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Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

I've posted this in another topic, but now it actually works as intended. The plugin ads a menu item to top menu for calculating the price of a print. Just like the old Cura it uses density and price per KG to calculate the cost of a print.

Simply download it from https://github.com/nallath/PrintCostCalculator and put the folder in the plugin folder. Cura should automatically load the plugin upon startup.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

Hi Jaime,

this is a nice plugin (and a pity the information is not produced on the screen like it used to be) but can you also make a plugin (or change this one) that shows the cm3, the weight in grams, not in Kg and leave out the cost?

I use this info on a print screen to show my customers the object, slicing parameters, weight and printing time.

If you could put printing time, weight in grams and cm3 into a single well readable screen (or put it in the corner of the normal screen) that would be awesome! Maybe with a choice to put in the cost as well (like before) so you can have only one plugin?

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards, Guy

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    We're thinking about giving extentions some space on the main screen (instead of just giving it popups). The main reason that i've not implemented that for this plugin yet is that it would not be usable with 15.06.

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    • 2 months later...
    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Hi there,

    for some reason the plugin isn't working for me. I put the folder into the plugin folder as you said but there is nothing different that I can see at least. And when I go to the plugin section within Cura, the box for the plugin is unticked and it doesn't allow me to tick it. Well it does for a second but then the tick goes away.

    Do you know why this might be happening and know how I might get over the issue? I tried turning off my laptop and turning it on again but it doesn't work. I have versions of Cura on this laptop 12.06.01 and 03 and it is the same for both.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Nope. They aren´t using the new cura base (yet).

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    How can I get this plugin to work in Cura 15.04.4 for mac?

    The plunging is ignored no matter what I try but I really need to have more and better information about pricing and materials. 3DHubs seems to be off a lot...

    Best regards,


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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    How can I get this plugin to work in Cura 15.04.4 for mac?

    The plunging is ignored no matter what I try but I really need to have more and better information about pricing and materials. 3DHubs seems to be off a lot...

    Best regards,



    This plugin is for the new cura which is still in beta.

    for 15.04.4 you can enter the material info under preferences and it will tell you the cost under the print time when you have sliced an item.

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Okay - so where's the plug in folder? I'm on a mac. There isn't a plug in folder in the cura folder, and I'm not finding one in the library either.

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Okay - so where's the plug in folder? I'm on a mac. There isn't a plug in folder in the cura folder, and I'm not finding one in the library either.


    I have no idea to be honest. I don't use a mac. As far as I know there should be one in the cura folder.

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Okay - so where's the plug in folder? I'm on a mac. There isn't a plug in folder in the cura folder, and I'm not finding one in the library either.


    Normally, on OS X, it should be in "~/Library/Application Support//". But for the new beta it is not there. But v15.04.3 has created a folder there ("~/Library/Application Support/Cura/15.04.3/"), but it contains no plugin folder. So I hope they will consider creating a folder there for the new beta also.

    Anyway, after som digging I found a hidden cura folder in the home directory ("~/.cura/"). And if you manually create a "plugins" folder there and then clone this plugin into that folder it will be detected by Cura.

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Thanks, works like a charm!

    (Cura 15.04.6)

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Okay - so where's the plug in folder? I'm on a mac. There isn't a plug in folder in the cura folder, and I'm not finding one in the library either.


    Go to Finder and find Cura there. Right click on Cura and click "Show Package Contents", open the "Contents" folder, open the "Resources" folder, and there you will find the "Plugins" folder. I have tried this on a few versions of Cura, and I am using a Mavericks (10.9.5).

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    I was able to get the plugin in the correct folder on my Mac, but it does not work in Cura 2.3. There are no checkboxes in the Plugins section of the settings (but this plugin shows up), so I am only assuming that it is selected. I also do not know where I would see the calculator, so I might be just missing it. Any ideas?

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    I haven't updated it to work with 2.3 yet.

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    I see the Plugin (Print Cost Calculator Version 2.1) in Cura 2.3, but where i can see the costs ? Thank you for your help !

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Have you fixed this for Cura version 2.3?

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    Note that print cost calculation will be a part of Cura 2.5 (to be released in about 2 months).

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    Posted · Print cost calculator plugin

    can an arbitary time cost be added so i can simply quote a customer based on whats on screen when i slice. ie i charge $2 per hour plus materials which i ad into cura after my mark up on price.

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