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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker 2+ Connect

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  1. Ah, you will need to edit the complete Plugin code for that. I didnt want to post the complete Plugin code, as it is rather a big hack and people might expect too much from it.
  2. Thanks for your detailed reply! I hope that Ultimaker will solve this problem.
  3. So, I finally have a Script that works for me and probably you will laugh 😉 So I have a Blink Camera in my Cellar where the Printer is at. It has motion detection, so I thought: let's just turn the lights of the printer off at layer 1 and then on at a certain layer where I am about to change Material for double color prints. To my enjoyment I can say it works and I get a notification from my camera when the lights go on, so I then rush to the Cellar, wait a bit before my Pause code runs and then push the Pause button on the Ultimaker. Now my question: if I create such a creative solution, then why the ... can't you guys at Ultimaker just simply create a Pause at layer function? It is totally easy, just a custom M command to pause and done, I hope you guys will implement this, so I don't need my weird workarounds for functionality for an expensive printer that cheap printers already implemented a long time ago. Thanks 🙂
  4. Hi all! I was wondering, I can find the sourcecode of Ultimaker 2 and Ultimaker 2+, but not for the Ultimaker 2+ Connect. Where is this repository located on Github? Or is it closed source? I just want to check some things and potentially correct some things and rebuild the firmware (lose warranty, but I don't care) and install it. Is that possible? I paid a big price for the connect and I want to introduce Pause functionality myself as the Connect does not get alot of attention from Ultimaker anymore, so I want to improve it myself, if that is possible. Thanks in advance!
  5. Here is the snippet that works perfectly: old_x=re.findall(r'(X[0-9][0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)',data[layer_num-1]) old_y=re.findall(r'(Y[0-9][0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)',data[layer_num-1]) old_z=re.findall(r'(Z[0-9][0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)',data[layer_num-1]) if len(old_x) == 0: raise Exception('No previous X position found, cant create correct Pause code!') if len(old_y) == 0: raise Exception('No previous Y position found, cant create correct Pause code!') if len(old_z) == 0: raise Exception('No previous Z position found, cant create correct Pause code!') pause_code = ";BEGIN Ultimaker 2+ Connect Emulated Pause plugin\n" pause_code = pause_code + "G0 F6000 X10 Y10 Z100\n" i = 0 travel_count = 10 while i < travel_count: pause_code = pause_code + "G0 F2400 X50\n" pause_code = pause_code + "G0 F2400 Y50\n" pause_code = pause_code + "G0 F2400 X10\n" pause_code = pause_code + "G0 F2400 Y10\n" i += 1 pause_code = pause_code + "G0 F6000 " + old_x[len(old_x)-1] + " " + old_y[len(old_y)-1] + " " + old_z[len(old_z)-1]+"\n" pause_code = pause_code + ";END Ultimaker 2+ Connect Emulated Pause plugin\n" old_data = data[layer_num] data[layer_num] = pause_code + old_data Obviously I could also go into relative mode instead of storing the old absolute position, but the problem is that this doesn't work when you pause the print by pressing on the touchscreen, before the set to absolute mode is restored, you will then run into a ER206 because the firmware does not correctly handle this situation (it does not restore to the relative mode and instead goes into absolute mode and then potentially the given coordinates are outside the build volume. Ultimaker should correct this in my opinion.
  6. Yep, well I created my own “pause” command in a post-processing script by simply moving up and then in a pattern, so you have time enough to press the pause button. That works for being able to change material on a certain layer
  7. Hi all, I have noticed a severe bug in the Ultimaker 2+ Connect Pause and Resume functionality. Pausing works (question: when is a pause actually performed in the gcode? What does the Engine wait for before it finally pauses the print after pressing the touchscreen??), but when I perform a resume, all of a sudden instead of printing circles (I was printing a Cylinder) of the outside, the printer is "stitching" a pattern, so it makes circles in a stuttering motion which results in a terrible outer surface. So basically instead of doing a smooth circle, it makes a stuttering movement in a circular pattern. I assume that after resume, the printer did not restore all settings stored when pausing the print. This makes it completely impossible for pausing and resuming a print. Help solving this problem (maybe I am doing something wrong?) is much appreciated!!
  8. I also have the same problems, but the print quality and much more important: the print RELIABILITY is soooo good with the UM2+ Connect, I just love it. I can simply run a job during the night and dont have to be worried to find spaghetti in the morning. Reliable prints, each and every time, that is ... when using Cura and without fiddling around with settings yourself. Cura default settings are perfect, almost for all situations. What I totally dislike about the Connect: the lack of the features you are describing and the lack of material change gcode commands, but then again, reliability is more important for me.
  9. So, basically I needed a pause at layer script for my Ultimaker 2+ Connect, to be able to start printing in a different color from a specific layer. Well, as the Connect is a very closed product (for a reason, but I believe it is too closed tbh!), there are no pause functions available, no material change etcetera. So I decided to take the FilamentChange Script and created my own emulated pause script, that simply moves to a certain location, makes some box shapes and in the mean time you can pause the print and after the resume the printer head resumes to the saved position. Let me know if you want the code, it seems to work quite well for my purposes.
  10. Hi Torgeir, Thank you very much for your terrific answer!! I will now swap out the heatbed and the cable and will then go and try to print something. Will edit my post when I have result that can also benefit others. Thanks again very much!! EDIT: Yes, my problem is solved on my Ultimaker 2+ Connect!!! The bed is getting hotter than ever (not too hot, but 60 degrees is already quite hot), I havent had the bed this hot before and the cooling down works again, it does not hang anymore and no ER203 error anymore (I had that error sometimes). Probably the bed was already not functioning correctly a while ago.
  11. Sorry for replying to an old topic, but this is the same problem I have. I ordered a new bed and new cable, does it matter if I swap the thick cables? Same question for the sensor cable. So I mean, can I swap the plus and minus simply? Probably not, but I cant see which of the thick cable goed where, to 24V or the 7.5 A
  12. Thanks Smithy, I think you are right and I will do that.
  13. Hi there! I have a problem with my Ultimaker 2+ Connect, the heatbed is not heating up consistently anymore. With the latest version of Cura and all defaults active I created a slice of a model using Ultimaker PLA White as the material. As the gcode flavour Griffin is used (per default), but also when using Marlin or adding bed heating gcode manually, the same problem occurs. I am using a bed temperature of 60 degrees. When I load the UFP file in the printer and start the printing process, I feel the bed and sometimes it heats up, but most of the time it does not and stays at room temperature or only a tiny bit higher. Then the nozzle starts heating and after the nozzle is heated up, the print starts but with a too cold bed. I have taken out the bed completely, unclamped the cables from the mainboard and tested the cables for breakage (using a multimeter) and are well and the soldering is perfect too. The PT100 also shows resistance in the 100 Ohms range, so that is working fine. I reconnected the cables, started the print again and it was still not working. I did a factory reset multiple times, even change material to Generic PLA, always made sure that the material configured in the printer settings matches the UFP config, I reinstalled the latest 1.5 firmware, but still nothing. Only thing I can think of is that the bed heating wires are broken somehow and it does not heatup anymore, or there is a failure on the mainboard, but I am lost. I dont have a 24V/7.5A battery or adapter, so I cant test it manually. Does anyone have any clues for me what I can try out? It is also quite annoying that you cant heatup the bed from the menu or see the temperature. Thanks in advance, before buying a new bed I want to be sure that the bed is broken of course. UPDATE: The bed was heating up again once and it hung in the cooldown phase (the cooldown menu would not go away). That means the heatbed is fine but there must be a problem on the mainboard maybe? This is so annoying, not being to able to diagnose the error and the diagnostic logging does not give any errors. UPDATE 2: After switching the machine off and on again (as it did want to print anymore after the cooldown hung) and starting the print again, the cooldown was again skipped and the machine started printing on a cold bed. Same print file that did heat up the first time. I really dont know what is wrong here. This printer is only 8 months old and I printed very little. I also see the LEDs flickering a bit sometimes, but not turning off, as if there is a power problem or something. I already checked all cables and there is nothing loose. All ideas how to diagnose my problem are very welcome!!! I really hope someone can help me …
  14. Could someone please help me out? So the problem I have does not have anything to do with the gcode flavour. My heatbed simply sometimes heats up and most of the times it doesnt. I checked all the cables, also on the mainboard. All is correct, but still the bed does not heat up, only to room temperature. Also adding gcode commands to manually heat the bed dont work. Is there anything I can do? Add a connector somewhere and read out information from the board? Debug something? I also wrote the diagnose log files to disk, nothing weird. Please help!! Thank you 🙂
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