'It would be extremely helpful to you.. '.. like now or when you had that info months back?
I thought you were going to be hosting the presentation?
'It would be extremely helpful to you.. '.. like now or when you had that info months back?
I thought you were going to be hosting the presentation?
haha well, months ago
but yes, I would be happy to host but also love to get other people's input. one is never to old to learn..
but only if others feel this is interesting too?
I will also ask for some input from our tech-support ladies.
Looking forward to hear what others have to say..
I think a demo on stuff like tightening pullys/belts could be useful. .. and stuff like replacing the hot end.
And topics based on frequent issues at the help desk sounds good...
I think a demo on stuff like tightening pullys/belts could be useful. .. and stuff like replacing the hot end.
And topics based on frequent issues at the help desk sounds good...
Hot end; I believe we did this not too long ago?
Frequent issues; good idea! But I think that may also be a lot of 'newbie'-mistakes which most of us have out grown, but it would definitely be good to check!
yes we got a demo on a hot-end replacement.. but i think a lot of practical stuff was left out.. like how to correctly remove the heater and temp sensor..
Hi Sander, i'll be there.
Are you serious about taking the UM2 with us? It does not fit well in my handbag...
I only bring my UM2 when I've got something to show.
I'll show my dual-head setup this time.
I think it doesn't make much sense to bring a standard UM2, unless you have f.e. specific questions or need help with something for which you need your printer, or the topic of the evening is some activity for which you need a printer...
Edited by Guest
@ultiarjan Nope, nothing to show, but i am very curious for your dual head. So it would be nice if you take it with you.
@Jeex, definitely, if you can carry it. You will see that a lot of people will bring their Ultimaker.
..I specifically know of a very awesomely modified one 8)..
... I think so@SandervG ..... did you type this while still being on page 1 ?
In my defense, it is almost 11pm .. does that count for something?
naturally!, not sure if your on hobby or work time atm, but it's for sure time for a beer enjoy your weekend.
It has always been a little bit of bothnaturally!, not sure if your on hobby or work time atm, but it's for sure time for a beer ;)enjoy your weekend.
Cheers, you too!
so shall we make this a bit more concrete?
so shall we make this a bit more concrete?
I assume you refer to the maintaining your Ultimaker theme?
I would love to! First I will talk it over with my colleagues which whom we usually decide the topics on. We don't want it to interfere with plans that already exist.
We will reach out to you when we are all on the same page.
It may be a few days tho, so please have some patience with us
is the presentation available online as well?
+1 for a video of the presentation. would love to see the pink unicorn...
is the presentation available online as well?
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korneel 176
i think it would be fantastic to share experiences on the following;
1)what maintenance do you do and when?
2)what are the most common failures and how can you recognize and fix them?
3)what are your experiences around printing with the UM2 (and ofcourse the UM)
4)what would be critical spareparts
5)what to prepare for when doing special prints.
something like that would be extremely helpful to me..
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