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Posts posted by Josnoww

  1. Hi @eddie1beaer,


    I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with your printer. What was the problem with your old print-head? It could be that that problem was related to a bad cable. I would indeed recommend using the new cable. Please let me know if that fixed it for you.


    Best regards,



  2. @paulpugh


    I am sorry to hear you are having problems with the WiFi.

    Could you please restart the printer, try again and export the logs to a USB drive and share them here? The restart will probably not solve your issue, but helps us locate the problem in the logs. Without the log files there is unfortunately very little I can do to help you.


    Besides this, I would recommend to contact support like @Dustin pointed out, or contact your reseller. 

    On 3/6/2023 at 5:33 PM, Dustin said:

    You can create a support request here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/contactsupport


    Best regards,



  3. Hi @smNOVT,


    Thanks for reaching out! I am sorry I could not respond to you sooner. 

    On 3/9/2023 at 9:21 AM, smNOVT said:

    Well, for me that's quite simple: everything that was there before 8.x


    Please try out firmware 8.1.2. I hope this includes everything you were missing. If there are particular features that you feel are important and still missing please let me know.


    On 3/9/2023 at 9:21 AM, smNOVT said:

    At least I don't understand why that's impossible.


    I will try to answer this without going into too much technical detail: We have made some changes to the backend of the printer, and build new functionality on top of that. Simply reverting to the 'old' web interface is no longer possible, because that would break newly introduced features that come with 8.X.

    It is not impossible to recreate it, however the amount of effort we have to put in to put everything back as it was is significant. This means if we bring everything back, we have to let go of other scheduled features, since we can only spend our time once. Therefore we have to make a (tough) decision on what has priority. We try to base this decision on what would benefit most users, in this case, that could be that most people are fine using Digital Factory. 


    This might not be the answer you would have hoped for, which I completely understand. However I tried my best to explain that sometimes its a tough decision.

    I hope this won't discourage you from sharing your feedback in the future, as we do really value and appreciate your feedback.


    I hope this helps. If there is anything (else) you'd like to discuss, or if you have questions, please feel free to reach out. And I will make sure to check the forum a bit more often when possible.



    • Like 1
  4. Hi @BrianMaass


    Thanks for reaching out and sharing your concerns, we do really value your feedback and it is very important to us. I am sorry if we came across as defensive or patronising, that was never our intention.


    Like you mentioned cyber security is a very important topic. We share this opinion, cyber security is a high priority of us and we are putting in a lot of effort to ensure our users are protected. 

    Many large companies make use of our cloud and although I do feel like we provide a secure way to use our cloud features, I do understand that unfortunately some IT policies might not allow this. This is something we can unfortunately not change. We have listened to the feedback from our user after removing some of the local functionality, and as requested have decided to bring back the reprint feature. If there are any other specific features you are missing please let us know. I can't promise we will bring it back, however we are actively gathering feedback to see what is possible, and any additional feedback is very welcome.


    14 hours ago, BrianMaass said:

    but I wish I had known it was going away before this months reports were due. 

    We agree that we made a mistake in the communication about removing these features. We regret what happened, and we have reviewed how this happened, and changed our processes to prevent this from happening in the future. 


    I hope this helps with some of your concerns, if not please let me know. 


    Best regards,



    • Like 2
  5. Hi @irisammerlaan,


    I am sorry to hear you are having problems with your printer. We have noticed that in some (rare) cases a damaged or underperforming power supply can damage the stepper drives in the printer. Hence why we introduced the error you seeing in 8.1.0, to prevent users from damaging their drivers and having to replace their printer electronics board.


    Like you and @gr5 suggested you can downgrade to 7.X. Considering you were printing okay before upgrading, you might be fine. However I would strongly recommend getting the issue with the power supply taken care of to prevent damage to your printer.

  6. Hi @walterww,


    I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with the API. We are currently on a working fix, that will likely be included in the next firmware release.

    In the mean time it is possible to work around the issue (on 8.1.0), however this does require you to be in developer mode, and SSH into the printer. If do not feel comfortable doing this I would recommend downgrading and waiting for the next firmware release. Otherwise here are the steps to work around the issue:

    1. Enable developer mode on the printer.  (Be aware that this does mean everyone on your network can access the printer, and thus all the files and keys on it!)
    2. SSH into the printer as root user (ssh root@<your_printer_ip>). The password is 'ultimaker'
    3. Execute 
      cat /var/lib/griffin/http_api_users.json


    4. You will get an output similar to this:

    5. The selected parts show the ID and password you can use for the API (they will be different for each printer). The top one is the ID, and the bottom one the password.

    6. You should now be able to use the API like normal.


    I hope this helps, please let me know if this works for you. 





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  7. Hi @kwakefield


    Your printer should indicate if the print-core is compatible with the material that you are planning to use. If I understand your question correctly you are wondering is there are any advantages (outside of compatibility) of using a dedicated print-core for a set of materials. I am not aware of any advantages here, it might depend on your personal preference. The printer will ensure that the core is properly prepared for the material that will be used. This includes purging the print-core to remove any material from the previous print-job, and like you said, the temperature of the previously used material is taken into consideration here.


    I hope that answers your questions, if not please feel free to ask more!


    Best regards,



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  8. @Super_paulie I am sorry to hear you are having trouble with your printer. Is there a specific reason you need to print with filaments that are unable to fit in the material station? It makes me sad to hear you are not able to use it as you would have liked, and I would like to see where we can improve to make it a better experience. 


    Regarding the bed probing failure: The nozzles are heated to to prevent hard bits of plastic from influencing the probe result. A bit of oozing should not lead to a failed probe. Perhaps there is something else going on. If you would be able to provide the log files I'd be more than happy to have a look. 


    Best regards,



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