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Everything posted by Thegladster

  1. How many layers is your model?
  2. I don't know. If supports are coming off, I'd suggest you need a thicker, more sturdier type of support. Tree supports are effective, but pretty hard to remove. I'd go with a stronger support infill.
  3. Try conical supports or a thicker support infill if it isn't sticking well to the plastic.
  4. Ok. That same thing happened to me, but I just created a new profile and went on with it. 😄
  5. Your Ultimaker 2 doesn't support those settings.
  6. Yes. When upgrading to a new Cura, if you were on the previous Cura after it was uninstalled (you still had Cura open after you uninstalled it), you went back on to Cura. When looking at your profile, you see black rectangles everywhere (or that's what happened to me) and when it updated, you saw that the files on the previous Cura were corrupted and you have to create a new profile. Next time, you should save your profiles before updating.
  7. You probably left a really huge number on one of the parameters. A layer height or say, 0.000001 mm is bound to take a long time. Try checking your parameters first.
  8. Go to 'Extensions' then click on 'Modify G-Code'. Once there, find 'Pause at Layer Height' or something like that and enter in the layer you want the printer to pause at.
  9. Interesting. Which printer is it? Edit: Did you try to lower your speed? Your speed can be a key factor in extruding properly. If nozzle temperature doesn't help, try lowering your speed by around 5 mm/s at a time. Try printing a few tests made specifically for under-extrusion, like literally anything. When it is printing, try lowering the speed bit by bit to see what works best. Too fast of a speed gives you under-extrusion, a missing of layers, while too slow of a speed gives your over-extrusion, so you have to find that sweet spot. (Which is like 40-50 mm/s for some, 70-80 mm/s for others, and 180-200 mm/s for legends)
  10. I don't think so, because even if I set my layer height to 0.01 mm, it still looks exactly the same and changing layer width does not work.
  11. Change your layer height and layer width if you are trying to produce and accurate or detailed print. I don't know any way to change the pattern, however ironing might help, I haven't tried it yet.
  12. Underextrusion is caused by 1. Your nozzle temperature is too low, and/or your speed is too high. This is a very common cause, check those settings. 2. Your extruder/stepper motor is worn out, and you should upgrade your motor to a stronger, more durable motor 3. Bed leveling. My bed was not leveled properly, so I leveled it and I realized that was the cause of my underextrusion. 4. Slicer settings. Make sure that your printer's profile matches up with your printer's volume, details, etc. Accuracy is better than speed if you are trying to print a sculpture for detail. Try changing these parameters and see if it helps. 😄
  13. This is not my creation, as I got the model from Thingiverse. Even the 3DBenchy isn't manifold, so that led me to believe something was wrong with Cura. I use Tinkercad mostly, and all my creations that I have made on Tinkercad are all manifold and are watertight respectively. I will try your link. Thank you very much! Edit: When I try to 3d print hinges, it is not watertight. This is probably because the type of hinge I am using has holes in them.
  14. That's very strange. I tried doing Mesh Tools, however it did not fix the holes. I'm very new to 3D printing, but I'll try to fix it. Edit: Meshmixer helped making it solid. However it is still NOT manifold. Every time I try to fix model normals or fix simple holes, Cura crashes. This is probably because my piece has a storage spage of ~82 MB, so it has trouble rendering properly.
  15. Side note: Meshmixer did help it become watertight; however the missing layer and it being non-manifold still remains. Every single model I import onto Cura is not manifold.
  16. I tried this, and it contains a message saying it needs more extensive repair, however this is not my problem. My problem is that, yes, none of my imported items are manifold, but that there are layers not fully forming. I tried doing Mesh Tools, and it didn't work, but the layers are missing. Here's a better look. My handwriting's bad on PC.
  17. I'm thinking the manifold problem would be fixed when adding infill, so I just added a few more walls along the sides.
  18. Ah. You're welcome. I remember dealing with that problem once; but it was slight. Flow could also be a dependent factor in this; try changing flow rate/speed. I just started printing around 3 weeks ago though, so my info probably isn't as reliable as the Moderators' info. But you can try it.
  19. Sure, it's here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1615753 I'll try to restart it. Inner_Shell_Top_1.75mm.STL
  20. I would think jerk settings would help; maybe your layer height is too large? Try turning off Acceleration control.
  21. I downloaded Cura 4.6 and for some reason, the layers aren't fully forming! It happens with every model, but this one is missing a lot. I checked X-Ray vision, nothing is red, and I'm wondering how to fix it? I don't believe this was in Cura 4.5, but I'll see.
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