -> Options -> Machine)


    And/or prepare a short sample file and upload the complete gcode file here for inspection / test printing...


  9. Usually they work properly together, the reason must be something weird on your side... ?

    Do you get the error right in the beginning of a print or more randomly?
    Candidates for differences are the machine definition and the start script, but it's hard to guess without more information...

  10. On 7/23/2018 at 5:02 PM, michelide said:


    Could you send a link to the normal dual variant firmware?


    standard firmware for dual extrusion comes with every Cura installation
    (only for UM2, not for the "plus" models):


    all releases of the "tinker" firmware are to be found here:



  11. If i got this right, you don't have a second printhead and you don't use the magnetic toolchanger, right?

    Do you have a picture of your changes (just to be sure)?


    In this case you can make no use of the expansion board (it's used for the second set of fans). You have to connect the second extruder motor to the mainboard in any case.


    And you don't need the Mark2-firmware - use the "normal" dual variant instead.

    (Well - you can probably use the Mark2 firmware too, if you disable the toolchange scripts in the "Dual mode" preferences. But that's not the intended use and more or less untested.)

  12. 49 minutes ago, IRobertI said:

    the problem is that some companies NEED this functionality, it is just that simple. It's a question that has been popping up regularly since the UM3 was introduced.


    Yes - of course no one configures static IP-addresses for every mobile device nowadays, but for servers and printers it is quite common, isn't it?

    ...and: it's already possible (and a quick task), but it is not documented and you have to activate the developer mode (at least temporary).
    So: please document it and/or make it more accessible for customers and resellers (the same goes for the MAC-address).

  13. 4 hours ago, kmanstudios said:

    As I see it, you cannot keep track of every type of printer out there and make everything work right off the bat for all of them. It is up to the manufacturer to make the proper profiles.


    @kmanstudios is on the right track. Those formulas are part of the printer profiles.
    @d3c0de - which printer is it? One can probably check (on GitHub) who contributed the printer profile and contact the author / report the issue there.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. I have no clue about delta printers. It should be possible to upload your sample gcode file here. We could check if it contains something weird (or rule this out), but that's it.

    Is there no support from the manufacturer or the reseller?


  15. One cannot edit a compiled firmware image in an useful way.

    What are you trying to achieve?

    If you're familiar with C you can edit the source files from @amedee or Ultimaker and compile it afterwards.
    That's more or less the same as Option 1 - that's the only working way i know... (besides of Option 4... ?)

    • Like 1
  16. Hi dykwcpu,


    "stops mid print" is slightly different from "stops during start" (or during heating)...? Can you describe a bit more elaborate what happens and when? Can you rule out hardware problems? Does the printer runs fine with gcode files from other slicers?


    Your Cura start script contains several comments and fix temperatures. I assume you have already modified it for your specific needs

    (it sounds like you have to do this anyway)?


    If in doubt: Can you upload a complete gcode file that gives you problems - perhaps can someone else with an Anicubic Kossel have a look at it (although the probability is not that high - it's eventually the Ultimaker forum... ?)


  17. An important precondition is that you save both parts in different files.

    Load both files in Cura and select the extruder for each part.

    Once you have done that, you can merge both parts together again in Cura

    (i guess it will work quite similar with other slicers).


    Have a look at the manual for "Select extruder" and "Merging models" (scroll a bit down on these pages)


    Hope that helps!


  18. in short:



    • the printer uses material and retract settings that are configured on the printer itself, Cura does not generate those
    • works only for prints from sd-card



    • material and retract settings are generated into the gcode file by Cura, the firmware settings that are stored on the printer are not used
    • can be used from sd-card (you get a warning that the settings on the printer are ignored), as well as via USB



    • i don't know the differences, but i think it is meant to be used by printers with RepRap firmware
    • don't use it for your Ultimaker
  19. 3 hours ago, LePaul said:

    Now I suspect I have a simple case of too much tension on the filament, causing the grinding.  What position should it be at by default (if such a thing exists)?


    Since you mentioned the guide from fbrc8.com:

    The pictures there are very good - the important steps to get the tension right are:



    Next, set your white plastic tension indicator and screw in the spring, and place it in the feeder housing between the housing and the lever.




    on your picture the screw-head is outside of the case - which is wrong and can cause grinding...?.




    Turn the tension indicator screw at the top of the feeder housing until the feeder tension indicator is in the middle position.


  20. 6 hours ago, conny_g said:

    These mods are saved by the tinker firmware, like +5 temperature


    temperature offsets? Sounds more like the Mark2 firmware not the normal tinker variant?

    The only way to reset those via gcode is: loading all settings from EEPROM (which is a good idea anyway at the start of each print).

    I just double checked - this is my Octoprint script "Before print job starts":

    M501      ;read settings from EEPROM
    G90       ;use absolute coordinates
    M220 S100 ;speed factor
    M221 S100 ;extrude factor


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