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Posts posted by Brulti

  1. 4 minutes ago, uncle_bob said:



    One would guess that (except for crashes) the amount of filament commanded is always greater than what ultimately goes out the spout. Put another way, the feeder can slip, but it can't over step. The net result is that you over estimate how much filament has been used. If you write that back to the spool there will be a bit more on the spool than the NFC *thinks* is on it. As long as the result is not a hard stop I don't have any problem with that tradeoff. If it simply tells me "you need 127 grams and I think you have 119 on the spool" that's great. If it will not let me proceed .... not so great. 




    I agree, this would need to be an information, but something that wouldn't prevent us from starting a print, something we can ignore if we want to.

  2. I have an error message on the lower end of the forum since today:


    [[Template core/front/global/_customFooter does not exist. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]


    Nothing in the functionalities of the forums seems to be affected, as far as I can tell.


  3. 5 minutes ago, nallath said:

    The problem is that with the UM3 and with the UM3E we only know what we try to extrude. Not what we were actually able to extrude. As most of you probably have encountered at some point in time; These two are not the same. That's where the magic of the flow sensor plays a role; then we have a much better idea of what is going on.


    I've never really looked at it, but is there that much of a difference on a whole spool? Say, for a roll of PLA, so about 95m of filament, what is the average difference between what we tried to extrude and what was actually extruded? I'm guessing it also depends on what we're trying to print, if tehre's many retractions, grinding problems and such. But, personally, I think the info would still be quite useful. And, once we're down to the end of the spool, we can just measure it by ourselves for the last few meters. It would still save quite a lot of guesswork.

  4. 1 hour ago, nallath said:

    For the s5 there is a pretty good reason to have more NFC spools, as we can actually track material usage and write it back to the spool. That means that even if you switch out a spool to another s5, the second machine still knows how much material is left.


    Oh, Goddess, yes, please! Do that! And please make this feature also compatible with UM3/E, please, pretty please with a cherry on top!



  5. Side note on this, about the window cleaners: having made some test, most standard window cleaners you find in shops or malls are not to be used because, beyond cleaning, they deposit a thin layer of some anti-adhesive. Which is nice on your windows, and very bad for your printer. In my experience, avoid the cleaners that are blue, and most of the transparent ones as well. So far, the only one I've found that works well is the yellow one from Karcher: https://www.leroymerlin.fr/v3/p/produits/nettoyant-karcher-e1400355260



    • Like 1
  6. I'm personally quite a fan of having every piece of the puzzle coming from the same provider, something that UM does quite nicely between the printers, CURA and this forum and it's community. Plus, UM seems to keep a close eye on the resellers, to ensure a similar consumer experience for everyone around the world, which is always a plus.


    While the learning curve has been a bit rough at times, and tehre's room for improvement on many things, most of said improvements having been written somewhere on this forum, the overall experience with my UM3E printer and UM in general has been a very positive one.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, SandervG said:

     And to top of that full circle user experience, have you already read our new alliance with these material manufacturers?




    That's some awesome news! I'm glad I convinced my partner to invest in a UM printer and not another brand, at least when it comes to FDM technology. More materials, profiles already available for these, and, maybe, NFC-equipped spools for all these brands? A printer's dream I would say! ^^

    • Like 2
  8. 15 minutes ago, robinmdh said:

    P.P.P.S: This is getting hugely off topic, should we continue with a new thread about abrasive resistant print cores?


    Yes. And when we can expect UM to market that kind of cores. 

  9. AH: Abrasive and Hard. ;)


    But there's a risk of confusion with the AA cores. CC would be ok, we'd keep in line with the current naming convention. By the way, why those names for the cores: AA & BB? Where does it comes from?

  10. 4 hours ago, Msuurmond said:


    It works. It installed on my secondary HD without a hitch, de-installed 3.2.1 and kept my custom materials and my preferences.

    I like the new font, and it seems to be going faster and more smoothly when loading and slicing as well as when I go through the menus and make changes.

    Excellent job, thank you very much for the quick fix!

  11. J'ai un fichier log de 85Mo, ça me parait un peu lourd pour une install toute neuve.

    Et j'ai fait une install complète, en effaçant les fichiers des versions précédentes. A moins que j'ai oublié des fichiers cachés quelque part...

    Bon, va falloir essayer de comprendre d'où vient le problème...

  12. 3 hours ago, nallath said:


    Don't pin me down on it, but the 4 was skipped due to bad associations with the number 4 in China / Japan. The S stands for studio.


    Yeah, that's what you say... But we all know that is not the real reason... #UM4Conspiracy  ;p


    Joke aside, this UM5 looks quite awesome, and sports quite a lot fo things I wished we had on the UM3. Oh, well, got to start saving up now! ;)

  13. Yay, the Guessing Game is on! Let's analyze every pixel of every frame to try and discover what we're going to be told in a few weeks! :p And we can do it in 4k!


    So, let's get the obvious out of the way:

    - It's obviously a dual-core printer,

    - Same way to get the spools on the back of the machine, but no protection for the spools shown,

    - Looks like it uses the same printcores as the UM3/E


    On to the changes:

    - It has a front door that opens on both sides, and it looks like it uses big magnets to stick to the upper frame,

    - It is definitely wider and cube-shaped, so, I'd say the print volume is up to 30*30*30, maybe 40*40*40. (I haven't gone as far as measuring pixels from stills! ;) )

    - Looks like a big touchscreen to replace the small display and the selection wheel, which is welcome news.

    - No dilithium-powered energy matrix, I am disappointed.

  14. Hello,


    I was trying to print something when I noticed that CURA couldn't seem to decide between wall or infill for the first few layers, which led to many unnecessary retractions and movements during the print, and probably added some time to it, as well as making the bottom looks a bit ugly.


    Here's the picture, with the arrows pointing at the strange problem. I'm guessing it has to do with the thickness of the part, but I'm not too sure how I could fix that to have a nice wall.




    Note: this isn't something I designed myself, it's a part I was given to try and print.

  15. 1 minute ago, ghostkeeper said:

    This already exists. You can load your model in Cura and in Per Model Settings select your mesh to be "Don't support overlap with other models".


    In fact, that's what we started with. This new support blocker just places such an object in the scene with a pre-generated cube so that you don't have to go through CAD software.

    The more you learn! ^^


    But could you create a custom shape in CURA directly and use it as support blocker?

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